Review Note
Last Update: 10/04/2024 11:04 AM
Current Deck: SC1 OBGYN::OG7 Benign Gynecology::OG7.8 Urinary Incontinence
In filling urodynamic assessment (cystometry), the detrusor pressure is measured indirectly by measuring {{c1::bladder pressure}} and subtracting the {{c1::intraabdominal pressure}} which is measured with vaginal or rectal catheter
1. Filling urodynamic assessment (=Cystometry)
•pressure/volume relationship of the bladder is measured during bladder filling
•The bladder is filled via a urethral catheter with sterile saline and the detrusor pressure is measured simultaneously
•As the bladder is an intra-abdominal organ the actual pressure in the bladder = detrusor pressure + intra-abdominal pressure
•The detrusor pressure is measured indirectly by measuring the pressure in the bladder and subtracting the intraabdominal pressure which is measured with a vaginal or rectal catheter
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