Notes in 2 Tubular Transport

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Published 10/09/2024 The {{c1::3Na+/2K+ ATPase pump::enzyme}} on the {{c1::BasoLateral::cell side}} maintains {{c2::low::high/low}} Na+ and electro{{c2::Negative}} charge …
Published 10/09/2024 {{c3::PCT::nephron region}} has 2 transporter Types:First Type:{{c2::Na+ Glucose CoTransport)}}{{c2::Na+ Phosphate CoTransport)}}{{c2::…
Published 10/09/2024 be1a5b826f67481a83d52c00ab669725-ao-1
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Published 10/09/2024 be1a5b826f67481a83d52c00ab669725-ao-4
Published 10/09/2024 2eddfc1d397e47d1878e5eeea0b31395-ao-1
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Published 10/09/2024 2eddfc1d397e47d1878e5eeea0b31395-ao-3
Published 10/09/2024 2eddfc1d397e47d1878e5eeea0b31395-ao-4
Published 10/09/2024 What substance has ~100% reabsorption in kidney?{{c1::HCO3-}}
Published 10/09/2024 Renal/Nephron cells for Reabsorption/Secretion lie between the {{c1::Tubular Lumen (pee)}} and the {{c1::PeriTubular Capillary (blood)}}These cells ar…
Published 10/09/2024 Tight Junctions of nephron are made of the {{c1::Zona Occludens}} → a variable barrier
Published 10/09/2024 {{c3::Loop of Henle::nephron region}} has 1 transporter Types:{{c2::Na+/K+/2Cl- CoTransport)}}⇒ can be blocked by {{c1::Loop Diuretics::drug clas…
Published 10/09/2024 {{c3::DCT::nephron region}} has 1 transporter Types:{{c2::Na+/Cl- CoTransport)}}⇒ can be blocked by {{c1::Thiazide Diuretics::drug class}}
Published 10/09/2024 {{c3::Collecting Tubule::nephron region}} Transporter Types:Has 1-Direction {{c2::Passive}} Channels for {{c2::Na+}} to move in and {{c2::K+}} to move…
Published 10/09/2024 Some Urea is reabsorbed by nephron to create the {{c1::osmotic}} gradient
Published 10/09/2024 What part of nephron re-absorbs the most Na/Cl (and water)?{{c1::PCT}}
Published 10/09/2024 What part of nephron re-absorbs the most BiCarbonate (HCO3-)?{{c1::PCT}}
Published 10/09/2024 What part of nephron makes Ammonia (NH3)?{{c1::PCT}}
Published 10/09/2024  What part of nephron secretes the large ions that were NOT filtered in glomerulus?{{c1::PCT}}
Published 10/09/2024 What part of nephron re-absorbs most of the Na/Cl (and water) that the PCT left behind (~15-20%)?{{c1::Loop of Henle}}
Published 10/09/2024 What part of nephron excretes Mg+?{{c1::Loop of Henle}}
Published 10/09/2024 What part of nephron has hormonal regulation for (small) NaCl reabsorb?{{c1::DCT}}
Published 10/09/2024 What part of nephron regulates Ca+ excretion?{{c1::DCT}}
Published 10/09/2024 What part of nephron has Principal and Intercalated cells?{{c1::Cortical Collecting Tubule}}
Published 10/09/2024 What part of nephron excretes H+ and NH3 to regulate Urine pH? {{c1::Medullary Collecting Tubule}}
Published 10/09/2024 What part of nephron re-absorbs almost all glucose? {{c1::PCT}}
Published 10/09/2024 What part of nephron re-absorbs almost all amino acids? {{c1::PCT}}
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::AT2}} and {{c1::NE}} stimulate {{c2::Na+/H+ Exchanger::transporter}} on the Tubular side of {{c3::PCT::nephron region}}⇒ Volume deplet…
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::HCO3-::molecule}} is reabsorbed at the {{c2::PCT::nephron reigon}} by using {{c1::Carbonic Anhydrase (CA)::enzyme}} to make {{c1::H2O}} and {{c1…
Published 10/09/2024 Glucose is reabsorbed at PCT through 2 co-transpoters⇒ {{c1::SGLT1}} ⇒ {{c2::high::high/low}} affinity, {{c2::low::high/low}} capacity⇒ {{c1::SGLT2}} …
Published 10/09/2024 Where and how (transport) is Urea re-absorbed in the nephron?{{c1::At the DCT through passive diffusion}}
Published 10/09/2024 Does High BUN (Urea) always indicate Kidney Damage?{{c1::No → can be excess production (GI bleed) or volume depletion}}
Published 10/09/2024 Most AminoAcids are re-absorbed w/ {{c1::Na+}} co-transport*{{c2::Neutral}} Charge AA can have {{c1::Na+}} independent co-ttransport
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::Cystinuria::disease}} is a mutation of the SCL3A1 (Na+ indepent Co transport) casing excess {{c1::cysteine::AA}} in urine⇒ typically affects kid…
Published 10/09/2024 How Are Large Proteins filtered in glomerulus?{{c1::Hydrolized}} at {{c1::Brush Border}}OR {{c1::Endocytosed}} and then Hydrolized
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::Fanconi}} Syndrome → {{c1::urinary}} loss of molecules due to problems at {{c1::PCT}}***caused by many disease, most common ex: {{c3::Mulitple M…
