Notes in Mehlman HY 2

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Status Last Update Fields
Published 02/28/2024 "Hot feels cold; cold feels hot (temperature dysesthesia):{{c1::Ciguatera toxicity}}
Published 02/28/2024 Pt with no prior Hx of atopy/asthma + eats meaty fish in sketch location (e.g., BalI) + develops dyspnea + allergic-like reaction:{{c1::scombroid}}
Published 02/28/2024 Pts gets allergic-like reaction after eating shellfish:{{c1::shellfish allergy}}
Published 02/28/2024 Vomiting a few hours after eating meat:{{c1::S. aureus performed heat-stable toxin}}
Published 02/28/2024 Vomiting (or any unusual Sx like bloody diarrhea) + eating custards, creams, potato salad:{{c1::S. aureus preformed HS toxin}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx for cerumen buildup: {{c1::carbamide peroxide drops}}
Published 02/28/2024 Otitis externa + mastoiditis:{{c1::malignant otitis externa}}
Published 02/28/2024 Mx of malignant otitis externa:{{c1::CT or MRI of temporal bone because pus collection is common}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx for strep pharyngitis:{{c1::amoxicillin or penicillin only (not Augmentin)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Aspiration pneumonia or pulmoanry abscess; which antibiotic?{{c1::clindamycin}}
Published 02/28/2024 Cups and cups of foul-smelling sputum in COPD, TB, or CF patient:{{c1::bronchiectasis}}
Published 02/28/2024 Most common cause of bronchiectasis:worldwide: {{c1::TB}}western countries: {{c1::CF}}
Published 02/28/2024 young kid + scant white sputum + linear opacity in right-middle lobe on CXR; Dx?{{c1::beonchiectasis caused by right middle lobe syndrome}}
Published 02/28/2024 Chromosome for AR and AD polycystic kidney disease:{{c1::6}} for AR{{c1::16}} for AD
Published 02/28/2024 ADPKD, screening?{{c1::serial blood pressure checks}}
Published 02/28/2024 Most common extra-renal location for cysts in PCKD:{{c1::liver}}
Published 02/28/2024 AR PCKD: {{c1::shows up in peds + causes hepatic fibrosis}}
Published 02/28/2024 AD PCKD: {{c1::presents in adults; cysts present from birth but just grow + become symptomatic ages 30-40+}}
Published 02/28/2024 Empiric Abx therapy for meningitis:{{c1::ceftriazone + vancomycin (+/- steroids)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Lumbar puncture or Abx first in suspected meningococcal meningitis (rapidly progressive symptoms)?{{c1::empiric vancomycin and ceftriaxone}}
Published 02/28/2024 When to do CT head before LP in suspected meningitis?{{c1::confusion that interferes with neurologic exam/decreased GSC scoreseizurefocal neurologic s…
Published 02/28/2024 Bacterial meningitis:{{c1::low glucose, high protein, high neutrophils (polymorphonuclear cells; PMNs)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Aseptic (viral) meningitis:{{c1::normal glucose, normal (or slightly elevated) protein, high lymphocytes}}
Published 02/28/2024 CSF for Fungal meningitis:{{c1::low glucose, high protein, high lymphocytes }}
Published 02/28/2024 Herpes encephalitis:{{c1::lots of RBCs in CSF due to temporal lobe hemorrhage::CSF findings}}
Published 02/28/2024 Difference between meningitis and encephalitis:meningitis is {{c1::nuchal rigidity (neck stiffness) + photophobia + ophthalmoplegia}}encephalitis pres…
Published 02/28/2024 Dx of Cryptococcal meningitis:{{c1::latex agglutination}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx for Cryptococcal meningitis:{{c1::amphotericin B + flucytosine, followed by fluconazole taper}}
Published 02/28/2024 Nodular density in upper lobe in immunocompromised pt:{{c1::aspergilloma}}next best step: {{c2::open lung biopsy, Tx with -azole, invasive aspergillos…
Published 02/28/2024 22M + Hx of three bacterial pneumonias + atopy; presents today with a sore left cheek; Dx?{{c1::IgA deficiency}}
Published 02/28/2024 Most common immunodeficiency in humans:{{c1::IgA deficiency}}
Published 02/28/2024 17F + 1-year Hx of autoimmune thyroiditis + 2-year Hx of type I DM + Candidal infections since childhood; Dx?{{c1::Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis}}
Published 02/28/2024 Dx of PJPneumonia:{{c1::bronchoalveolar lavage}}
