Review Note
Last Update: 10/29/2024 03:23 AM
Current Deck: PGY 2 Path Review::Exam 2: Dec 6::Quizlet::path exam 2::BRS Pathology - Ch. 1-4
Cystic fibrosis
Mucoviscidosis, fibrocystic disease of the pancreas
Mutation in cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene on chromosome 7
- Malfunction of exocrine glands
- Increased viscosity of mucus
- Increased chloride concentration in sweat
- Chronic pulmonary disease: retention of viscid mucus -> secondary infection w/ P. aeruginosa
- Pancreatic insufficiency: malabsorption, steatorrhea
- Meconium ileus: small bowel obstruction
Mutation in cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene on chromosome 7
- Malfunction of exocrine glands
- Increased viscosity of mucus
- Increased chloride concentration in sweat
- Chronic pulmonary disease: retention of viscid mucus -> secondary infection w/ P. aeruginosa
- Pancreatic insufficiency: malabsorption, steatorrhea
- Meconium ileus: small bowel obstruction
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