Review Note
Last Update: 10/29/2024 03:23 AM
Current Deck: PGY 2 Path Review::Exam 2: Dec 6::Quizlet::path exam 2::Lab Safety Ch 3-4
Sharps disposal boxes are (choose multiple)
a. at the correct height if the disposal portal is visible while using the sharp
b. not at the correct height if the disposal portal is visible while using the sharp
c. filled until ~95% capacity to reduce hazardous waste
d. filled until ~75% capacity to prevent overflow
e. within arm's reach of the user without exception
f. within arm's reach of the user unless the area is unsecure
a. at the correct height if the disposal portal is visible while using the sharp
b. not at the correct height if the disposal portal is visible while using the sharp
c. filled until ~95% capacity to reduce hazardous waste
d. filled until ~75% capacity to prevent overflow
e. within arm's reach of the user without exception
f. within arm's reach of the user unless the area is unsecure
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