Published 02/28/2024 When to add steroids to TMP/SMX for PJP?{{c1::A-a gradient >35 or pO2 <60 mmHg}}
Published 02/28/2024 36M + long-bone fracture + petechiae on chest:{{c1::fat embolism}}
Published 02/28/2024 Motor vehicle accident (MVA) + paradoxical breathing (chest moves outward with exhalation; inward with inhalation):{{c1::flail chest}}
Published 02/28/2024 MVA + rib fractures + underlying infiltrates in lung + low O2 sats:{{c1::pulmonary contusion }}
Published 02/28/2024 MVA + no rib fractures + non-central chest pain + pulmonary infiltrates underlying the painful area, hypoxemia and decreased breath soundsCXR shows "w…
Published 02/28/2024 MVA + bruising/pain over the sternum +/- rib fractures:{{c1::myocardial contusion}}
Published 02/28/2024 MVA + bruising/pain over sternum + pulmonary infiltrates + O2 sats get worse when saline is given:{{c1::myocardial contusion}}
Published 02/28/2024 MVA + pulmonary infiltrates + low O2 sats + bolus of normal saline given, resulting in worsening of O2 stats:{{c1::pulmonary contusion}}
Published 02/28/2024 Mx of myocardial contusion:{{c1::troponins + must monitor for arrhythmia}}
Published 02/28/2024 Adult male + abdo pain + Hx of alcohol use + diffuse pulmonary infiltrates + low O2 stats:{{c1::ARDS}}
Published 02/28/2024 ARDS must have pO2/FiO2 {{c1::<300}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx of ARDS:{{c1::low-tidal volume mechanical ventilation (prevents barotrauma) + increase PEEP}}
Published 02/28/2024 When you get a random ventilator Q and they want an answer:{{c1::Increase PEEP}}
Published 02/28/2024 Patient has improving O2 stats on ventilator; next best step?{{c1::wean from ventilator}}
Published 02/28/2024 Thyroid dysfunction on ventilator:{{c1::euthyroid sick syndrome}} -> normal TSH, normal T4, low T3, high reverse T3
Published 02/28/2024 What is reverse T3?{{c1::an inactive form of T3}}
Published 02/28/2024 25F + intermittent bloody diarrhea for 3 months + intermittent fever + weight loss:{{c1::IBD (Crohn or UC)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx for Crohn + UC{{c1::oral sulfasalazine (or mesalamine)}}
Published 02/28/2024 UC + high bilirubin + high ALP: {{c1::primary sclerosing cholangitis}}
Published 02/28/2024 Red shins + Crohn:{{c1::erythema nodosum}}
Published 02/28/2024 Crater with necrotic debris on forearm + UC{{c1::pyoderma gangrenosum}}
Published 02/28/2024 IBD + eczematoid plaque on forehead + sore joints:{{c1::psoriatic arthritis }}
Published 02/28/2024 IBD + back pain: {{c1::sacroiliitis }}
Published 02/28/2024 Biopsy in Crohn:{{c1::non-caseating granulomas; transmural}}
Published 02/28/2024 Vesicles anywhere on body + Celiac:{{c1::dermatitis herpetiformis}}
Published 02/28/2024 Biopsy of dermatitis herpetiformis:{{c1::IgA deposition at dermal papillae}}
Published 02/28/2024 Biopsy of small bowel in Celiac:{{c1::flattening of intestinal villi}}
Published 02/28/2024 Dx of Celiac:{{c1::IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase, anti-gliadin (anti-endomysial)}}
Published 02/28/2024 After Celiac Ab positivity, next best step:{{c1::duodenal biopsy}}
Published 02/28/2024 Celiac:increased risk of {{c1::T cell lymphoma}}
Published 02/28/2024 Biopsy of small bowel in lactose intolerance:{{c1::normal villi}}
Published 02/28/2024 Dx of lactose intolerance:{{c1::hydrogen breath test or decreased stool pH}}
Published 02/28/2024 Vague vignette where it sounds like either Celiac or lactose intolerance but it's in a young adult who's had zero symptoms until now:{{c1::lactose int…
Published 02/28/2024 PAS-positive macrophages in lamina propria + arthritis:{{c1::Whipple disease}}
Published 02/28/2024 AIDS patient with CD4 count of 47 + confluent ulcers (linear) seen on colonoscopy{{c1::CMV colitis}}biopsy shows basophilic intranuclear inclusions an…
Published 02/28/2024 Tx for CMV:{{c1::ganciclovir (DNA polymerase inhibitor)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Toxicity of ganciclovir:{{c1::neutropenia (mouth ulcers + fever)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx of herpes:{{c1::acyclovir}}
