Review Note
Last Update: 10/08/2024 02:15 PM
Current Deck: SC1 Peds::Cardiology::Ebstein's Anomaly
Ebstein’s Anomaly Management
- Medical management: treat {{c1::arrhythmias}} and {{c1::heart failure}}.
- {{c1::Prophylactic antibiotics}} may be used to prevent {{c2::infective endocarditis.}}
- Definitive management is by {{c1::surgical correction}} of the underlying defect.
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Arrhythmias: Rate or Rhythm control with e.g. beta blockers (bisoprolol) or Ca channel blockers (verapamil)
HF: combination of Diuretic (ferusomide), ACE inhibitor (Ramipril), Beta blocker (Bisoprolol)
HF: combination of Diuretic (ferusomide), ACE inhibitor (Ramipril), Beta blocker (Bisoprolol)
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