Review Note

Last Update: 10/31/2024 11:45 PM

Current Deck: Steady Anatomy Exam 2::L27 Thorax



{{c2::Manubrium}}: This is the upper part of the sternum, located at the level of the {{c1::T3 and T4}} vertebrae. It serves as an anchor point for the {{c1::clavicles}}  and the {{c1::first ribs}}
- {{c3::Jugular Notch (Suprasternal Notch)}}: This is the {{c1::visible dip}} at the top of the manubrium, located at the level of the {{c1::T2}} vertebra
- {{c3::Clavicular Notches & Sternoclavicular Joint}}: These notches are on either side of the manubrium, forming a {{c1::saddle-like, synovial}} joint with the clavicles, allowing limited movement.
- {{c3::Costal Notch & Sternocostal Joint}}: This is where the first rib attaches to the sternum at the manubrium. It’s a {{c1::synchondrosis}} joint

{{c2::Body of the Sternum}}: The longest part of the sternum, where the {{c1::2nd to 7th}} ribs attach.
- {{c3::Sternal Angle (Angle of Louis)}}: This is the ridge formed where the {{c1::manubrium and body of the sternum meet at the manubriosternal joint}}, at the level of {{c1::T4}}
- {{c3::Costal Notches & Sternocostal Joints}}: allow for the attachment of the {{c1::costal cartilages of the 2nd to 7th ribs}} through {{c1::planar, synovial}} joints

{{c2::Xiphoid Process}}: small, cartilaginous tip at the lower end of the sternum, located at the level of the {{c1::T10}} vertebra
- {{c3::Xiphisternal Joint}}: connects the {{c1::body of the sternum to the xiphoid process}}, forming a {{c1::synchondrosis}} joint.
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