Published 02/28/2024 Toxicity of acyclovir:{{c1::nephrotoxicity (crystal nephropathy -> acyclovir stones not visible on CT)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Hereditary angioedema:due to {{c1::C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx for hereditary angioedema:{{c1::danazol}}
Published 02/28/2024 Don't give drugs to patients with hereditary angioedema:{{c1::ACE-inhibitor}}
Published 02/28/2024 Familial thyroid cancer:{{c1::medullary}}
Published 02/28/2024 Calcitonin mechanism of action:{{c1::inhibits osteoclast activity}}
Published 02/28/2024 Most common thyroid cancer:{{c1::papillary}}
Published 02/28/2024 thyroid follicles on biopsy, cold nodule, spreads hematogenously:{{c1::Follicular carcinoma}}
Published 02/28/2024 Hashimoto + thyroid cancer + no other histo description: {{c1::thyroid lymphoma}}
Published 02/28/2024 Pituitary, pancreas, parathyroid:{{c1::MEN1}}
Published 02/28/2024 parathyroid, medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma:{{c1::MEN2A}}
Published 02/28/2024 medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, mucosal neuromas, Marfanoid body habitus:{{c1::MEN 2B}}
Published 02/28/2024 fibrosis of thyroid -> can extend to adjacent structures (e.g., the esophagus, and resemble anaplastic carcinoma):{{c1::Riedel thyroiditis}}
Published 02/28/2024 52M + abdominal mass + weight loss + biopsy shows lymphocytes + interspersed macrophages:{{c1::Burkitt lymphoma }}
Published 02/28/2024 transloaction in Burkitt:{{c1::t(8;14)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Gene for Burkitt: {{c1::c-myc (transcription factor)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Translocation for CML:{{c1::t(9;22) Philadelpha chromosome}}
Published 02/28/2024 what is the product of t(9;22):{{c1::bcr/abl tyrosine kinase}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx for CML:{{c1::imatinib (tyrosine kinase inhibitor)}}
Published 02/28/2024 side-effect of imatinib:{{c1::fluid retention (edema)}}
Published 02/28/2024 What do you see on blood smear in CML:{{c1::high leukocyte count (mature neutrophis + metamyelocytes + myelocytes)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Translocation for APL (AML M3):{{c1::t(15;17)}}
Published 02/28/2024 What do you see on blood smear in APL:{{c1::Auer rods}}
Published 02/28/2024 What are Auer rods composed of?{{c1::myeloperoxidase }}
Published 02/28/2024 Translocation for follicular lymphoma:{{c1::t(14;18)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Gene for follicular lymphoma:{{c1::bcl-2 (anti-apoptotic molecule)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Most common indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma: {{c1::follicular}}
Published 02/28/2024 Most common aggressive NHL:{{c1::diffuse-large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Translocation for mantle cell lymphoma:{{c1::t(11;14)}}
Published 02/28/2024 17F + painless lateral neck mass + mediastinal mass; Dx?{{c1::Hodgkin lymphoma}}
Published 02/28/2024 42M, painless lateral neck mass,  hepatomegaly and pruritis; Dx?{{c1::Hodgkin lymphoma}}
Published 02/28/2024 40M + Hodgkin lymphoma + renal condition:{{c1::minimal change disease}}
Published 02/28/2024 Biopsy of lymph node in Hodgkin:{{c1::Reed-Sternberg cells ("owl eyes" -> CD15/30+ B cells)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Are lymphomas/leukemias normally B or T cell?{{c1::almost allways B cell}}
Published 02/28/2024 When is lymphoma/leukemia T cell?when pt has a {{c1::thymic lesion}} as evidenced by positive Pemberton sign (flushing of face with arms above head)
Published 02/28/2024 First drug to start in T2DM:{{c1::metformin}}
Published 02/28/2024 side-effect of metformin:{{c1::lactic acidosis}}
Published 02/28/2024 Mechanism of metformin:{{c1::increases glycolysis; decreases gluconeogenesis}}
Published 02/28/2024 Inpatient Tx of MSSA: {{c1::IV flucloxacillin or IV cephazolin}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx of osteomyelitis:{{c1::IV nafcillin or IV oxacacilin or IV cephazolin}}; add {{c1::ceftriaxone}} in sickle cell; add {{c1::clindamycin}} …
Published 02/28/2024 Tx of MRSA skin infection:{{c1::clindamycin, or TMP/SMX, or doxycycline, or linezolid}}
