Notes in Urogynecology

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Published 09/05/2024 What are the boundaries of the superficial space of the anterior perineal triangle?
Published 09/05/2024 What major structures are located within the superficial space of the anterior perineal triangle?
Published 09/05/2024 What structure has most likely been entered if significant bleeding is encountered during a Bartholin gland excision?
Published 09/05/2024 Bleeding from the vestibular bulb is mostly likely to spread from the superficial urogenital triangle to what space/compartment?
Published 09/05/2024 What structures contribute to the perineal body?
Published 09/05/2024 Was muscle is responsible for the majority of resting anal tone?
Published 09/05/2024 Are the EAS/IAS composed of striated or smooth muscle and voluntary/involuntary control?
Published 09/05/2024 What is the nerve supply to the EAS?
Published 09/05/2024 What structures pass through the lesser sciatic foramen?
Published 09/05/2024 What are the attachments of the arcus tendinous levator ani?
Published 09/05/2024 What muscles make up the levator ani?
Published 09/05/2024 What is the course of the pudendal neurovascular bundle from the sacral nerve trunks to the terminus?
Published 09/05/2024 What are the borders of the paravesical space?(lateral, posterior, anterior, medial)
Published 09/05/2024 What is the average length of the anterior and posterior vaginal wall?
Published 09/05/2024 At the level of the ischial spine, how far is the ureter from the uterosacral ligament?
Published 09/05/2024 What/where is Cooper's ligament?
Published 09/05/2024 What are the boundaries of the presacral space? (superiorly, laterally, and inferiorly)
Published 09/05/2024 From what vessel does the middle sacral artery arise?
Published 09/05/2024 Into what vessel does the middle sacral vein drain?
Published 09/05/2024 What is the average length of the sacrospinous ligament?
Published 09/05/2024 What structures must be avoiding when performing a SSLS, and where are they?
Published 09/05/2024 Through what layers (in order) does a transobturator sling pass?
Published 09/05/2024 What are the DeLancey levels of pelvic organ support?
Published 09/05/2024 What is the relationship between the arcus tendineus fasciae pelvis and the artcus tendineus levator ani?
Published 09/05/2024 What is the blood supply of the urethral sphincters?
Published 09/05/2024 What is the innervation of the urethral sphincters?
Published 10/11/2024 Support pessaries are recommend for stage __ POP and space-filling pessaries are recommended for stage___ POP
Published 10/11/2024 PFMT reduces incontinence by ...
Published 10/11/2024 Laboratory definition of microscopic hematuria
Published 10/11/2024 What percentage of patients who are evaluated for microhematuria are found to have a GU malignancy?
Published 10/11/2024 Laboratory findings associated with microhematuria that may indicate the presence of medical renal disease (4)
Published 10/11/2024 AUA/SUFU: management for a low risk individual with microhematuria
Published 10/11/2024 AUA/SUFU guideline: management of a intermediate-risk individual with microhematuria
Published 10/11/2024 AUA/SUFU guideline: management of a high-risk individual with microhematuria
Published 10/11/2024 AUA/SUFU guideline: management of a low-risk patient who has persistent microhematuria when UA is repeated in 6 months
Published 10/11/2024 AUA/SUFU: 3 options (from best to worst) for imaging in a high-risk patient
Published 01/24/2025 AUA/SUFU: In patients with microhematuria who have a family history of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) or a known genetic renal tumor syndrome, how does…
Published 10/11/2024 AUA/SUFU: what is the role of urine cytology in the evaluation of microhematuria
Published 10/11/2024 AUA/SUFU: general f/u for a patient with negative workup of microhematuria
Published 10/11/2024 AUA/SUFU: f/u for a patient who has a negative UA 12 months following a negative workup of microhematuria
Published 10/11/2024 AUA/SUFU: general f/u for a patient with negative workup of microhematuria followed by a postiive UA at 12 months
Published 10/11/2024 ACOG/AUGS: differ from AUA because they only recommend evaluation of microhematuria in women ≤50 who are never-smokers if they have this finding on UA
Published 10/11/2024 Prevalence of bladder cancer in men compared with women
Published 10/11/2024 Major risk factors for GU malignancy in women who have microhematuria (3)
Published 10/11/2024 What should be done if a large or high-grade tumor is found on office cystoscopy?
Published 10/11/2024 How is bladder cancer staged?
Published 10/11/2024 What are the characteristics of grade 1, 2, and 3 bladder cancer lesions?
