Notes in 19_derm

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Published 12/28/2023 What are the 5 layers of the epidermis? What features are unique to each? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the pathogen that is associated with acne vulgaris? How does it cause acne?
Published 12/28/2023 How does psoriasis present?
Published 12/28/2023 Why does psoriasis occur; what cell in the epidermis is involved?
Published 12/28/2023 What are the 4 histological features of psoriasis? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is a pruritic, planar, polygonal, purple plaque suggestive of?
Published 12/28/2023 Lichen planus shows what on histologic examination? 
Published 12/28/2023 What virus is associated with lichen planus?
Published 12/28/2023 What disease is associated with autoimmune destruction of desmosomes between keratinocytes?
Published 12/28/2023 What is the specific autoantibody in pemphigus vulgaris?
Published 12/28/2023 What derm pathology shows a "tombstone" appearance on histology? 
Published 12/28/2023 What derm pathology shows a "fish net" patterns on immunofluoresence?
Published 12/28/2023 Which derm pathology (pemphigus vulgaris or bullous pemphigoid) is more likely to involve the oral mucosa?
Published 12/28/2023 Which derm pathology is due to IgG antibody against dystonin?
Published 12/28/2023 Between pemphigus vulgaris and bullous pemphigoid, which presents with tense and which with flaccid bullae?
Published 12/28/2023 What is dermatitis herpetiformis? With which disease is it associated?
Published 12/28/2023 What are the most common pathogens associated w/ erythema multiforme?
Published 12/28/2023 What is Leser-Trélat sign? What is it associated with?
Published 12/28/2023 Which 2 conditions is acanthosis nigracans associated with?
Published 12/28/2023 What derm pathology shows peripheral palisading on histology?
Published 12/28/2023 What derm pathology presents as an elevated nodule with a central, ulcerated crater surrounded by telangiectatic cells (pink, pearl-like papule)?
Published 12/28/2023 What derm path (BCC or SCC) presents more commonly on a) upper lip or b) lower lip?
Published 12/28/2023 What are three risk factors for developing squamous cell carcinoma but not basal cell carcinoma? 
Published 12/28/2023 What derm path that is a cup-shaped tumor filled with keratin debris that arises rapidly and regresses spontaneously?
Published 12/28/2023 Keratinocytes contain melanin pigmentation. How is it produced?
Published 12/28/2023 Which embryonic cell type are melanocytes derived from?
Published 12/28/2023 Name the disease caused by autoimmune destruction of melanocytes.
Published 12/28/2023 Which disorder is a congenital defect of an enzyme needed for melanin production? What enzyme is this usually? What cancers are these patients at…
Published 12/28/2023 Why does a freckle (ephelis) look tan-dark brown and darker when exposed to sunlight?
Published 12/28/2023 What toxins of Staph aureus cause Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome?
Published 12/28/2023 What causes molluscum contagiosum? What is the name of the cytopasmic inclusion?
Published 12/28/2023 Diagnosis?
Published 12/28/2023 What is depicted in this histological specimen? 
Published 12/28/2023 Skin Biopsy. What condition is this? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is depicted in the histology specimen pictured below?
Published 12/28/2023 What is contained in the dermis (4)? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the immunologic difference between atopic and contact dermatitis? 
Published 12/28/2023 Exposures to what three substances can cause a contact dermatitis? 
Published 12/28/2023 What are the (2) treatments for acne and how do they work? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is erythema multiforme? 
Published 12/28/2023 What are the 4 causes of erythema multiforme? 
Published 12/28/2023 Erythema multiforme with mucosal involvement and fever is termed what? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is toxic epidermal necrolysis and what is it most commonly caused by? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the most common cutaneous malignancy? How is it treated? 
Published 12/28/2023 What are the 3 common risk factors for both basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the significance of actinic keratosis? 
Published 12/28/2023 Melanin is synthesized from what amino acid precursor? 
Published 12/28/2023 A "mask like" hyperpigmentation of the cheeks is known as what? What is it associated with? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is a nevus? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the difference between a congenital and acquired nevus? 
Published 12/28/2023 How does a junctional acquired nevus become an intradermal nevus? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is a melanoma? 
Published 12/28/2023 What is dysplastic nevus syndrome? 
Published 12/28/2023 Describe the "ABCDE" growth of melanoma: 
Published 12/28/2023 Describe the two growth phases of melanoma: 
Published 12/28/2023 What is the most important factor in prognosticating the metastatic potential of melanoma? 
Published 12/28/2023 What are the 4 variants of melanoma? What is a unique feature of each? 
Published 12/28/2023 What are risk factors for cellulits? 
Published 12/28/2023 Distinguish the sloughing seen in scalded skin syndrome and Stevens Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis:
Published 12/28/2023 What is verruca? What is the characteristic feature?
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