Notes in Exam III

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Published 12/09/2024 What is the "target site" of an antigen?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two categories of antigen?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the 4 types of antibodies most important to this class?
Published 12/09/2024 Very briefly describe the functions of the immune cellsIgG- {{c1::Most abundant}}, associated with {{c1::long term immunity}} IgA- Associated with {{c…
Published 12/09/2024 What are the four main methods an antibody may react to an antigen?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the primary function of cytokines in immune response, and what type of cytokine is important for WBC migration?
Published 12/09/2024 What is a major histocompatibility complex, and where are the two types (MHC I & II) found?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two fates of a B-lymphocyte upon contacting an antigen? What does each do?
Published 12/09/2024 How many antibody types can a single B-cell "create?"
Published 12/09/2024 What is important for T-cells to recognize a target cell? What occurs upon recognition of a foreign body?
Published 12/09/2024 {{c5::image-occlusion:rect:left=.18:top=.8599:width=.0466:height=.0402:oi=1}}{{c6::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1772:top=.7666:width=.0479:height=.0326:…
Published 12/09/2024 What are the three tissue tunic layers of the eye?
Published 12/09/2024 Name the corneal layer, or it's tissue type{{c2::Anterior epithelium}} - {{c1::Stratified squamous epithelium}}{{c2::Stroma / Substantia Propria}} - {…
Published 12/09/2024 What two properties allow for the stroma of the cornea to be transparent?
Published 12/09/2024 Which layer of the cornea doesn't absorb fluorescein stain?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the importance of the limbus? (Eye)
Published 12/09/2024 What purpose does the sclera serve in the anterior chamber?
Published 12/09/2024 What structure separates the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye?
Published 12/09/2024 What two tissue types make up the iris?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two primary structures of the ciliary body, and what do they do?
Published 12/09/2024 Where can ocular aqueous humor be found?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the purpose of ocular aqueous humor?
Published 12/09/2024 If the proximal surface/space under the limbus were narrowed, what would occur?
Published 12/09/2024 What special layer of the choroid allows for improved night vision in animals?
Published 12/09/2024 What holds the lens in place?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the three layers of the lens?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the supportive substance found within the vitreous chamber of the eye?
Published 12/09/2024 The {{c1::macula}} has the highest concentration of {{c2::optical cones}} in the retina
Published 12/09/2024 What is the difference between the optic nerve and the optic disk?
Published 12/09/2024 What three structures make up the lacrimal apparatus of the eye?
Published 12/09/2024 Where are tears produced and resorbed?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the name for the tissue that lines the inside of the eyelids?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the lay term a prolapsed nictitating membrane?
Published 12/09/2024 What types of tissue are found within conjunctiva?
Published 12/09/2024 What structure allows for pressure equilibrium of the middle ear?
Published 12/09/2024 3 primary structures can be found in the inner ear. The {{c1::saccule}} and {{c1::utricle}} allows for {{c2::spatial awareness of the head}}…
Published 12/09/2024 What cellular and extracellular structures allow for the vestibular apparatus to function?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the primary structure of the cochlea?
Published 12/09/2024 What membrane acts as a medium for stimulating the stereocilia of the cochlea?
Published 12/09/2024 Describe the path of sound waves from the outer ear to sensation of hearing
Published 12/09/2024 What are the bones in the ear?
Published 12/09/2024 Why is the inner ear filled with fluid?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the guttural pouch in horses?
Published 12/09/2024 What two cells comprise the antigen-presenting cells, and what structure allows them to perform this action?
Published 12/09/2024 How does MHC II (Major histocompatibility complex) allow for presentation of antigens?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the general structure of lymph tissue?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the three "layers" of the thymus from superficial to deep?
Published 12/09/2024 What tissue is this? What structure is present that allows you to tell?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two major differences between the cortex and medulla of the thymus?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the primary function of the thymus in an adolescent animal?
Published 12/09/2024 What replaces the thymus structurally in adult animals?
Published 12/09/2024 Lymph nodes are supplied lymph and blood in different ways. {{c1::Afferent}} lymph vessels travel through the {{c2::capsule}}, while {{c1::efferent}} …
Published 12/09/2024 Within a lymph node, there are two structures that easily allow for differentiation between the cortex and medulla. In the {{c1::medulla}}, you can fi…
Published 12/09/2024 Where does lymph flow through in a lymph node?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the function of a lymph node?
Published 12/09/2024 Do splenic lymph vessels flow afferently, efferently, or both?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two defining structures of white pulp within the spleen?