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::Creatinine}} is secreted at the {{c1::PCT}} via the {{c1::Organic Cation Tranport 1 (OCT1)}}***{{c3::Cimetedine}} can be used to overload the re…
Published 10/09/2024  {{c1::Organic Cation Tranport 1 (OCT1)::transporter}} used to secrete the large organic molecules that do NOT get filtered at glomerul…
Published 10/09/2024 The PCT can breakdown {{c1::Glutamine}} into α-KetoGlutarate + {{c2::NH3}} ⇒ to make {{c2::Ammonia (NH4)}} needed to secrete Acid (H+)
Published 10/09/2024  {{c1::2. Acidosis with glycosuria, amino aciduria, and phosphaturia (i.e. Fanconi Syndrome)}}
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::Cortical}} Nephrons do NOT have a {{c2::Thin Asceding}} limb on the Loop of Henle ⇒ means less {{c2::NaCl}} re-absorption
Published 10/09/2024 Loop of Henle {{c1::Descending}} limb ⇒ {{c2::water}} permeable → Re-Absorption
Published 10/09/2024 Loop of Henle {{c1::Ascending}} limb ⇒ {{c2::NaCl}} permeable → Re-Absorption
Published 10/09/2024 The {{c1::Thick Ascending}} Limb of the Loop of Henle contains the {{c2::Na+/K+/2Cl- CoTransporter}}⇒ can be blocked w/ {{c3::Loop Diuretics::drug cla…
Published 10/09/2024 To Concentrate urine after the loop of henle we need {{c1::ADH (Vasopressin)}} to open aquaporins in the {{c2::Collecting Ducts}}
Published 10/09/2024 What part of the kidney has highest risk of ischemia?{{c1::Medulla containing the Long Loops of Henle}}
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::Ca+}} is re-absorbed at the {{c2::Thick Ascending}} Limb of Loop of Henle through an {{c2::Electric}} Gradient ⇒ gradient is created by {{c3::ou…
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::Bartter's}} Syndrome → mutation of {{c1::Na/K/2Cl CoTrans (NKCC)}} or {{c1::Leaky K+ Channels (ROMK)}} causing Hyper{{c1::Calci}}Uria⇒ typically…
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::Mg+}} is absorbed at the thick ascending limb along w/ Ca+ on the electrical gradient
Published 10/09/2024 Ca+ and Mg+ absorption are regulated via {{c1::Ca+ Sensing Receptors (CaSR)}} on the {{c2::capillary}} lumen → cause inhibition of {{c2::NaK2Cl}}…
Published 10/09/2024 Distal Nephron begins at the {{c1::Macula Densa}} after the thick ascending limbHas 4 Segments:• {{c2::Distal convolute tubule (DCT)}}• {{c2::Connecti…
Published 10/09/2024 Water Reabsorption using ADH occurs at the {{c1::Cortical Collecting Duct (CCD)}}⇒ ADH causes increased {{c1::Aquaporins}} to transport water
Published 10/09/2024 If NO ADH is present (Diuresis) there are NO Aquaporins → means only {{c1::NaCl}} is reabsorbed, but does not bring water with it⇒ even w/ max diuresi…
Published 10/09/2024 What is the main site of active calcium transport?{{c1::DCT}}
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::Na+/Cl- CoTranspoter::transporter}} on the Tubular side of {{c2::DCT}}⇒ blocked by {{c2::Thiazide}} Diuretics⇒ Tubular side also has {{c1::Ca+}}…
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::PTH::hormone}} and {{c1::Calcitriol::hormone}} increase {{c2::Ca+}} re-absorption at the {{c2::DCT::nephron region}}
Published 10/09/2024 The {{c2::Basolateral (capillary/blood)}} side of {{c2::DCT}} has {{c1::Cl- leak}} channels and {{c1::Ca/Na Exchanger}}
Published 10/09/2024 inhibition of the {{c1::Na/Cl CoTransporter}} on the DCT causes {{c2::increased::inc/dec}} {{c2::Ca+::ion}} re-absorption
Published 10/09/2024 What Diuretic is used to treat Kidney Ca+ stones?{{c1::Thiazide Diuretic (blocks Na/Cl- CoTrans at DCT)}}
Published 10/09/2024 {{c3::Gitelman’s}} Syndrome ⇒ mutation of {{c1::Na/Cl CoTransporter}} causing Hypo{{c1::Calci}}Uria⇒ typically affects {{c1::young adults}}Labs:Hypo{{…
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::Familial Hyperkalemic Hypertension (FHH)}} ⇒ mutation causing the {{c1::Na/Cl-}} channel of DCT to be {{c1::always active}} → causes Volume…
Published 10/09/2024 {{c3::Cortical Collecting Tubule (CCT)::nephron region}} has 3 main cell types:{{c1::Principle}} Cells{{c2::InterCalated (Type A or B)}} Cells
Published 10/09/2024 {{c3::Principle}} Cells contain {{c1::Epithelial Na+ Channels (ENaC)::transporter}} that allow {{c2::in}}flow of {{c1::Na+}} creating an {{c2::Electri…
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