Notes in Clinical Medicine I::Week 12 - Psychiatric Conditions Part 1

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Published 03/28/2025 {{c1::25%}} of people who experience a traumatic event will develop PTSD
Published 03/28/2025 what are trauma related disorders?
Published 03/28/2025 nonmodifiable risk factors for trauma
Published 03/28/2025 what are modifiable risk factors for trauma?
Published 03/28/2025 what features (s/s) suggest PTSD?
Published 03/28/2025 what are observable measurable indicators of PTSD?
Published 03/28/2025 what screening tools are available to evaluate for PTSD?
Published 03/28/2025 what is a positive PC-PTSD-5 score?
Published 03/28/2025 PTSD ddx and how to differentiate
Published 03/28/2025 treatment for PTSD
Published 03/28/2025 psychotherapy options for PTSD treatment 
Published 03/28/2025 what is the first line pharmacologic tx for PTSD?
Published 03/28/2025 what medication should be avoided in PTSD medications? why?
Published 03/28/2025 medication options for managing sleep in PTSD?
Published 03/28/2025 what is dissociative identity disorder (DID)?
Published 03/28/2025 what was DID formerly known as?
Published 03/28/2025 what is a risk factor for developing DID?
Published 03/28/2025 what conditions are often present with DID?
Published 03/28/2025 what features are associated with DID?
Published 03/28/2025 what are common symptoms of DID?
Published 03/28/2025 what are key characteristics of DID?
Published 03/28/2025 what are primary ddx of DID?
Published 03/28/2025 what are co-occurring conditions of DID?
Published 03/28/2025 what is the number one priority in treating DID?
Published 03/28/2025 treatment for DID?
Published 03/28/2025 what is acute stress disorder?
Published 03/28/2025 what is the key difference between PTSD and Acute Stress Disorder?
Published 03/28/2025 what exposure does not apply to acute stress disorder?
Published 03/28/2025 what treatment option is not recommended for acute stress disorder? why?
Published 03/28/2025 what is the first line treatment for acute stress disorder? what are other options for managing acute stress disorder?
Published 03/28/2025 contrast acute stress disorder from PTSD/MDD/GAD?
Published 03/28/2025 risk factors for developing acute stress disorder?
Published 03/28/2025 why can acute stress disorder go under reported?
Published 03/28/2025 what are adjustment disorders?
Published 03/28/2025 what is adjustment disorder often mistaken as?
Published 03/28/2025 who does adjustment disorders commonly affect?
Published 03/28/2025 definition of an adjustment disorder and timing requirements?
Published 03/28/2025 what is the exception to adjustment disorders lasting more than 6 months?
Published 03/28/2025 what other conditions can be associated with adjustment disorders?
Published 03/28/2025 what is trauma?
Published 03/28/2025 when would you specify acute adjustment disorder versus persistent (chronic) adjustment disorder?
Published 03/28/2025 can someone who has MDD in remission have adjustment disorders?
Published 03/28/2025 what helps to distinguish adjustment disorder from MDD/GAD/CD?
Published 03/28/2025 first line treatment for adjustment disorders?
Published 03/28/2025 what lifestyle changes are recommended for adjustment disorders?
Published 03/28/2025 what is not a recommended treatment for adjustment disorders?
Published 03/28/2025 what is prolonged grief disorder?
Published 03/28/2025 what mental health conditions can increase someones risk of developing prolonged greif disorder?
Published 03/28/2025 pathology to prolonged greif disorder
Published 03/28/2025 why can prolonged grief disorder be difficult/challenging to dx?
Published 03/28/2025 treatment for prolonged grief disorder?
Published 03/28/2025 what is not indicated for treatment of prolonged grief disorder?
