Notes in Oral Surgery

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Status Last Update Fields
Published 01/24/2024 What are the main targets of local anaesthetic's toxic effects?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the types of pre-medications given before general anaesthetics?
Published 01/24/2024 How should the dose of non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants be altered before treatment with a high risk of bleeding?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the functions of Von Willebrand factor?
Published 01/24/2024 Describe the basic molecular structure of local anaesthetic agents
Published 01/24/2024 What type of local anaesthetics are used in the UK? (amides/esters)
Published 01/24/2024 Which ester local anaesthetic is still in use today?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the composition of a local anaesthetic cartridge?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the disadvantages of infiltration LA?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the common post-operative problems after extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the significant post-operative risks after extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the risk factors of oro-antral communications (OACs)?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the complications of oro-antral communications (OACs)?
Published 01/24/2024 What suggests an oro-antral communication (OAC) might be developing during an extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 When is paracetamol contraindicated?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the maximum dose of paracetamol?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the maximum dose of ibuprofen?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the three stages of haemorrhage?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the recommended analgesic regime after extraction (for a healthy person)?
Published 01/24/2024 How is primary haemorrhage treated?
Published 01/24/2024 How is reactionary haemorrhage treated?
Published 01/24/2024 How is secondary haemorrhage treated?
Published 01/24/2024 What advice is given for bruising and swelling following an extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 How is post-operative spreading infection managed?
Published 01/24/2024 How is post-operative bony sequestra managed?
Published 01/24/2024 How is inhalation of a tooth fragment managed?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the specific contraindications to amoxicillin?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the specific contraindications to metronidazole?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the specific contraindications to azithromycin?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the specific contraindications to clarithromycin?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the specific contraindications to clindamycin?
Published 01/24/2024 Which antibiotics are contraindicated during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
Published 01/24/2024 Which types of medications increase the risk of MRONJ?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the criteria for a diagnosis of MRONJ?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the management of patients at low risk of MRONJ?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the management of patients at high risk of MRONJ?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the preventative advice for MRONJ?
Published 01/24/2024 What dental care should be prioritised before starting anti-resorptive or anti-angiogenic drug treatment?
Published 01/24/2024 Which patients are at "low risk" of MRONJ?
Published 01/24/2024 Which patients are at "high risk" of MRONJ?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the indications for general anaesthesia?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the contraindications for general anaesthesia?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the common side effects of GA?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the uncommon side effects of GA?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the rare side effects of GA?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the fasting rules for adults undergoing surgery?
Published 01/24/2024 What is assessed to ensure patients are suitable for outpatient dental sedation?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the indications for IV sedation?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the contraindications to IV sedation?
Published 01/24/2024 What drug is used to reverse IV sedation?
Published 01/24/2024 What drug is used for conscious IV sedation?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the ideal analgesics for inflammatory pain?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the ideal analgesics for oral surgery?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the contraindications to NSAIDs?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the side effects of opiods?
Published 01/24/2024 b4b47108f87d44b781713488b7fe26f6-oa-1
Published 01/24/2024 b4b47108f87d44b781713488b7fe26f6-oa-2
Published 01/24/2024 b4b47108f87d44b781713488b7fe26f6-oa-3
Published 01/24/2024 b4b47108f87d44b781713488b7fe26f6-oa-4
Published 01/24/2024 b4b47108f87d44b781713488b7fe26f6-oa-5
Published 01/24/2024 b4b47108f87d44b781713488b7fe26f6-oa-6
Published 01/24/2024 b4b47108f87d44b781713488b7fe26f6-oa-7
Published 01/24/2024 e6a561b5052d4d4cafed108777f7c092-oa-1
Published 01/24/2024 e6a561b5052d4d4cafed108777f7c092-oa-2
Published 01/24/2024 e6a561b5052d4d4cafed108777f7c092-oa-3
Published 01/24/2024 e6a561b5052d4d4cafed108777f7c092-oa-4
Published 01/24/2024 e6a561b5052d4d4cafed108777f7c092-oa-5
Published 01/24/2024 e6a561b5052d4d4cafed108777f7c092-oa-6
Published 01/24/2024 What are the indications for raising a flap, bone removal and tooth sectioning?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the speed of a surgical drill?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the advantages of using a rose head bur with a surgical drill?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the advantages of using a tapered fissure bur with a surgical drill?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the full name for a 'flap'?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the name of this 'flap'?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the name of this 'flap'?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the name of this 'flap'?
Published 01/24/2024 How is blood supply maintained when making relieving incisions?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the criteria when positioning a relieving incision for a mucoperiosteal flap?
Published 01/24/2024 What size blade is used to create 'flaps'?
Published 01/24/2024 What instrument is this and what is it used for?
Published 01/24/2024 What instrument is this and what is it used for?
Published 01/24/2024 What instrument is this and what is it used for?
Published 01/24/2024 How is haemostasis managed in types 2 and 3 von Willebrand disease?
Published 01/24/2024 How is haemostasis managed in type 1 von Willebrand disease?
Published 01/24/2024 How is haemostasis managed in thrombocytopenia?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the prevalance of dry socket after routine extractions?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the prevalance of dry socket after surgical extractions?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the clinical features of dry socket?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the predisposing factors of dry socket?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the management of dry socket?
Published 01/24/2024 How is peri-operative damage to adjacent structures managed?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the preventative sinus / antral regime?
Published 01/24/2024 How is peri-operative risk of TMJ trauma and dislocation managed?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the main risk factor for maxillary tuberosity fracture during an extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the advantages of amide local anaesthetics compared to esters?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the composition of Citanest without vasoconstrictor?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the standard composition of topical benzocaine?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the standard composition of topical xylocaine?