Published 12/09/2024 What differentiates red pulp within the spleen, and what occurs within it?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the three main functions of the spleen?
Published 12/09/2024 MALT stands for {{c1::mucosa associated lymphatic tissue}}, and is found in {{c2::any organ with a mucosa}}. Some subsets of MALT include {{c1::G…
Published 12/09/2024 What are peyers patches, and where can they be found?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the main source of B cells in birds?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the flow of lymph from capillary to heart?
Published 12/09/2024 {{c4::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0055:top=.4397:width=.1857:height=.0271:oi=1}}{{c4::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0055:top=.5157:width=.1865:height=.033…
Published 12/09/2024 What are the four tissue layers of the GI?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the purposes of the inner circular and outer longitudinal GI muscle?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the primary epithelial tissue type of the oral cavity?
Published 12/09/2024 What type of muscle makes up the tongue?
Published 12/09/2024 There are two categories of tongue papillae. {{c1::Mechanical}} papillae and {{c1::gustatory}} papillae. {{c1::Gustatory}} papillae contains {{c2::tas…
Published 12/09/2024 What are these round, spindly structures?
Published 12/09/2024 Where can taste buds be found on a papillae?
Published 12/09/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.8782:top=.5663:width=.1039:height=.0425:oi=1}}{{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.8807:top=.3128:width=.1102:height=.048…
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two types of dental growth?
Published 12/09/2024 What allows one to age a horse by their teeth?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the functional unit of a salivary gland? What makes up those units?
Published 12/09/2024 What makes the esophagus unique from generalized GI tissue organization?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the gross folds observed in the glandular stomach?
Published 12/09/2024 What makes the muscularis layer of the stomach different from the rest of the GI?
Published 12/09/2024 The glands of the stomach are contained within {{c1::gastric pits}}, which vary in size depending on region. They are smallest in the {{c1::cardia}}, …
Published 12/09/2024 What is the primary secretion of the cardiac region in monogastrics?
Published 12/09/2024 In addition to mucous cells, fundic secretive cells include {{c1::chief cells}}, which secrete {{c2::pepsinogen}}, and stain {{c2::lighter}}. The othe…
Published 12/09/2024 What are the primary functions of the rumen?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the three compartments of the ruminant forestomach?
Published 12/09/2024 What stomach compartment is considered the true glandular stomach in ruminants?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the primary epithelium found within the ruminant forestomach? Why is this?
Published 12/09/2024 All protruding structures within the ruminant forestomach have the same histologic structure, but different macro structures. Histologically, the…
Published 12/09/2024 What are the primary functions of the omasum?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the primary function of the small intestine?
Published 12/09/2024 The goal of intestinal lumen structure is to {{c1::increase surface area}}. This happens with three main structure types: {{c2::GI folds}}, {{c2::Vill…
Published 12/09/2024 What are the purposes of the intestinal crypts?
Published 12/09/2024 How do small intestinal epithelial cells migrate from "birth" to "death?"
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two absorptive structures within a villus?
Published 12/09/2024 What unique submucosal structures are found in the small intestine?
Published 12/09/2024 What structure controls blood flow to the GI, which is affected by the nervous system?
Published 12/09/2024 Which of these images is small intestine, which is large? How can you tell?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the unique functions of the large intestine/hindgut?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the primary site of hindgut fermentation in rabbits/horses/etc.?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two primary cell types of the liver, and what are their purposes?
Published 12/09/2024 Describe the flow of blood through a liver lobule, including portal vein, hepatic artery and vein.
Published 12/09/2024 What vessels make up the portal triad?Where can this structure be found?
Published 12/09/2024 What type of capillary forms the functional canals of the liver?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the functional unit of the liver, and the gross units?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the first pass effect?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the flow of bile through a liver lobule?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the primary purpose of bile for digestion? How much bile is resorbed after use?
Published 12/09/2024 There are 3 lobule arrangements for various substances. Classic hepatic lobules follow the flow of {{c1::portal blood}}. Portal lobules follow th…
Published 12/09/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0543:top=.005:width=.2773:height=.0519:oi=1}}{{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.4197:top=.0109:width=.2003:height=.0496…
Published 12/09/2024 What is the organizational arrangement of the pancreas, from largest to smallest?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the exocrine secretory cells of the pancreas? What is found within them?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the primary digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas? Are they active or inactive upon secretion?
Published 12/09/2024 What hormone stimulates pancreatic bicarbonate secretion?