Published 03/28/2025 8efa0b5c925b4f819515c613c1b1127f-oa-1
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Published 03/28/2025 3e2cea67acc34801896eab075a00930a-oa-1
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Published 03/28/2025 bca68bbc472c4f5e95d7341cef8947c2-oa-1
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Published 03/28/2025 bca68bbc472c4f5e95d7341cef8947c2-oa-3
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Published 03/28/2025 64fa74fcc274410b890f7210fc674400-oa-1
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Published 03/28/2025 af0eece7b49c42f2ac18343f4492ad60-oa-1
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Published 03/28/2025 e60cb56438ab497b9278f6e4ecebf7dc-oa-1
Published 03/28/2025 e60cb56438ab497b9278f6e4ecebf7dc-oa-2
Published 03/28/2025 e60cb56438ab497b9278f6e4ecebf7dc-oa-3
Published 03/28/2025 e60cb56438ab497b9278f6e4ecebf7dc-oa-4
Published 03/28/2025 e60cb56438ab497b9278f6e4ecebf7dc-oa-5
Published 03/28/2025 Define Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Published 03/28/2025 The pathophysiology and etiology of depressive disorders are generally {{c1::multi-faceted}} and poorly understood, but there is a strong {{c1::geneti…
Published 03/28/2025 Anatomical theory regarding the pathophysiology/etiology of depression 
Published 03/28/2025 Physiological theories involved in the pathophysiology/etiology of depression
Published 03/28/2025 Name the biogenic amines involved in depression (and many other psychiatric disorders)
Published 03/28/2025 Name the neuroendocrine hormones involved in the pathophysiology of depression
Published 03/28/2025 4 categories of MDD presentation (S/S) -- recall "SIG-E-CAPS" or "A SAD FACES"
Published 03/28/2025 According to the DSM-V, what makes Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) different?
Published 03/28/2025 According to the DSM-V, in order to properly dx PDD the individual must never had a {{c1::manic}} or {{c1::hypomanic}} episode. 
Published 03/28/2025 What diagnostic tools can you order/perform to dx MDD, PDD, or PMDD?
Published 03/28/2025 What are some labs you can order to r/o presence of an organic cause when trying to dx depression?
Published 03/28/2025 What are some labs you can order if your pt is resistant to depression tx?
Published 03/28/2025 The USPSTF grade for screening depression and SI in adults is
Published 03/28/2025 What are some supplemental interventions to tx MDD or PDD?
Published 03/28/2025 When treating MDD or PDD, you should remember to 1) Discourage {{c1::cognitive distortions}} and encourage {{c1::positive narrative}}--replace {{c1::s…
Published 03/28/2025 1st line Tx for MDD and PDD
Published 03/28/2025 What are some things to remember about discontinuing SSRIs and SNRIs?
Published 03/28/2025 2nd line tx for MDD and PDD?
Published 03/28/2025 What are the main tx goals when it comes to MDD and PDD? (4)
Published 03/28/2025 Alternative Tx for MDD and PDD
Published 03/28/2025 Assuming that you are working in primary care, when should you refer your pt to a psychiatrist? (5)
Published 03/28/2025 When should you hospitalize a pt presenting with MDD and/or PDD? (5)
Published 03/28/2025 MDD recurrence RFs
Published 03/28/2025 MDD Epidemiology
Published 03/28/2025 Depression is associated with a {{c1::high mortality rate}} ({{c1::50-100%}} greater {{c1::all-cause mortality}} vs those without depression) and a {{…
Published 03/28/2025 MDD prognosis
Published 03/28/2025 Define Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)?
Published 03/28/2025 What are the Sx of PDD?
Published 03/28/2025 Epidemiology of PDD?
Published 03/28/2025 Most episodes of PDD {{c1::resolve}}, but recurrence is {{c1::common}}. Most pts have exacerbations that meet the criteria for {{c1::MDD}}. 
Published 03/28/2025 Define Pre-menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
Published 03/28/2025 According to the DSM-V, how does PMDD differ from PDD and MDD?
Published 03/28/2025 According to the DSM-V, you need to confirm dx of PMDD by tracking a {{c1::daily rating of psychiatric and physical Sx}} for at least {{c1::2 symptoma…
Published 03/28/2025 Epidemiology of PMDD
Published 03/28/2025 What are the similarities between MDD, PDD, and PMDD?