Published 01/24/2024 56e99675f0144a4c86249db6b5999cc7-oa-1
Published 01/24/2024 56e99675f0144a4c86249db6b5999cc7-oa-2
Published 01/24/2024 56e99675f0144a4c86249db6b5999cc7-oa-3
Published 01/24/2024 56e99675f0144a4c86249db6b5999cc7-oa-4
Published 01/24/2024 56e99675f0144a4c86249db6b5999cc7-oa-5
Published 01/24/2024 56e99675f0144a4c86249db6b5999cc7-oa-6
Published 01/24/2024 56e99675f0144a4c86249db6b5999cc7-oa-7
Published 01/24/2024 Why is LA sometimes less effective in infected tissues?
Published 01/24/2024 How can pain during local anaesthetic administration be relieved?
Published 01/24/2024 What is pericoronitis?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the indications for third molar extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the clinical features of chronic pericoronitis, if any?
Published 01/24/2024 What musculoskeletal conditions can mimic odontogenic pain?
Published 01/24/2024 What radiographic signs increase the risk of ID nerve injury on third molar extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the contraindications to coronectomy?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the function of the maxillary sinuses?
Published 01/24/2024 What type of epithelium lines the maxillary sinuses?
Published 01/24/2024 How are oro-antral communications (OACs) diagnosed?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the management of small oro-antral communications (OACs) repaired?
Published 01/24/2024 When should you delay the closure of an oro-antral communication (OAC)?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the difference between an oro-antral communication (OAC) and oro-antral fistulae (OAF)?
Published 01/24/2024 Which roots are at most risk of being displaced during extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the aetiology of acute sinusitis?
Published 01/24/2024 Why can acute sinusitis sometimes lead to laryngitis?
Published 01/24/2024 What proportion of mandibular third molars are thought to cause pericoronitis?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the early clinical features of acute pericoronitis?
Published 01/24/2024 When is general anaesthesia considered for extractions?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the percentage risk that a lower third molar extraction will result in permanent altered sensation to the tongue?
Published 01/24/2024 How is healing promoted after surgical extractions?
Published 01/24/2024 What should be considered before administering local anaesthetic to patients with bleeding disorders?
Published 01/24/2024 What is hypovolaemic shock?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the management of a patient with a rapidly developing haematoma in the floor of the mouth?
Published 01/24/2024 What is dry socket?
Published 01/24/2024 Why might a radiograph used to investigate a dry socket patient?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the aetiology of acute osteomyelitis?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the difference between the management of acute and chronic osteomyelitis of the jaw?
Published 01/24/2024 What is osteoradionecrosis (ORN)?
Published 01/24/2024 What action should you take if a patient develops MRONJ symptoms?
Published 01/24/2024 What is an abscess?
Published 01/24/2024 What bacteria are usually found in dental abscesses?
Published 01/24/2024 What routes can infection from an acute periapical abscess spread?
Published 01/24/2024 How does bacteria get to the apex of a tooth root?
Published 01/24/2024 What is cellulitis?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the possible routes of spreading infection from a lower molar tooth?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the possible routes of spreading infection from an upper molar tooth?
Published 01/24/2024 What is Ludwig's angina?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the indications for removal of benign cysts and tumours?
Published 01/24/2024 What is diathermy?
Published 01/24/2024 What questions might you ask to determine if a patient had a true allergic reaction to penicillin?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the anatomical factors why local anaesthetic might fail?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the ideal properties of local anaesthetics?
Published 01/24/2024 What complications may be caused by a local anaesthetic agent?
Published 01/24/2024 What adverse effects can co-administration of low dose aspirin with NSAIDs cause?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the oral complications of radiotherapy at week 1?
Published 01/24/2024 Haemophilia
Published 01/24/2024 What bur is best for sectioning teeth?
Published 01/24/2024 Which common dental drugs interact with statins?
Published 01/24/2024 Which common dental drugs interact with wafarin?
Published 01/24/2024 Why should NSAIDs and aspirin not be prescribed concurrently with systemic corticosteroids?
Published 01/24/2024 When is CBCT used in the assessment of mandibular third molars?
Published 01/24/2024 What type of radiography is used for the assessment of mandibular third molars when surgical intervention is being considered?
Published 01/24/2024 What are the increased risks due to a horizontally or mesially angulated (between 30 and 90 degrees) impacted third molar?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the management of pain in the third molar region if the third molar is non-diseased?
Published 01/24/2024 Before which types of medical treatment are third molars considered for prophylactic removal?
Published 01/24/2024 What is used to finish sectioning the crown of a tooth after partial division with a tapered fissure bur?
Published 01/24/2024 What is enucleation of a cyst?
Published 01/24/2024 What marsupialisation of a cyst?
Published 01/24/2024 What movement should be avoided in order to reduce the risk of maxillary tuberosity fracture when extracting an upper third molar?
Published 01/24/2024 What may suggest a maxillary tuberosity is about to occur during an extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 How can maxillary molars be prepped in order to reduce the risk of maxillary tuberosity fracture?
Published 01/24/2024 What suggests a maxillary tuberosity fracture has occuring during upper molar extraction?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the management of a maxillary tuberosity fracture if the tooth is loose and you've heard a cracking sound?
Published 01/24/2024 What action do you take if you've removed a fractured maxillary tuberosity and the patient starts bleeding uncontrollably?
Published 01/24/2024 What is the management of large oro-antral communications (OACs)?
Status Last Update Fields