Notes in Exam I

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Published 12/09/2024 Broadly describe differentiation
Published 12/09/2024 What is the most common stain, and which stains are acidic and basic
Published 12/09/2024 What stain type do basophilic vs acidophilic structures uptake, and what colors will you see for each?
Published 12/09/2024 What are reticulocytes, and how can you recognize them histologically?
Published 12/09/2024 Nuclear components
Published 12/09/2024 Chromatin types
Published 12/09/2024 What is the nucleolus and what is it's function?
Published 12/09/2024 Rough ER function
Published 12/09/2024 Free ribosome function
Published 12/09/2024 Smooth ER function
Published 12/09/2024 What is the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, and how is it unique?
Published 12/09/2024 What does the golgi apparatus do, and what's it's function in protein synthesis/export?
Published 12/09/2024 Pathway of mRNA from nuclear export to exported protein
Published 12/09/2024 Eukaryotic Cell Function Specializations:- Muscle cells- Pancreas cells- Goblet cells- Macrophages- Nerve cells
Published 12/09/2024 Describe the nuclear envelope, and how materials can pass through it
Published 09/16/2024 What vesicles make up the digestive function of a cell, and how do they do it?
Published 09/16/2024 What processes occurs in/on the mitochondria, and what are the products?
Published 09/16/2024 What are common cytoplasmic inclusions, and where are those tissues located?
Published 09/16/2024 Which type of structure/material is clear or not present on a histology slide?
Published 09/16/2024 What 3 main purposes does the cytoskeleton serve?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the three cytoskeletal types, and what are their purposes?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the types of microfilament, and what are they responsible for?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the main purposes and characteristics of the plasma/cell membrane?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the types of membranous proteins, and what are their main functions?
Published 09/16/2024 What is the Fluid mosaic model?
Published 09/16/2024 How are integrated proteins formed?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the three types of endocytosis, and how do they differ?
Published 09/16/2024 What is the typical cell receptor pathway?
Published 09/16/2024 What are secretory vesicles, and how are they produced and used?
Published 09/16/2024 What can you determine if you see high frequency mitotic figures?
Published 09/16/2024 Different tissue types replicate at different rates, what are the main classifications for these rates?
Published 09/16/2024 How can tissues form while retaining stem cells?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the two primary methods of cell death, and how do they contrast?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the major differences between treatment with insulin and steroids?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the 4 basic tissue types in the body?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the three domains of epithelial cells?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the three types of Apical epithelial structures, how do they differ, and what organs are they typically found on/in?
Published 09/16/2024 List and describe the lateral epithelial structures.
Published 12/09/2024 What are the types of transport for materials across the epithelia?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the primary functions of the epithelium?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the different epithelial cell layering types and cell shapes?
Published 09/16/2024 How do we determine the cell shape of a stratified tissue?
Published 09/16/2024 What surfaces and tissues will you find simple squamous cells on?
Published 09/16/2024 What types of tissues are simple cuboidal arrangements found?
Published 09/16/2024 What types of tissues are simple columnar arrangements found?
Published 09/16/2024 Describe pseudo-stratified columnar arrangement, and where it may be found.
Published 09/16/2024 What is the function of stratified squamous arrangement, and what are the differences between the two types of stratified squamous?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the two presentations of transitional epithelium, and which one is unobservable under a microscope?
Published 09/16/2024 Where can transitional epithelium be found?
Published 09/16/2024 What are plaques?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the two categories of epithelial glands?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the main characteristics of exocrine glands?
Published 12/09/2024 What are lobes and lobules of glands?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the categories of secretions a gland can produce?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the 3 primary modes of gland secretion?
Published 09/16/2024 What are myoepithelial cells?
Published 09/16/2024 What actions of gland secretion are needed for milk production?
Published 09/16/2024 What is the primary function of connective tissue?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the components of connective tissue?
Published 09/16/2024 What is the function of a fibroblast/cyte?
Published 09/16/2024 What is an adipocyte, and what are the two types of fat?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the five connective tissue resident cells we focus on in this course?
Published 09/16/2024 What action(s) do mast cells carry out, and what causes it?
Published 09/16/2024 Where can mast cells be found?
Published 09/16/2024 What action(s) do macrophages carry out?
Published 09/16/2024 What do melanocytes produce, and where can they be found?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the three connective tissue transient cells we focus on in this course?
Published 09/16/2024 When can Lymphocytes and Granulocytes be found?
Published 09/16/2024 What 3 cells produce collagen?
Published 09/16/2024 What are reticular fibers, and where are some places they can be found?
Published 09/16/2024 What are elastic fibers made of, and why are they helpful?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two materials that can make up ground substance?
Published 09/16/2024 Why are proteoglycans useful as a ground substance?
Published 09/16/2024 What fibers, ground substances, and cells can be found in Loose Connective tissue?
Published 09/16/2024 Where can loose connective tissue be found?
Published 09/16/2024 What is the organization of loose connective tissue?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the two types of dense connective tissue? What fibers, ground substances, and cells can be found there?
Published 09/16/2024 How do the two types of dense connective tissue differ in organization?