Published 03/28/2025 For mild to moderate PMDD, you should advise
Published 03/28/2025 For moderate to severe PMDD you should advise:
Published 03/28/2025 For refractory or severe PMDD, you should advise:
Published 03/28/2025 What is the etiology for anxiety disorder (specific phobia, social anxiety, panic)
Published 03/28/2025 Describe the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders
Published 03/28/2025 What brain areas are involved in the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders?
Published 03/28/2025 All anxiety disorders share some of the same Sx, what are they?
Published 03/28/2025 Define specific phobia.
Published 03/28/2025 S/S of specific phobia disorder
Published 03/28/2025 The DSM-V for specific phobia states:
Published 03/28/2025 Define social anxiety disorder
Published 03/28/2025 Social anxiety disorder is the {{c1::3rd most common}} psychiatric condition out of ALL psychiatric conditions in DSM-V
Published 03/28/2025 Define panic disorder
Published 03/28/2025 S/S of panic disorder
Published 03/28/2025 Briefly describe the key diagnosgtic features of panic disorder as outline by the DSM-V
Published 03/28/2025 What is a panic attack? What Sx are associated with a panic attack?
Published 03/28/2025 Define generalized anxiety disorder
Published 03/28/2025 General anxiety disorder differs from the other anxiety disorders because
Published 03/28/2025 S/S Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Published 03/28/2025 In general, dx of anxiety disorders can be made {{c1::clinically}} but you can also do a {{c1::mental status exam}}. If you suspect a "medical mimic" …
Published 03/28/2025 You can use the {{c1::Fear Survey Schedule (FSS-II)}} to aid in diagnosis of specific phobia. 
Published 03/28/2025 You can use either the {{c1::GAD-2 or GAD-7}} screenings to dx generalized anxiety disorder. 
Published 03/28/2025 What is the GAD-7 classification/severity ratings?
Published 03/28/2025 1 in {{c1::36}} children in the US has Autism Spectrum Disorder, and globally 1 in {{c1::100}}
Published 03/28/2025 risk factors for developing ASD
Published 03/28/2025 why is the prevalence of ASD higher in the US than it is globally?
Published 03/28/2025 etiology of ASD
Published 03/28/2025 pathology of ASD 
Published 03/28/2025 what are the diagnostic criteria for ASD?
Published 03/28/2025 what are the specifications for ASD?
Published 03/28/2025 s/s of ASD
Published 03/28/2025 behavior treatment options for ASD
Published 03/28/2025 pharmaceutical interventions for ASD
Published 03/28/2025 {{c1::7.2%}} of children have ADHD globally while in the US the stastistics are as high as {{c1::10%}}
Published 03/28/2025 what demographics are at increase risk of developing ADHD
Published 03/28/2025 etiology of ADHD
Published 03/28/2025 pathology to ADHD?
Published 03/29/2025 Specific phobia Tx
Published 03/29/2025 Social Anxiety Disorder
Published 03/29/2025 Panic Disorder Tx
Published 03/29/2025 GAD Tx
Published 03/29/2025 OCD is characterized by the presence of {{c1::obsessions}} and {{c1::compulsions}}
Published 03/29/2025 What are obsessions and compulsions?
Published 03/29/2025 What are some other disorders that fall within the OCD category?
Published 03/29/2025 Etiology of OCD (4)
Published 03/29/2025 The pathophysiology of OCD is poorly understood, but some theories center around the interplay of: 
Published 03/29/2025 One theory regarding OCD's pathophysiology is that the {{c1::Cortico-striatal-thalamic-cortical}} (CSTC) circuit is impacted. 
Published 03/29/2025 What is the Cortico-striatal-thalamic-cortical (CSTC) circuit and how does it influence the development of OCD?