Published 02/28/2024 Suspected incarcerated hernia in a vignette:{{c1::immediate groin exploration}}
Published 02/28/2024 Most common cause of fever after surgery:{{c1::atelectasis}}
Published 02/28/2024 Electrolyte abnormality in Cushing syndrome:{{c1::hypokalemia}}
Published 02/28/2024 Pt has tachy + diaphoresis + diarrhea after drug:{{c1::serotonin syndorme}}
Published 02/28/2024 Pt has tachy + diaphoresis + diarrhea + tricuspid valve lesion:{{c1::carcinoid syndrome}}
Published 02/28/2024 Cause of carcinoid syndrome:{{c1::usually small bowel or appendiceal tumor that has metastasized to liver}}
Published 02/28/2024 Dx of serotonin + carcinoid syndromes:{{c1::urinary 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx of serotonin syndrome:{{c1::remove offending agents + administer cypoheptadine}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx of carcinoid syndrome:{{c1::Tx underlying condition}}
Published 02/28/2024 Asthma (outpatient):{{c1::albuterol (short-acting beta-2 agonist; SABA) inhailer}} for immediate Mxif insufficient, {{c1::start low dose ICS (inhailed…
Published 02/28/2024 12M has ongoing wheezing episodes + is on albuterol inhaler; next best step?{{c1::add low-dose ICS}}
Published 02/28/2024 12M has ongoing wheezing episodes + is on albuterol inhaler; what's most effecing in decreasing recurrence:{{c1::oral corticosteroids}}
Published 02/28/2024 After LABA and before oral steroids, any number of agents can be given for asthma in any order:{{c1::nedocromil or cromyolyn sodium, zileuton, montelu…
Published 02/28/2024 MOA of nedocromil and cromolyn sodium:{{c1::mast cell stabilizers}}
Published 02/28/2024 MOA of zileuton:{{c1::lipoxygenase inhibitor }}
Published 02/28/2024 MOA of the -lukast:{{c1::leukotriene LTC, D, and E4 inhibitors}}
Published 02/28/2024 16M goes snowboarding all day + takes pain reliever for sore muscles afterward + next day develops wheezing out on the slopes again:{{c1::took aspirin…
Published 02/28/2024 16M takes aspirin + gets wheezing what will you see on PE?{{c1::nasal polyps}}
Published 02/28/2024 Why does aspirin cause asthma?arachidonic acid can be shunted down either the cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase pathways; if you knock out COX irreversib…
Published 02/28/2024 Kid has Hx of aspirin-exacerbated respiraory disease (AERD); physician considers agent to decrease his recurrence of Sx:{{c1::zileuton, or -lukasts}}
Published 02/28/2024 Kid has Hx of AERD; what agent is most likely to decrease his recurrence of Sx: {{c1::oral steroids }}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx for intractable severe asthma unresponsive to oral steroids + in patients who have eosinophilia + high IgE levels:{{c1::omalizumab (monoclonal anti…
Published 02/28/2024 Acute asthma Mx (emergencies):{{c1::give O2 + nebulized albuterol; then IV steroids are administered}}
Published 02/28/2024 Acid-base disturbance in asthma:{{c1::respiratory alkalosis: low O2, low CO2, high pH, normal bicarb}}
Published 02/28/2024 COPD patient with RR of 28 but a super-high CO2:{{c1::chronic respiratory acidosis + acute respiratory acidosis (acute on chronic)}}
Published 02/28/2024 why is bicarb normal in acute asthma attack? Shouldn’t it go low to compensate if CO2 is low?:{{c1::not enough time for bicarb to change; takes a mini…
Published 02/28/2024 12M + acute asthma episode + given O2 + nebulized albuterol + IV steroids + low O2, low CO2, high pH, normal bicarb -> after 30 minutes, …
Published 02/28/2024 Acid-base disturbance in pulmonary embolism:{{c1::same as acute asthma: low O2, low CO2, high pH,normal bicarb.}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx of pulmonary embolism:{{c1::heparin before spiral CT; to V/Q scan in pregnant women}}
Published 02/28/2024 In pregnant women, if V/Q scan shows segmental defect; what's the next best step in Dx?{{c1::spiral CT}}
Published 02/28/2024 Pt has PE and is already on warfarin:{{c1::don't give heparin, go to spiral CT}}
Published 02/28/2024 After the spiral CT confirms the PE, an {{c1::IVC filter}} can be inserted in a patient who’s already anticoagulated. 
