Notes in E. Other Surgical and Non-Surgical Procedures

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Published 08/30/2023 Proximal matrix produces? Distal matrix produces? examples?
Published 08/30/2023 What is the half moon shaped lunula?
Published 08/30/2023 Where does nail bed attach most firmly?
Published 08/30/2023 Nail bed post procedure issue most commonly?
Published 08/30/2023 What % of nail is produced by proximal half of matrix?
Published 08/30/2023 What innervated the nails?
Published 08/30/2023 What happens to the finger if matrix injury?
Published 08/30/2023 Blood supply of nail unit?
Published 08/30/2023 Distance between nail matrix and bone?
Published 08/30/2023 Types of anesthetic approaches for the nail?
Published 08/30/2023 What are contraindications to using epi in the nail?
Published 08/30/2023 Tourniquet issues with nail surgeries and what volume of anesthetic?
Published 08/30/2023 What instruments are needed for nail surgery?
Published 08/30/2023 Which is more traumatic? Proximal or distal nail avulsion?
Published 08/30/2023 What is preferable? Partial or total plase avulsions?
Published 08/30/2023 Longitudinal Erythronychia and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)- what is it? DDx? Most common nail unit malignancy? Associated with which HPV?
Published 08/30/2023 Longitudinal Melanonychia and Nail Unit Melanoma... where do melanomas arise? most pigment arises from which matrix?
Published 08/30/2023 How to bx if concerned about melanoma (nail)
Published 08/30/2023 MIS in nail presents as?
Published 08/30/2023 Nail unit melanoma (A-F)
Published 08/30/2023 Up to what % of nail melanomas are amelanotic?
Published 08/30/2023 What is the average breslow depth and the 5 yr survival?
Published 08/30/2023 Melanoma treatment in the nail data shows...
Published 08/30/2023 What is the most common tumor of nail bed?
Published 08/30/2023 Describe surgical matrixectomy
Published 08/30/2023 Scar revision timing? When do you revise sooner?
Published 08/30/2023 Topical therapy for scars
Published 08/30/2023 Steroid ILK complications, uses, etc
Published 08/30/2023 5-FU uses, contraindications
Published 08/30/2023 Scars, PDL
Published 08/30/2023 Scars, fully ablative CO2
Published 08/30/2023 How does fractional resurfacing work?
Published 08/30/2023 How does ablative CO2 work?
Published 08/30/2023 Nonablative fractional lasers (1550nm erbium doped fiber laser) work by? Complciations?
Published 08/30/2023 IPL details?
Published 08/30/2023 Radiation therapy details?
Published 08/30/2023 Surgical revision for scars, details?
Published 08/30/2023 Describe W plasty
Published 08/30/2023 Describe Z plasty
Published 08/30/2023 Describe V-Y advancement flap in context of scar revision
Published 08/30/2023 Serial excision use for?
Published 08/30/2023 Describe needle subcision
Published 08/30/2023 Describe surgical subcision
Published 08/30/2023 Manual dermabrasion, describe
Published 08/30/2023 Mechanical dermabrasion
Published 08/30/2023 Microneedling, describe
Published 08/30/2023 Microneedling with radiofrequency, describe
Published 08/30/2023 Elecroablation, describe
Published 08/30/2023 Electroabrasion, describe
Published 08/30/2023 Mechanism of Action, Radiation
Published 08/30/2023 Types of radiation and applications
Published 08/30/2023 International units of radiation?
Published 08/30/2023 Definitive radiotherapy for?
Published 08/30/2023 Adjuvant radiotherapy for?
Published 08/30/2023 Palliative radiotherapy for?
Published 08/30/2023 Radiation indications for BCC & SCC?
Published 08/30/2023 Radiation indications for DFSP & MCC
Published 08/30/2023 Radiation for Kaposi sarcoma
Published 08/30/2023 Radiation for Cutaneous lymphoma
Published 08/30/2023 Radiation for melanoma
Published 08/30/2023 Radiation for angiosarcoma
Published 08/30/2023 Radiation for adnexal carcinoma
Published 08/30/2023 Margins for RT
Published 08/30/2023 What is RT margin for MCC?
Published 08/30/2023 What are contraindications for RT?
Published 08/30/2023 What are relative contraindications for RT?
Published 08/30/2023 What is interesting regarding RT in immunosuppressed hosts?
Published 08/30/2023 What are recurrence rates of RT?
Published 08/30/2023 Disadvantages of RT?
Published 08/30/2023 5-FU MOA, indications, AEs, response rate, dosing, onset, preg category, contraindications?
Published 08/30/2023 Imiquimod MOA, indications, AEs, R, dosing, Preg Cat?
Published 08/30/2023 Ingenol MOA, indications, dosing, AEs, RR, preg cat?
Published 08/30/2023 Diclofenac MOA, indication, dosing, AEs, R, Preg cat, contraindications?
Published 08/30/2023 Retinoids what do they do? How?
Published 08/30/2023 Which RAR is the most common in human skin?
Published 08/30/2023 Retinoids inhibit what?
Published 08/30/2023 Acitretin MOA, indications, AEs, RR, Dosing, labs, Preg Cat, Pros/cons, Contraindications
Published 08/30/2023 Nicotainamide MOA, indication, dosing, AEs, coontraindication, drug interaction, pros/cons
Published 08/30/2023 Smoothened inhibitors MOA
Published 08/30/2023 Smoothened inhibitors INDICATIONS of each
Published 08/30/2023 AEs of smoothened inhibitors
Published 08/30/2023 Response rates of Smoothened inhibitors
Published 08/30/2023 Dosing/labs/drug interactions of smoothened inhibitors
Published 08/30/2023 Pros/cons smoothened inhibitors
Published 08/30/2023 What are immune checkpoint inhibitors?
Published 08/30/2023 Avelumab MOA, indications, AEs, RR, dosing
Published 08/30/2023 Ipilimumab (Yervoy) MOA, indications, AEs, dosing, precautions
Published 08/30/2023 Pembrolizuman (Keytruda) MOA, indications, AEs, RR, dosing, precaution
Published 08/30/2023 Nivolumab (opdivo) MOA, indications, AEs, AEs w ipi, RR, Dosing, Precautions
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