Review Note

Last Update: 10/21/2024 09:21 AM

Current Deck: BUMed Mother Deck::YL2.S1-PATHOLOGY::PTH.S1.L10.The Skin



    Urticaria is most commonly a result of antigen-induced release of vasoactive mediators from mast cells
    • {{c1::Mast cell - dependent, IgE - dependent}} - follows exposure to many antigens and an example of localized immediate Type {{c2::1}} hypersensitivity. Reaction triggered by the binding of antigen to IgE antibodies that are attached to mast cells through {{c2::Fc}} receptor
    • {{c1::Mast cell- dependent , IgE- independent}} - results from substances that directly insite {{c2::degranulation}} such as opiates, radiographic contrast media
    • {{c1::Mast cell independent, IgE independent}} - triggered by local factors that increase vascular permeability like exposure to chemicals or drugs such as aspirin that inhibit {{c2::cyclooxygenase}} and {{c2::arachidonic acid}}

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