Review Note

Last Update: 10/29/2024 03:23 AM

Current Deck: PGY 2 Path Review::Exam 2: Dec 6::Quizlet::path exam 2::Lab Safety Ch 3-4



Glassware safety
- Discard chipped, flawed, or stressed glassware
- Metal stir rods & old cleaning brushes with metal exposed should be avoided
- Don't catch falling glassware
- Keep glass connections lubricated
- Use appropriate hand protections for making glass connections
- Oxidizers shouldn't come into contact with oil-based lubricants
- Glassware should be made of borosilicate glass such as pyrex or other heat resistant material
- Handle with 2 hands
- Neck of glassware = fragile
- Any container in excess of 500 mL DON'T carry with just clamps
- Glass under pressure: be housed in wire jackets
- If chemical/biohazard been in a piece of glass needs to be neutralized the effects of the hazard before cleaning
- If final distilled water rinse "beads up" than hasn't been cleaned well enough
- Sweep broken glass
- Permanently cover slipped slides aren't infectious
- Replace glass with plastic when possible
- Safety officers should evaluate risk of disposal for each plastic object and creat
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