Published 02/28/2024 What about tPA in PE?{{c1::Never an answer on the USMLE because the indicators are debated}}
Published 02/28/2024 Is tPA ever an answer for anything?{{c1::Ischemic stroke within 4.5 hr}}
Published 02/28/2024 72M has 30 of facial drooping + arm weakness since waking up from a nap:{{c1::amount of time since stroke = amount of time that has past since we last…
Published 02/28/2024 Regarding contraindications for tPA on the USMLE: most important value is {{c1::BP, which is 185/110 (if either value is exceeded, don’t give tPA…
Published 02/28/2024 45F + alcoholic + increased creatine kinase: {{c1::rhabdomyolysis (increased risk in alcoholics)}}
Published 02/28/2024 82F + fell in the house + positive for blood on urine dipstick + negative for RBCs on urine LM:{{c1::rhabdomyolysis (myoglobinuria causes false-positi…
Published 02/28/2024 Anemia in alcoholism:{{c1::non-megaloblastic macrocytic anemia}}
Published 02/28/2024 Electrolyte abnormality in rhabdo:{{c1::hyperkalemia (cell lysis + renal failure -> myoglobin causes acute tubular necrosis)}}
Published 02/28/2024 Woman has episiotomy posterior in the midline; if doctor cuts too far, what will he cut into?{{c1::external urethral sphincter}}
Published 02/28/2024 Stress incontinence:weakened pelvic floor muscles resulting in loss of urine with increased abdominal pressure (coughing, sneezing, laughing) - "downw…
Published 02/28/2024 What muscle is not strengthened by Kegel exercises:{{c1::internal anal sphincter}}
Published 02/28/2024 Urge incontinence:"hyperactive detrusor" or "detrusor instability"Dx: {{c1::multiple sclerosis + menopause (part of vasomotor Sx); can be idiopathic}}…
Published 02/28/2024 Overflow incontinence:diabetes and BPH neurogenic bladder caused by myelin damage from sorbitol (glucose enter myelin, causing osmotic damage); i…
Published 02/28/2024 82M + dribbling, hesitancy, interruption of urinary stream + suprapubic mass (bladder) + bacteria in urine:{{c1::insert catheter first, not antibiotic…
Published 02/28/2024 25F + 6 weeks of dysuria + anterior vaginal wall pain + urinary findings normal:{{c1::chronic interstitial cystitis}}
Published 02/28/2024 Detrusor muscle:contracts under parasympathetic activity via the {{c1::pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-S4)}}; when not voiding, detrusor muscle is kept r…
Published 02/28/2024 Internal urethral sphincter:kept closed by sympathetic activity via {{c1::inferior hypogastric nerves (T10-L1)}}
Published 02/28/2024 External urethral sphincter:opened by somatic activity via {{c1::pudendal nerve (S2-4)}}
Published 02/28/2024 40M goes hiking + linear vesicles on calf appearing days later:{{c1::contact dermatitis = type IV hypersensitivitylinear vesicles = poison ivy/sumac}}
Published 02/28/2024 38F gardens a lot + gets rash on face, arms, back of hands:{{c1::contact dermatitis from sunscreen}}
Published 02/28/2024 fast-onset; anaphylaxis; atopy (asthma, hay fever [rhinoconjunctivitis], eczema):{{c1::type I hypersensitivity}}two IgEs bind antigen at Fab fragments…
Published 02/28/2024 Type II Hypersensitivity:Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT; Abs against platelet factor 4-heparin complex)treat by {{c1::stopping heparin + giving…
Published 02/28/2024 Type II Hypersensitivity:Graves disease: {{c1::activating TSH Abs against TSH receptor}}
Published 02/28/2024 {{c1::Goodpasture syndrome}}: Type II hypersensitivity against the alpha-3 chains of type 4 collagen
Published 02/28/2024 Type II Hypersensitivity:Pernicious anemia:Abs against {{c1::intrinsic factor or parietal cells}} -> decreased B12 absorption through terminal ileu…
Published 02/28/2024 Type II hypersensitivity:Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia: Coomb positive, meaning {{c1::IgG targets RBCs}} -> seen in things like ABO mismatch, dr…
