Notes in Exam II

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Published 02/12/2025 Briefly describe the mechanism of pneumoconiosis
Published 02/12/2025 How does tetracycline act as a pigment during bone development?
Published 02/12/2025 What is the primary function of melanin, other than coloration?
Published 02/12/2025 Describe a common mechanism for hypo- and hyper-pigmentation (melanin)
Published 02/12/2025 What pigment builds up in muscle and nervous tissue as one ages?
Published 02/12/2025 What is ceroid? What is it commonly associated with?
Published 02/12/2025 Describe a common mechanism for hemoglobinuria
Published 02/12/2025 Define or label the following {{c1::Pneumoconiosis}}: {{c2::Lung disease from inhalation of dust}} {{c1::Anthracosis}}: {{c2::Lung disease f…
Published 02/14/2025 In relation to hemoglobin, describe the mechanism of cyanide poisoning, and the observed color of blood.
Published 02/12/2025 In relation to hemoglobin, describe the mechanism of carbon monoxide poisoning, and the observed color of blood.
Published 02/12/2025 In relation to hemoglobin, describe the mechanism of nitrate poisoning, and the observed color of blood.
Published 02/12/2025 Describe the colors of the following pigments Hematin: {{c1::Brown/black (Fe3+)}} Hematoidin: {{c1::Bright yellow (Similar to bilirubin)}}
Published 02/12/2025 Briefly describe the conversion and excretion of heme to conjugated bilirubin
Published 02/12/2025 What is icterus?
Published 02/12/2025 What form of bilirubin is present in prehepatic, hepatic, and post-hepatic icterus?
Published 02/12/2025 What is porphyria, and what group of disorder can cause it?
Published 02/12/2025 Why is formation of hemosiderin important? When would it commonly be observed?
Published 02/13/2025 Define edema and provide the names for fluid collections in the chest cavity, heart, and abdominal cavity
Published 02/13/2025 {{c1::Anasarca}} is the term for severe generalized edema
Published 02/13/2025 The four common causes for edema are...
Published 02/13/2025 {{c1::Hyperemia}} is {{c2::active arteriolar dilation that increases bloodflow}} and affected tissues are {{c3::red (erythema) and warm}}. I…
Published 02/13/2025 {{c1::Right side chronic passive congestion}} results in {{c2::ascites}} and {{c3::increased portal venous pressure}}-> {{c3::hepatic chr…
Published 02/13/2025 {{c1::Left side chronic passive congestion}} results in {{c2::pulmonary edema}} from {{c3::increased pulmonary venous pressure}}
Published 02/16/2025 What are the 3 core mechanisms of hemorrhage?
Published 02/16/2025 Define the morphologic patterns of hemorrhage{{c1::hematoma}}: {{c2::large extravascular accumulation of blood in a confined space}}{{c1::suffisi…
Published 02/16/2025 Where are petechiae and purpura seen? What mechanisms can cause these hemorrhages?
Published 02/16/2025 Give the names for accumulations of blood in cavities{{c1::thoracic cavity}} : {{c2::hemothorax}}{{c1::pericardial sac}} : {{c2::hemopericar…
Published 02/16/2025 What determines the clinical significance of hemorrhage?
Published 02/16/2025 {{c1::Hemostasis}} is the {{c1::arrest of bleeding}} and is mediated by {{c2::endothelim}}, {{c2::platelets}}, {{c2::coagulat…
Published 02/16/2025 For the clotting cascade, the {{c1::tissue factor (extrinsic)}} pathway is the {{c2::activation}} pathway, the {{c1::contact activation…
Published 02/16/2025 Describe the steps of the extrinsic pathway of the clotting cascade
Published 02/16/2025 Describe the steps of the common pathway of the clotting cascade
Published 02/16/2025 Describe the steps of the intrinsic pathway of the clotting cascade
Published 02/16/2025 {{c1::Thrombin}} activates {{c2::XIIIa}}, {{c2::thrombomodulin}}, {{c2::XI}}, {{c2::Va}}, and {{c2::VIII}}
Published 02/16/2025 Regulation of the clotting cascade:{{c1::active protein C}} inhibits the conversion of {{c2::VIII to VIIIa}} and {{c2::V to Va}}{{c1::antith…
Published 02/20/2025 How do endothelial cells, platelets, and clotting factors contribute to hemostasis? 
Published 02/20/2025 What is the difference between primary and secondary hemostasis? 
Published 02/20/2025 What is the mechanism for primary hemostasis? 
Published 02/20/2025 What is the mechanism for secondary hemeostasis? 
Published 02/20/2025 What is required for initation of secondary hemostatsis? 
Published 02/20/2025 What is the role of Von Willebrand factor?
Published 02/20/2025 {{c1::Thrombin}} acts as the key enzyme that {{c2::converts fibrinogen into fibrin}}, leading to a {{c1::stable fibrin clot}} at the site of a vascula…
Published 02/20/2025 What surfaces is fibrin formation limited to?
Published 02/20/2025 List/describe how the following are involved in limiting thrombi: {{c1::AT-3 (Anti-thrombin 3)}}: {{c2::a serine protease inhibitor that Inactiva…
Published 02/20/2025 How does plasmin aid in the removal of thrombi?
Published 02/20/2025 {{c1::Thrombolysis}} is the balance between {{c2::bleeding and interference with healing}}. The most important component of this is {{c1::Fibrinolysis…
Published 02/20/2025 What are the constituents of a thrombus?
Published 02/20/2025 What are the major endothelial cell mediators that act as procoagulants or contribute to vascular repair, and ultimately lead to thrombosis? 
Published 02/20/2025 What does platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) promote during vascular repair? 
Published 02/20/2025 What does tissue factor (TF) do when it is activated?
Published 02/20/2025 List/describe the following hemostasis tests: {{c1::Platelet count}}: {{c2::measures numbers of platelets in the blood}}{{c1::Bleeding time}}: {{…
Published 02/20/2025 What hemostasis test does not measure clotting factors?
Published 02/20/2025 What hemostasis test is used to assess extrinsic and common pathways?
Published 02/20/2025 What hemostasis test is used to assess intrinsic and common pathways? 
Published 02/22/2025 What are the components of Virchow's triad?
Published 02/22/2025 What are the causative agents of endothelial injury discussed in class?
Published 02/22/2025 What are the mechanisms resulting in alterations in blood flow?
Published 02/22/2025 What are the mechanisms that result in hypercoagulability?
Published 02/22/2025 Arterial/cardiac thrombi initiate at sites of {{c1::turbulence}} or {{c1::endothelial injury}}Venous thrombi initiate at sites of {{c1:…
Published 02/22/2025 Arterial and venous thrombi both propogate {{c1::towards}} the heart, but arterial thrombi grow {{c1::retrograde}} to blood flow and venous …
Published 02/22/2025 Compare and contrast arterial thrombi, venous thrombi, and post mortem clots including composition, color, texture, attachment
Published 02/22/2025 What happens to thrombi over time?
Published 02/22/2025 What are the clinical consequences of venous thrombi?
Published 02/22/2025 What are the clinical consequences of aterial thrombi?
Published 02/22/2025 What is the mechanism for DIC discussed in class?
Published 02/22/2025 Why is there paradoxical bleeding with DIC?
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