Published 03/29/2025 In pts with OCD they attempt to {{c1::ignore or suppress}} such thoughts, urges, or images (obsessions), or to {{c1::neutralize}} them with some other…
Published 03/29/2025 According to the DSM-V, compulsions are {{c1::repetitive}} and are aimed at preventing or reducing {{c1::anxiety/distress}}. These acts may not be con…
Published 03/29/2025 S/S OCD
Published 03/29/2025 You can differentiate between an anxiety disorder vs OCD because anxiety disorders are more focused on {{c1::real-life}} consequences, whereas OCD con…
Published 03/29/2025 What diagnostic screening tool can you use to dx OCD? What is the grading scale?
Published 03/29/2025 Mild to moderate OCD Tx
Published 03/29/2025 Moderate to severe OCD Tx
Published 03/29/2025 Remember that obsessions and/or compulsions should be {{c1::age appropriate}} for those with OCD
Published 03/29/2025 For OCD in children/adolescents which sex is more affected?
Published 03/29/2025 For OCD in adults, which sex is more affected?
Published 03/29/2025 An {{c1::insidious onset}} of OCD is more common than an abrupt presentation. {{c1::Severity}} gradually increases as well as {{c1::frequency}} in act…
Published 03/29/2025 What are some complications of OCD, if left untreated?
Published 03/29/2025 Briefly summarize the definition of mania per the DSM-V.
Published 03/29/2025 What is hypermania and hypomania?
Published 03/29/2025 Pathophysiology/Etiology of Bipolar Disorder (I or II)
Published 03/29/2025 Define/State the S/S of Bipolar I Disorder
Published 03/29/2025 What does the DSM-V state about Dx for BP I?
Published 03/29/2025 Define/State the S/S of Bipolar II Disorder
Published 03/29/2025 What does the DSM-V state about Dx BP II?
Published 03/29/2025 Define/State the S/S of Cyclothymic Disorder
Published 03/29/2025 What does the DSM-V state about Dx Cyclothymic Disorder?
Published 03/29/2025 Cyclothymic disorder typically begins in {{c1::adolescence or early adulthood}} and persists throughout the lifetime. It has a {{c1::15-20%}} cha…
Published 03/29/2025 How much of the population is affeced by Bipolar I or II? What is the mean age of onset?
Published 03/29/2025 Individuals with BP I or II are at {{c1::15x risk for death by suicide}}. 
Published 03/29/2025 What are the 1st line pharmacologic tx that can be given to tx mood disorders (BP, Cyclothymic, Disruptive Mood)
Published 03/29/2025 {{c1::Antidepressants}} may induce manic episode and should be avoided as a monotherapy for tx {{c1::mood disorders.}} 
Published 03/29/2025 Can BZDs be used to tx mood disorders?
Published 03/29/2025 Define Disruptive Mood Regulation Disorder
Published 03/29/2025 Disruptive Mood Regulation Disorder (DMDD) typically affects
Published 03/29/2025 S/S for DMDD
Published 03/29/2025 S/S of DMDD can change as a child ages. For example, a teenager may have less tantrums but may exhibit more signs of {{c1::anxiety and/or depression.&…
Published 03/29/2025 Tx for DMDD
Published 03/29/2025 what are the two key features of ADHD?
Published 03/29/2025 what are the specifications to ADHD?
Published 03/29/2025 what are some symptoms of ADHD?
Published 03/29/2025 what is the difference between oppositional defiance disorder/conduct disorder versus ADHD?
Published 03/29/2025 ADHD treatment 
Published 03/29/2025 what are other reasons and comorbidities associated with ADHD?
Published 03/29/2025 what is oppositional defiant disorder or conductdisorder?
Published 03/29/2025 what is the DSM 5 criteria for ODD
Published 03/29/2025 what is the diagnostic thershold for ODD
Published 03/29/2025 A child who is preschooled age has a temper outburst on most days for 6 months and has also been destroying property during the outbursts. What is the…
Published 03/29/2025 what ddx associated with ODD?
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