Published 12/09/2024 {{c0::image-occlusion:text:left=.0422:top=.0074:fill=rgb(0,0,0):text=Thyroid or parathyroid?:scale=1.:fs=.0454:oi=1}}{{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.…
Published 12/09/2024 {{c0::image-occlusion:text:left=.0098:top=.0054:fill=rgb(0,0,0):text=Adrenal Gland:scale=1.:fs=.0454:oi=1}}{{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1618:top=.…
Published 12/09/2024 Birds have interesting differences in their GI. The esophagus has {{c1::a crop}} The stomach is broken down into two parts: The {{c1::proventricu…
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two classes of hormone, and where do they bind?
Published 12/09/2024 Most hormone signals are regulated via a {{c1::negative}} feedback loop
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two parts of the pituitary gland / hypophysis? What tissue type is associated with each?
Published 12/09/2024 The hormone release of the hypophysis is largely controlled by the {{c1::hypothalamus}}. Hormones from this structure are deposited in the {{c1::hypop…
Published 12/09/2024 {{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0058:top=.214:width=.4601:height=.1767}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0058:top=.4093:width=.4601:height=.1767}}{{c…
Published 12/09/2024 While hormones are released from the neurohypophysis, they are produced and transported directly from the {{c1::hypothalamus}}
Published 12/09/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.1939:top=.0363:width=.3862:height=.2493}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0046:top=.3612:width=.5761:height=.2795}}{{…
Published 12/09/2024 What landmarks can be used to identify the pineal gland, histologically?
Published 12/09/2024 What hormone(s) are produced by the thyroid follicular cells, and what is the overall action?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the functional unit of the thyroid gland? What is found within it?
Published 12/09/2024 What hormone is produced by the thyroid clear cells? What is the systemic action?
Published 12/09/2024 What hormone is produced by the parathyroid glands, and what is the function?
Published 12/09/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.2457:top=.0759:width=.2195:height=.2299}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0116:top=.3523:width=.459:height=.2765}}{{c…
Published 12/09/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.2198:top=.0718:width=.2268:height=.3684}}{{c3::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0081:top=.5215:width=.1616:height=.4211}}{{…
Published 12/09/2024 What allows the adrenal medulla to respond quickly to stimuli?
Published 12/09/2024 What is this pale region of the pancreas? What are its primary products? 
Published 12/09/2024 What is the systemic action of Insulin and glucagon?
Published 12/09/2024 There are two broad categories of epidermal cells: {{c1::keratinocytes}}, and {{c1::nonkeratinocytes}}, of which the primary example is {{c1::melanocy…
Published 12/09/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.4319:top=.2633:width=.155:height=.0425:oi=1}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.4372:top=.3706:width=.1459:height=.0366…
Published 12/09/2024 Describe the contents or functions of the epidermal layers: Stratum basale: {{c1::Cuboidal stem cells}} Stratum spinosum: {{c1::Spiny …
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two structures that make up the demis-epidermis junction?
Published 12/09/2024 {{c2::Melanocytes}} are the primary nonkeratinocyte within the epidermis, which is found at the {{c1::stratum basale}}. It releases {{c1::melanos…
Published 12/09/2024 What tissue type makes up the dermis, and what accessory structures are most important to its function?
Published 12/09/2024 The {{c1::hypodermis/subcutaneous}} skin layer is a {{c2::loose}} connective tissue to attach skin to underlying structures. {{c2::Adip…
Published 12/09/2024 While glands and hair follicles in the skin may be primarily located in the {{c1::dermis}}, they are ultimately {{c1::epidermis}} derived.
Published 12/09/2024 What categories of gland are found in the skin? Where do they deposit?
Published 12/09/2024 There are 2 important layers of a hair shaft. The outer {{c1::cortex}}, which is made of {{c2::dense keratinized cells}}, and the inner {{c1::medulla}…
Published 12/09/2024 While the hair follicle is epidermally derived, it does have an interface with the dermis, via the {{c1::dermal papilla}}, which connects to the hair …
Published 12/09/2024 What unique structures are present in sinus/tactile hairs that aren't in normal follicles?
Published 12/09/2024 {{c0::image-occlusion:text:left=.021:top=.0239:fill=rgb(0,0,0):text=Name the phase of hair growth in each image:scale=1.:fs=.0454:oi=1}}{{c1::image-oc…
Published 12/09/2024 What type of integumentary tissue is the hoof?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the tissue layers from superficial to deep of the equine hoof?
Published 12/09/2024 What makes the insensitive lamina unique in horses?