Published 10/11/2024 What are the most common presenting symptoms of bladder cancer?
Published 10/11/2024 What are the risk factors for bladder cancer?
Published 10/11/2024 What are the strongest predictors of urologic cancer?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the most common histological type of bladder cancer in the US?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the most prognostic clinical sign of bladder cancer?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the risk of urologic cancer in all patients with microscopic hematuria?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the utility of urine cytology in the detection of bladder cancer?
Published 10/11/2024 For which patients should you opt for a 7-day course for UTI treatment (instead of 3 or 5)?
Published 10/11/2024 How should the older patient with functional and/or cognitivie impairment , delirium and/or falls with positive bacteria in the urine be treated?
Published 10/11/2024 What % of pregnany women with asymptomatic bacteriuria will progress to symptomatic UTI?
Published 10/11/2024 What elements on the urine dipstick have the (1) highest positive predictive value and (2) highest negative predictive value?
Published 10/11/2024 What is considered a relapse with respect to UTI?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the definition of recurrent UTI?
Published 10/11/2024 What precautions should be taken before prescribing macrobid?
Published 10/11/2024 When is a UTI considered "complicated"?
Published 10/11/2024 What medication classes can affect LUT functions?
Published 10/11/2024 Age at which microhematuria should prompt additional evaluation (AUA/SUFU/ACOG/AUGS in agreement)
Published 10/11/2024 What % of women with isolated symptoms of SUI will have demonstrated SUI on UDS? DO on UDS?
Published 10/11/2024 What are the reversible causes of urinary incontinence and voiding difficulty?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the grading scale for pelvic muscle strength?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the incidence of SUI in (1) pregnancy and (2) postpartum?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the scoring of the digital rectal examination scoring system?
Published 10/11/2024 Among women successfully fitted with a pessary for POP who have baseline urinary symptoms, what is the impact of the pessary on UI?
Published 10/11/2024 In women successfully fitted with a pessary for POP, what proportion will develop de novo (occult) SUI?
Published 10/11/2024 In women suffessfully fitted with a pessary for POP, what is the symptom improvement in prolapse symptoms?
Published 10/11/2024 Of women who fail a 1-week pessary trial for POP, what % of women will be successfully refit?
Published 10/11/2024 What are the risk factors associated with unsuccessful POP pessary fitting?
Published 10/11/2024 What proportion of women can be sucessfully fitted with a pessary for POP?
Published 10/11/2024 What was the (1) aim and (2) outcome of the ESTEEM trial?
Published 10/11/2024 What was the aim and outcome of the ATLAS trial?
Published 10/11/2024 What is the likelihood of improvement in UUI symptoms in patients with MUI who have a sling? (ESTEEM)
Published 10/18/2024 A paravaginal defect repair reapproximates these two anatomic structures
Published 10/18/2024 Basic surgical steps of retropubic paravaginal defect repair
Published 10/18/2024 What segment/compartment is (1) the most likely to prolapse and (2) the most likely to fail long-term after surgical correction?
Published 10/18/2024 When performing an anterior colporrhaphy and a sling procedure concurrently, in what order should the procedures be performed?
Published 10/18/2024 When did the FDA issue its warnings concerning complications associated with transvaginal meshes?
Published 10/18/2024 What is the general approach to the placement of vaginal mesh?
Published 10/18/2024 What is the rate of ureteral obstruction after anterior colporrhaphy?
Published 10/18/2024 Apical support can correct approximately what % of anterior wall prolapse?
Published 10/18/2024 What was the aim and outcome of the PROSPECT trial?
Published 10/18/2024 In what % of women does de novo SUI occurs after anterior vaginal prolapse repair?
Published 12/06/2024 What is the rate of postoperative SUI after SCP?
Published 12/06/2024 What is the mesh exposure rate of robotic SCP?
Published 12/06/2024 What was the primary outcome(s) of the CARE trial?
Published 12/06/2024 What is the estimated probability of mesh erosion in the CARE and extended CARE trials?
Published 12/06/2024 The ____ component of the peripheral nervous system innervates skeletal muscleThe ____ component of the peripheral nervous system innervates cardiac m…
Published 12/06/2024 Short preganglionic fibers and long postganglionic fibers describes sympathetic or parasympathetic nerves?
