Review Note
Last Update: 10/21/2024 09:21 AM
Current Deck: BUMed Mother Deck::YL2.S1-PATHOLOGY::PTH.S1.L02.The Heart::04.Congenital Disorders
Congenital Heart Disease
{{c1::Tricuspid Atresia}}
● Complete occlusion of the {{c2::tricuspid}} valve orifice→ Due to unequal division of the {{c3::AV canal}}
● {{c3::Cyanosis::what sign/symptom}} is present virtually from birth and there is high early mortality
● Underdeveloped or completely absent {{c2::tricuspid}} valve● {{c2::Mitral}} valve is {{c3::larger::smaller or larger}} than normal● {{c2::Right::left or right}} ventricle {{c3::underdevelopment/hypoplasia::hyperplasia or hypoplasia}}
● Circulation can be maintained by a {{c2::right to left::L-R / R-L}} shunting
{{c1::Tricuspid Atresia}}
● Complete occlusion of the {{c2::tricuspid}} valve orifice→ Due to unequal division of the {{c3::AV canal}}
● {{c3::Cyanosis::what sign/symptom}} is present virtually from birth and there is high early mortality
● Underdeveloped or completely absent {{c2::tricuspid}} valve● {{c2::Mitral}} valve is {{c3::larger::smaller or larger}} than normal● {{c2::Right::left or right}} ventricle {{c3::underdevelopment/hypoplasia::hyperplasia or hypoplasia}}
● Circulation can be maintained by a {{c2::right to left::L-R / R-L}} shunting
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