Notes in Opthalmology

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Published 10/27/2024 What medication slows the progression of established diabetic retinopathy? 
Published 10/02/2024 What are 5 important history features for a red eye which may suggest a more serious cause?
Published 10/02/2024 Diagnosis and risk factors for this condition?
Published 10/02/2024 Diagnosis and required management of this condition?
Published 10/02/2024 Diagnosis?2 non-pharmacological management recommendations?1 pharmacological management option if refractory?
Published 10/02/2024 Diagnosis and management?
Published 10/02/2024 Diagnosis and management?
Published 10/02/2024 28M 3 days of left eyelid erythema, warmth, tenderness with worsening lid oedema. Vitals WNL. Normal VA, pupils, IOP and eye movements on exam.- Diagn…
Published 10/02/2024 20M 2 days left eye pain and erythema, worse with eye movements, diplopia. VA 6/6 (R eye), 6/12 (L eye).What would be your initial management step for…
Published 10/02/2024 This patient has punctate epithelial erosions in lower 1/3 of cornea on fluorescein staining with cobalt blue light. Diagnosis? Risk factors?
Published 10/02/2024 Bilateral, itchy, watery eyes. Brother with asthma. Diagnosis? 
Published 10/02/2024 List 3 non-pharmacological and 5 pharmacological management options for allergic conjunctivitis
Published 10/02/2024 2 important features on history and 2 important exam findings for viral conjunctivitis
Published 10/02/2024 Advice to give parents for a child with viral conjunctivitis (list 5).
Published 10/02/2024 4 management options for this condition?
Published 10/02/2024 Cause of this condition?3 reasons to refer for surgical management?
Published 10/02/2024 Diagnosis?5 important questions on history
Published 10/02/2024 Mild discomfort, itchy, watery discharge. No pain. Diagnosis?
Published 10/02/2024 51F with history of RA presents with unilateral red eye, severe pain affecting her sleep, reduced vision and watery discharge. What is the likely Dx a…
Published 10/02/2024 30M welder not wearing eyewear (a real SMRT guy) reports unilateral eye irritation. Cornea appears clear on initial examination. Next step?
Published 10/02/2024 37M on holiday in Bali. Severe left eye pain on waking up in the morning, subsides over the course of the day. Had a big night on the grog and wore hi…
Published 10/02/2024 How to remove this corneal foreign body in GP?
Published 10/02/2024 32M welder presents with metal wire stuck in right eye. 2 next immediate management actions?
Published 10/02/2024 45M presents with splash of hydrochloric acid into his eyes when working on his beloved swimming pool at home. Next 2 immediate management actions?
Published 10/02/2024 75F on methotrexate for RA presents with this rash, painful left eye and reduced vision. How will you manage her?
Published 10/02/2024 Spot diagnosis? Risk factors?
Published 10/02/2024 Diagnosis and most common cause?
Published 10/02/2024 78M with intravitreal injection 5 days ago for macular degeneration now reports severe pain, red eye, reduced vision and purulent discharge from the e…
Published 10/02/2024 80F presents to your clinic at 8am after waking overnight with unilateral red eye, severe pain, headache, reduced vision, nausea and vomiting. Wears g…
Published 10/02/2024 List 9 conditions causing RED EYE that require urgent Ophthalmology referral.
Published 10/02/2024 91F RACF with unilateral, painful red eye. You see this on fluorescein staining. Diagnosis and management
Published 10/02/2024 60F unilateral, painful red eye with blurred vision and purulent discharge. Eyes shows corneal oedema. Early dementia and has been forgetting to remov…
Published 10/02/2024 EpiscleritisManagement? (3) 
Published 10/02/2024 hyphaemaManagement? (3)
Published 10/03/2024 what topical opthalmic drops (list 4 classes) can be used for open angle glaucoma?
Published 10/06/2024 What is shown at ABCand what is the underlying cause?
Published 10/06/2024 Pain, irregular pupil (small) with ciliary vessel dilatationDiagnosis?