Published 02/28/2024 Type II Hypersensitivity:Cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia: {{c1::IgM Abs against RBCs}} ->classically Mycoplasma
Published 02/28/2024 Type II Hypersensitivity:ITP (immune thrombocytopenia purpura):{{c1::Abs against GpIIb/IIIa on platelets}}low platelet count + high bleedings time&nbs…
Published 02/28/2024 Type III Hypersensitivity:{{c1::Serum sickness}}: immune complexes depositin in joints several days after drug or infection
Published 02/28/2024 {{c1::Arthus reaction:}}localized cutaneous type III HSskin reaction/rash at injection site several days after administration of agent
Published 02/28/2024 Type III Hypersensitivity: {{c1::Post-infectious arthritis}}arthritis due to HepB, HepC, rubella, Yersinia enterocolitica, etc. -> immune comp…
Published 02/28/2024 Type III Hypersensitivity: {{c1::Erythema nodosum}}: panniculitis (inflammation of subcutaneous fat) due to immune complex depositionCrohn diseas…
Published 02/28/2024 Type III Hypersensitivity:{{c1::Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN)}}: hypersensitivity preceded by GAS pharyngitiscan occur after skin infec…
Published 02/28/2024 Type IV Hypersensitivity:{{c1::T cell-mediated response (delayed)}}examples: contact dermatitis (nickle [wristwatches], sunscreen, poison ivy/sumac, r…
Published 02/28/2024 Low bicarb in pt with dehydration (or any type of shock) = {{c1::lactic acidosis}}decreased perfusion to vital organs -> decreased oxygen delivery …
Published 02/28/2024 High-anion gap metabolic acidosis -> MUPILES: {{c1::methanol, uremia, DKA, phenformin, iron/INH, lactic acidosis, ethylene glycol, salicylates}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx for eyhtlene glycol and methanol toxicity: {{c1::fomepizole only, if listed}}
Published 02/28/2024 Paint thinner + blurry vision -> {{c1::methanol toxicity}}
Published 02/28/2024 Which decreases risk of stroke more, smoking cessation or BP control? {{c1::BP control}}
Published 02/28/2024 High HbA2 = {{c1::beta-thalassemia}}
Published 02/28/2024 Dx of alpha or beta thalassemia : {{c1::hemoglobin electrophoresis}}
Published 02/28/2024 Pregnant woman has low serum iron that doesn't improve with iron supplementationdo hemoglobin electrophoresis -> Dx = {{c1::thalassemia}}
Published 02/28/2024 Dx of sickle cell = {{c1::hemoglobin electrophoresis}}
Published 02/28/2024 Dx of multiple myeloma: {{c1::serum protein electrophoresis, then bone marrow biopsy}}
Published 02/28/2024 Adult male + works in manufacturing/factory + cognitive decline + microcytic anemia:{{c1::lead poisoning}}
Published 02/28/2024 What kind of RBCs in thalassemia:{{c1::target cells}}
Published 02/28/2024 Infection + RBCs lacking central pallor + positive Coomb test:{{c1::hemolytic anemia}}
Published 02/28/2024 12M + red urine 1-3 days after upper respiratory tract infection (URTI):{{c1::IgA nephropathy}}
Published 02/28/2024 12M + red urine 1-2 weeks after URTI or skin infection:{{c1::PSGN}}
Published 02/28/2024 6F + red urine + abdo pain + arthralgias + volaaceous lesions on buttocks + thighs; Dx: {{c1::Henoch-Schonlein purpura}}
Published 02/28/2024 23F + unilateral resting tremor + hemolytic anemia + increased LFTsnext best step in Mx: {{c1::do a slit-lamp exam;Parkinsonism in young patient = Wil…
Published 02/28/2024 How is copper normally excreted by the body?{{c1::through bile; defective excertory pump in Wilson}}
Published 02/28/2024 Tx for Wilson disease:{{c1::penicillamine}}
Published 02/28/2024 Pink line tracking up the arm from the palm in 35M who burned himself recently; Dx: {{c1::lymphagitis}}
Published 02/28/2024 Brown recluse spider bite:{{c1::necrotic ulcer and surrounding erythema, abdominal pain; manage symptomatically}}
Published 02/28/2024 Black widow spider bite:{{c1::causes hypocalcemia, give IV calcium gluconate}}
Status Last Update Fields