Published 09/16/2024 Where can dense irregular connective tissues be found?
Published 09/16/2024 Where can dense regular connective tissues be found?
Published 09/16/2024 What fibers, ground substances, and cells can be found in reticular connective tissue?
Published 09/16/2024 What fibers, ground substances, and cells can be found in adipose tissue?
Published 09/16/2024 What fibers, ground substances, and cells can be found in cartilage?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the three functions of cartilage?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the three types of cartilage?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the pockets in cartilage that hold chondrocytes?
Published 09/16/2024 What is the primary purpose of Hyaline cartilage, and where can it be found?
Published 09/16/2024 What is perichondrium?
Published 09/16/2024 What is the main purpose of elastic cartilage, and where can it be found?
Published 12/09/2024 Describe fibrocartilage, what is it missing compared to other cartilage?What are it's main purposes, and where it can be found?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the pathways for cartilage histogenesis?
Published 09/16/2024 Why doesn't fibrocartilage repair well?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the 5 functions of bone?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the differences between osteoblasts and osteocytes, where can they be found, and what do they do?
Published 09/16/2024 What are osteoclasts, and what do they do?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the regulating factors for osteoclasia?
Published 09/16/2024 From the core to the peripheral layers, what are the structures of an Osteon?
Published 09/16/2024 What is periosteum made of, what's it’s function, and where is it found relative to endosteum?
Published 09/16/2024 What is the pathway for Endochondral Ossification?
Published 09/16/2024 What is the difference between calcification and ossification?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the 5 histologic zones within the growth plate?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the two broad categories of joint?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the two common types of syndesmotic joint?
Published 12/09/2024 What cartilage makes up a symphysis, and where else is that cartilage found?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the two sections of the intervertebral disc?
Published 09/16/2024 What happens during a disc herniation?
Published 09/16/2024 Briefly describe a synchondrosis joint
Published 09/16/2024 What are the 3 main components of the synovial joint?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the two layers of the joint capsule, and what are they made of?
Published 09/16/2024 What is synovial fluid made of, and what are it's two main uses?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the 5 groups of molecules that blood transports?
Published 09/16/2024 What percentage of body weight does blood make up?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the four primary components of blood?
Published 09/16/2024 What is the difference between plasma and serum?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the three components of a hematocrit? And what is a standard hematocrit range?
Published 09/18/2024 What are the 2 categories of leukocytes, what cell types are in each?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the two primary components of plasma?
Published 09/16/2024 What are the two defining descriptors of an Erythrocyte in mammals?
Published 09/16/2024 When erythrocytes are placed in Hypotonic solutions or Hypertonic solutions, different abnormalities are present. What are they?
Published 09/16/2024 What four erythrocyte abnormalities result in dark staining under a microscope, and what is being stained in each?
Published 09/16/2024 What is it called when a "stack" of erythrocytes is seen?
Published 09/16/2024 What is poikilocytosis, and what are the 4 types?
Published 09/16/2024 Describe the following RBC abnormalities: Anisocytosis, Spherocytosis, Target cells, Hypochromic
Published 09/16/2024 What reaction allows blood to act as a pH modulator?
Published 09/16/2024 What energy-producing pathway is retained in erythrocytes?
Published 09/18/2024 What is this cell type? How can you tell?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the functions of a neutrophil?
Published 09/18/2024 What is this cell type? How can you tell?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the functions of an Eosinophil?
Published 09/18/2024 What is this cell type? How can you tell?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the function of a basophil?
Published 09/20/2024 What is this cell type? How can you tell? 
Published 09/18/2024 What are the functions of a monocyte?
Published 09/18/2024 What is this cell? How can you tell? 
Published 09/18/2024 Why are there two sizes of observed lymphocytes? What is the general function of lymphocytes?
Published 09/18/2024 What are the 3 subtypes of Lymphocyte, and what are their major roles?
Published 09/18/2024 What word is used when Leukocytes increase or decrease in circulation? What suffix is used for the specific cells in each case?
Published 09/18/2024 How can you identify a platelet?
Published 09/18/2024 What is the primary function of platelets?
Published 12/09/2024 What is the word for when new blood cells is formed?
Published 09/18/2024 What is this tissue?
Published 12/09/2024 What are the two compartments of bone marrow, what differentiates them?
Published 09/18/2024 How long does erythropoiesis take? How long do those cells last in canines?
Published 12/09/2024 What cell type gives rise to platelets? How long to platelets last?
Published 09/20/2024 How long does Granulopoiesis take? How long do those cells last in canines?
Published 09/18/2024 What is the ultimate fate for RBC, platelets, and WBC? Which WBC is the exception to the norm?
Published 09/18/2024 What are the three primary causes of Anemia?
Published 09/18/2024 What are the four primary causes of Thrombocytopenia?
Published 09/18/2024 What are the four neutrophil pool compartments, and their subsequent parts (if applicable)?
Published 09/20/2024 How does stress impact the neutrophil pools? (Epinephrine or corticosteroid response)
Published 09/20/2024 How does acute/established inflammation influence the neutrophil pools/production?
Published 09/20/2024 How does chronic inflammation influence the neutrophil pools/production?
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