Published 12/06/2024 This division of the autonomic nervous system has very short postganglionic fibers and much longer preganglionic fibers
Published 12/06/2024 Sensory fibers responsible for normal bladder fullness and wall tensionSensory fibers that communicate nociception in the bladder
Published 12/06/2024 This is the brain level from which bladder motor tone arises
Published 12/06/2024 Cortical locations in the brain associated with bladder and pelvic floor activity (3)
Published 12/06/2024 The neuronal cell bodies for the urethral sphincter are located within this structure (name)Where is it, within the CNS?
Published 12/06/2024 Pontine center that stimulates Onuf's nucleus
Published 12/06/2024 Effect of stimulating pontine M region versus pontine L region
Published 12/06/2024 Name of afferent spinal nucleus that receives Adelta fibers from the bladderBrain structure that receives these distension signals?
Published 12/06/2024 Onuf's nucleus gives rise to this major pelvic nerve
Published 12/06/2024 General effect of CNS dopamine on bladder functionHow this relates to bladder function in Parkinson's disease?
Published 12/06/2024 This is the terminal segment of the spinal cord, which contains the entire S1 to S5 segmentThis is the collection of terminal ventral and dorsal spina…
Published 12/06/2024 Sympathetic/ parasympathetic actions during bladder filling (3)
Published 12/06/2024 2 main detrusor receptors that function to cause bladder contraction
Published 12/06/2024 Mechanism through which parasympathetic signaling causes bladder neck/urethral relaxation?
Published 12/06/2024 Sympathetic innervation results in storage via these 2 receptors
Published 12/06/2024 Mnemonic for funciton of parasympathetic/sympathetic/somatic nerves in lower urinary tract function
Published 12/06/2024 Type of bladder afferent nerves that "awaken" and get up-regulated by pathologic conditions, e.g. spinal cord injury
Published 12/06/2024 Think of this CNS center as the "head coach" that processes all the information and controls when to voluntarily voidThis is the CNS center that recei…
Published 12/06/2024 Pattern of neurologic injury - above the pontine micturition center
Published 12/06/2024 Pattern of neurologic injury with voiding - suprasacral spinal cord injury
Published 12/06/2024 Pattern of neurologic injury with voiding - sub-sacral spinal cord injury
Published 12/06/2024 Usual progression/ timetable of bladder symptoms after spinal cord injury (2 phases)
Published 12/06/2024 Autonomic dysreflexia can occur during procedures like UDS in patients with spinal cord injuries above this levelTypical change in BP a/w autonomic dy…
Published 12/06/2024 Features of low-risk neurogenic lower urinary tract disorder per AUA (4)
Published 12/06/2024 Features of moderate-risk neurogenic lower urinary tract disorder per AUA -UDS finding-PVR-upper tract imaging-renal function
Published 12/06/2024 Features of high-risk neurogenic lower urinary tract disorder per AUA -UDS finding-PVR-upper tract imaging-renal function
Published 12/06/2024 What work up must be obtained if vesicoureteral reflux is noted on VUDS?
Published 12/06/2024 what are Botox's effects on bladder compliance?
Published 12/06/2024 What nerve responses do you get when you individually stimulate S2, S3 and S4?
Published 12/06/2024 What are some signs of poor compliance seen on UDS 
Published 12/06/2024 What is the proportion of patients that advance to stage 2 after PNE and after stage 1? 
Published 12/06/2024 What are the types of bladder dysfunction seen in neurogenic bladder and how are they diagnosed?
Published 12/20/2024 Ho M2 vs M3 receptors function in bladder contraction, respectively
Published 12/20/2024 Mechanism by which an increase in intra-abdominal pressure can cause detrusor activity. I.e., incontinence perceived as SUI by patient but really it i…
Published 12/20/2024 Pathophysiological state that is hypothesized to represent the last stage of OAB, in which detrusor function deteriorates.
Published 12/20/2024 UI during orgasm name
Published 12/20/2024 How can frequent voiding create a cycle that worsens OAB? (For example, a patient who has SUI but empties frequently to avoid SUI and then eventually …
Published 12/20/2024 Minimum eval of OAB involves what workup per AUA/SUFU/AUGS 2019?
Published 12/20/2024 Components (4) of brief neurologic exam proposed for patients with OAB to assess for underlying neuro disease
Published 12/20/2024 What is relative nocturnal polyuria?
Published 12/20/2024 What is the initial workup of OAB?
Published 12/20/2024 Clinical Situations Where Cystourethroscopy Should Be Considered in the Setting of Overactive Bladder
Published 12/20/2024 What is the difference between nocturnal polyuria and nocturia due to OAB?
