Review Note

Last Update: 10/29/2024 06:05 PM

Current Deck: Genes and Development::Week 4::LE031 TMAs-SLD



primary hemostasis and formation of platelet plugs:

normally - {{c1::vWF}} unravel and bind to {{c1::platelets}}, tether them to {{c1::subendothelial collagen}} and {{c1::activate platelets to form platelet plug}}

but in TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) - {{c1::vWF}} are not {{c1::properly cleaved}} which causes {{c1::excessive platelet-vWF plug formation}} --> {{c1::RBCs}} try to pass through but {{c1::are sheared}} --> thus see {{c1::schistocytes}} in blood smear: 
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