Published 11/04/2024 List 5 causes of sudden onset unlateral painless visual loss
Published 10/30/2024 What clinical sign is shown, and what is the next step in management
Published 10/30/2024 Child with leukocoriaFeatures that would suggest retinoblastoma?
Published 10/30/2024 Child with leukocoriaFeatures that would suggest Cataract?
Published 10/30/2024 Child with leukocoriaFeatures that would suggest Coats disease?
Published 10/31/2024 What is shown?
Published 10/31/2024 Management for dacrocystitis?non-pharmacological (2) pharmacological (1)
Published 11/17/2024 What are the 4 P and 2 H red flags of eye presentations?
Published 11/17/2024 What are you looking for with red reflex testing at the 6 week check?
Published 11/23/2024 SCC like the lower ____  and BCC like the lower _____
Published 11/23/2024 Diagnosis
Published 11/23/2024 Eye pain/FB sensation 12 hours after welding - diagnosis & treatment
Published 11/23/2024 38F with sudden central monocular central scotoma and mild discomfort. Textbook diagnosis
Published 11/23/2024 Cupping of the nerve head ( on the right) is diagnostic of:
Published 11/23/2024 A 'sunset storm' is suggestive of 
Published 11/23/2024  Diagnosis
Published 11/23/2024 What is the red dot called and what is the disease?
Published 11/23/2024 Diagnosis
Published 11/23/2024 Diagnosis
Published 11/23/2024 Sudden onset painless visual loss preceded by flashes/floaters
Published 11/23/2024 diagnosis
Published 11/23/2024 Abrupt central scotoma differentials (2)
Published 11/23/2024 Neonate. Diagnosis & disposition
Published 11/23/2024 4 month olds with intermittent tearing and debris on the lashes. Palpation of the lacrimal sac = discharge.Diagnosis and at what age should you refer?
Published 11/30/2024 Two most common clinical features of optic neuritis?
Published 11/30/2024 What are three examination findings seen in optic neuritis?
Published 11/30/2024 Most common type of lower lid skin cancer?
Published 11/30/2024 What is shown?Management?
Published 11/30/2024 What is shown?Triggers?
Published 11/30/2024 What is shown?Common cause?
Published 11/30/2024 Treatment of photokeratitis? (2)
Published 11/30/2024 What cup to disc ratio is pathological?
Published 11/30/2024 What is clinical feature is shown?What is the condition
Published 11/30/2024 What is shown?Diagnosis?
Published 11/30/2024 What pathological features are shown? (2)Diagnosis?
Published 11/30/2024 List three pathological features?Diagnosis?
Published 11/30/2024 Patietn noticed painless curtain vision lossWhat is shown?
Published 11/30/2024 OpthalmoscopyWhat is shown?
Published 11/30/2024 Night blindness in childhood with susbequent concentric narrowing Periphery to centre is typical of what condition?
Published 11/30/2024 What are the three features of a third cranial nerve palsy?
Published 11/30/2024 Sudden fading of central vision with straight line distortionDiagnosis?
Published 11/30/2024 Investigaitons for suspected macular degeneration? (2)
Published 11/30/2024 List 5 risk factors for cataracts
Published 11/30/2024 What complication can occur during cataract procedure for patients on an alpha 1 (e.g. Tamsulosin)?
Published 11/30/2024 What is shown?What is the diagnosis?
Published 11/30/2024 What pupillary sign is shown?Common causes? (3)
Published 11/30/2024 What is shown?
Published 11/30/2024 What are the causes of marginal keratitis?
Published 11/30/2024 Symptoms of posterior vitreous detachement
Published 11/30/2024 What is shown?
Published 11/30/2024 What is shown?Management?
Published 12/01/2024 Immediate managemetn steps for Acute angle closure glaucoma (4)
Published 12/01/2024 What to do if a patient wants to cover their eye if oyu suspect acute angle closure glaucoma?
Published 12/01/2024 Difference between shizophreniform disorder ans schizophrena?
Published 12/01/2024 What drug can be added for treatment of hyperprolactinaemia secondary to antipsychotic use?
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