Published 12/20/2024 How can you decrease risk of antimuscarinic side effects for your patients?
Published 01/24/2025 What was compared in SISTEr and what was the difference in success rates?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the approximate success rate for pubovaginal slings at 10yr f/u?
Published 01/24/2025 Describe the size of the fascia harvested to perform a pubovaginal sling.
Published 01/24/2025 Describe the incision made to perform harvesting for pubovaginal sling using rectus fascia.
Published 01/24/2025 What was the difference in treatment succces (no retreatment or self reported SUI sxs) on 5yr f/u after RMUS vs TOT?
Published 01/24/2025 What were the rates of voiding dysfunction requiring surgery in RMUS vs TOT groups in RMUS vs TOT 2010 NEJM RCT?
Published 01/24/2025 What were the secondary outcomes of the OPUS trial?
Published 01/24/2025 What was the OPUS trial and what was the primary outcome?
Published 01/24/2025 What was the STEP Study and what did it find?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the SUmiT trial and what was its main finding?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the rate of urinary retention associated with 200U intravesical botox?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the mechanism of percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation? What are other peripheral nerves that can affect bladder behavior?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the posterior tibial nerve a branch of? What nerve roots contribute to it?
Published 01/24/2025 What are the sacral nerve responses to test stimulation for S4?
Published 01/24/2025 What are the sacral nerve responses to test stimulation for S3?
Published 01/24/2025 What are the sacral nerve responses to test stimulation for S2?
Published 01/24/2025 What was the ROSETTA study and what was the finding for episodes of daily UUI?
Published 01/24/2025 What was the ABC study and what were its findings regarding rates of daily UUI episodes and cure rates?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the mechanism of action of botox?
Published 01/24/2025 How does the American Urologic Association (AUA) define refractory OAB?
Published 01/24/2025 How is intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD) typically defined in the literature?
Published 01/24/2025 In what cases might a TOT be preferred over a TVT?
Published 01/24/2025 What are the absolute & relative contraindications to RMUS?
Published 01/24/2025 What are the absolute and relative contraindications to TOT?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the cummulative risk of MUS excision for mesh complication within 10 years of initial surgery?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the incidence of bladder perforation with RMUS?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the overall incidence of de novo OAB following MUS?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the size of the fascial segment to be harvested for a rectus fascia pubovaginal sling?
Published 01/24/2025 What was the (1) aim of OPUS and (2) what were the primary findings?
Published 01/24/2025 What were the (1) aims and (2) results of the SISTEr trial?
Published 01/24/2025 What were the (1) primary aims and (2) outcomes of the TOMUS trial?
Published 01/24/2025 Where should the trochar exit in an Inside-to-out TOT?
New Card 02/07/2025 what are the components of fecal continence? (5)
New Card 02/07/2025 What is the innervation for the IAS and EAS?
New Card 02/07/2025 What are the primary findings of the CAPABLe trial?
New Card 02/07/2025 Components of fecal incontinence include:
New Card 02/07/2025  At what volume is fecal matter first perceived in the rectum?
New Card 02/07/2025 At what volume is fecal urgency perceived?
New Card 02/07/2025 What is “dovetail” sign?
New Card 02/07/2025 What is the design of the CAPABLe trial?
New Card 02/07/2025 What is the primary outcome of the CAPABLe trial?
New Card 02/07/2025 Where are anal canal bulking injections placed?
New Card 02/07/2025 How long should you wait between stage 1 and stage 2 for SNM for FI?
New Card 02/07/2025 What is the maximum daily dosage of loperamide?
New Card 02/14/2025 What are the management options for a ureteral injury proximal to the pelvic brim?
New Card 02/14/2025 What are the management options for a ureteral injury proximal to the pelvic brim?
New Card 02/14/2025 What are management options for a ureteral transection injury distal to the pelvic brim?
New Card 02/14/2025 How does the position of the ureteral orifices change post anterior colporrhaphy?
New Card 02/14/2025 What should you expect when using phenazopyridine, compared to no medications, during cystoscopy to evaluate for injury?
New Card 02/14/2025 What surgery is most commonly associated with unrecognized ureteral injury?
New Card 02/14/2025 What percentage of all lower urinary tract injuries occur during gynecologic surgery
New Card 02/14/2025 What is the rate for bladder injury during pelvic surgery? 
New Card 02/14/2025 What is the rate for ureteral injury during pelvic surgery?
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