Published 12/09/2024 The layer of the laminar interface in horses is the {{c1::white zone}}, which consists of alternating {{c1::sensitive}} and {{c1::insensitive}}&n…
Published 12/09/2024 What are the steps of progression during laminitis?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the general structure of a true horn?
Published 12/09/2024 What skin layer is the quick of a dog?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the major difference in skin between mammals and birds?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the one specialized skin gland in birds, and what is its purpose?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the primary structures of the cortex and medulla of the ovary?
Published 12/09/2024 What stage of follicular development is this follicle? How can you tell?
Published 12/09/2024 What stage of follicular development is this follicle? How can you tell?
Published 12/09/2024 What stage of follicular development is this follicle? How can you tell?
Published 12/09/2024 What stage of follicular development is this follicle? How can you tell?
Published 12/09/2024 There are two special structures that form from granulosa cells in a tertiary follicle. The {{c1::cumulus oophorous}} are granulosa cells which&n…
Published 12/09/2024 Beyond the basement membrane of a follicle, you will find what cell type?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two contributing factors for follicle rupture?
Published 12/09/2024 How long does an oocyte have to be fertilized after release?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the three structural progressions of a ruptured follicle?
Published 12/09/2024 As a CL regresses, the proportion of connective tissue {{c1::increases}}.
Published 12/09/2024 The primary hormone of the {{c1::corpus luteum}} is {{c2::progesterone}}. The primary hormone of the {{c1::follicle}} is {{c2::estrogen}}.
Published 12/09/2024 What is the action of progesterone?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the unique structure of the oviduct compared to other muscular tubes?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the primary functions of the oviduct?
Published 12/09/2024 Within the uterus, what two tissue layers make up the endometrium?
Published 12/09/2024 During pregnancy, different uterine tissue layers change. In the submucosa, one can observe {{c1::increased vascularization}} and …
Published 12/09/2024 In ruminants, what are the two components of placental attachment?
Published 12/09/2024 What unique structures/tissue differences are present in the vagina?
Published 12/09/2024 Define or describe the phase of estrous{{c1::Proestrus}}: {{c2::Follicle development}}{{c1::Estrus}}: {{c2::Ovulation}}{{c1::Metestrus}}: {{c2::C…
Published 12/09/2024 What changes occur in the vagina during estrus?
Published 12/09/2024 From uterus to fetus, what are the major layers and cavities of the placenta?
Published 12/09/2024 {{c1::image-occlusion:rect:left=.0224:top=.0957:width=.1513:height=.0526:oi=1}}{{c2::image-occlusion:rect:left=.3707:top=.0957:width=.147:height=.0495…
Published 12/09/2024 Failure of passive transfer is defined as {{c1::the failure for antibodies to diffuse across the placenta}}. The placentation category most prone is {…
Published 12/09/2024 Describe the flow of milk through the mammary gland
Published 12/09/2024 Where does the shell develop in avian repro tracts? How long does it take?
Published 12/09/2024 Only one side of the reproductive tract develops in birds, the {{c1::left}} side.
Published 12/09/2024 The testes are subdivided into {{c1::lobules}}, which have {{c1::septula testes}} dividing them. This dividing structure is a continuation of the…
Published 12/09/2024 What primary structures are found within the lobulus testis? What is their function?
Published 12/09/2024 What testicular cells/tissues produces androgens? Where are they found?
Published 12/09/2024 There are two cell types in the seminiferous epithelium. The {{c1::sustentacular (sertoli) cells}}' purpose is to {{c2::support the spermatocytes}}&nb…
Published 12/09/2024 What are the three stages of division for developing spermatocytes?
Published 12/09/2024 What four modifications must occur in order for a spermatid to become a spermatozoa?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the four main sections of a spermatozoa?
Published 12/09/2024 The testicular artery and vein form the {{c1::pampiniform plexus}}, which is highly important for {{c2::temperature regulation}} and {{c2::hormon…
Published 12/09/2024 Generally describe the movement of sperm from spermatogenesis to penile urethra
Published 12/09/2024 What purpose does the expansive tubular network of the testis provide?
Published 12/09/2024 How many epididymal ducts are present per testicle?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the unique structural difference of the epididymis compared to other muscular tubes?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the primary difference between the ductus deferens and the epididymis, histologically?
Published 12/09/2024 Name or briefly define the following accessory sex glands: {{c1::Ampullary glands}}: {{c2::Fluid production}} {{c1::Vesicular gland}}: {{c2::Fruc…
Published 12/09/2024 What is the primary difference of a fibroelastic penis compared to a musculocavernous one?
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