Notes in 5. Prenatal care

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New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy prevention/ screening procedures should be done from a reproductive perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy preventative/ screening procedures should be done from a sexual health perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy prevention/ screening procedures should be done from a chronic medical condition perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy prevention/ screening procedures should be done from a medication perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy prevention/ screening procedures should be done from a mental health perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy prevention/ screening procedures should be done from a smoking, alcohol, and other substance use perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy prevention/ screening procedures should be done from a immunization perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy prevention/ screening procedures should be done from an infectious diseases perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy prevention/ screening procedures should be done from a family and genetic history perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy prevention/ screening procedures should be done from a nutrition perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy prevention/ screening procedures should be done from a psychosocial stressors perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 What pre-pregnancy prevention/ screening procedures should be done from a environmental exposure perspective?
New Card 05/29/2024 Does XY age have any implication/ impact on pregnancy?
New Card 05/29/2024 What prenatal screening should be undertaken with advanced maternal age?
New Card 05/29/2024 At what gestational age can FTS happen?
New Card 05/29/2024 At what gestational age can MSS happen?
New Card 05/29/2024 At what gestational age can NIPS happen?
New Card 05/29/2024 What is the risk of miscarriage with amnio and CVS, respectively?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are the medical methods for pregnancy abortion? What are the age cutoffs? Effectiveness?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are the contraindications to medical methods for pregnancy abortion? Side effects?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are the mechanisms of action for mifepristone and misoprostol?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are the two types of surgical interventions for abortion? Gestational dates?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are some potential complications from surgical abortion? Side effects?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are the options for anesthesia and pain management during L&D?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are the most likely causes for fetal death in each trimester?
New Card 05/29/2024 What is the differential for first trimester bleeding?
New Card 05/29/2024 What is the diagnostic approach to first trimester bleeding?
New Card 05/29/2024 What is the DDx for second and third trimester bleeding?
New Card 05/29/2024 What is the approach to second and third trimester bleeding?
New Card 05/29/2024 What is the management for placenta previa?
New Card 05/29/2024 What is the management for placental abruption?
New Card 05/29/2024 What is the pathophysiology of RBC isoimmunization during pregnancy?
New Card 05/29/2024 What is the rationale for WinRho/ RhoGam and when should it be used?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are the symptoms and signs of preeclampsia?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are some investigations for pre-eclampsia?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are some maternal complications of hypertensive conditions in pregnancy?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are some fetal complications with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy?
New Card 05/29/2024 What are the risk factors and management for preeclampsia prophylaxis?
New Card 05/30/2024 What must you consider if delivery anticipated between 24-34 weeks?
New Card 05/30/2024 What are some options for antihypertensives in pregnancy?
New Card 05/30/2024 What are some potential complications of IUGR?
New Card 05/30/2024 What are some risk factors for IUGR?
New Card 05/30/2024 What are some causes of IUGR?
New Card 05/30/2024 At what gestational age should delivery happen with preeclampsia if no severe features?
New Card 05/30/2024 What are considered severe features of preeclampsia which would warrant expedited delivery and/or magnesium sulfate administration?
New Card 05/30/2024 How is infertility diagnosed and classified?
New Card 05/30/2024 What are the components of an infertility workup?
New Card 05/30/2024 What are the causes of infertility
New Card 05/30/2024 What are the investigations of a secondary infertility workup?
New Card 06/01/2024 What are some management strategies for primary infertility?
New Card 06/01/2024 What is the management for secondary infertility?
New Card 06/01/2024 How do you assess the severity of pregnancy associated N/V?
New Card 06/01/2024 What is the diagnostic criteria for hyperemesis gravidarum?
New Card 06/01/2024 How do you manage hyperemesis gravidarum?
New Card 06/01/2024 What is the pathophysiology of hyperemesis gravidarum?
New Card 06/01/2024 What types of twins are there? Describe the differences between them
New Card 06/01/2024 What are some complications of a twin pregnancy?
New Card 06/01/2024 What is the process for determination of trial of labor/ vaginal delivery potential of twins?
New Card 06/01/2024 How is twin pregnancy induced?
New Card 06/01/2024 How might pregnancy exacerbate the symptoms and consequences of anemia?
New Card 06/01/2024 What are the potential implications for both the mother and fetus when maternal anemia is present?
New Card 06/01/2024 How does pregnancy affect the insulin requirements in women with pre-existing diabetes?
New Card 06/02/2024 Describe the potential fetal complications in a pregnancy complicated by uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.
New Card 06/02/2024 How would you screen your patients for gestational diabetes?
New Card 06/02/2024 How does the cardiovascular system change during pregnancy, and how might these changes impact a woman with a pre-existing cardiac condition?
New Card 06/02/2024 What are the potential maternal and fetal risks in a pregnancy complicated by cardiac disease?
New Card 06/02/2024 How can pregnancy influence the severity and frequency of asthma exacerbations?
New Card 06/02/2024 What are the potential concerns for a fetus if a mother's asthma is not well-controlled during pregnancy?
New Card 06/02/2024 Why are pregnant women more susceptible to UTIs?
New Card 06/02/2024 Describe the potential consequences of an untreated UTI during pregnancy.
New Card 06/02/2024 Should asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy be treated?
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the potential impact on fetus infected with TORCH? What preventive measures are available during pregnancy? What treatments are available duri…
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the potential impact on fetus infected with syphilis from TORCH? What preventive measures are available during pregnancy? What treatments are …
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the potential impact on fetus infected with varicella zoster from TORCH? What preventive measures are available during pregnancy? What treatme…
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the potential impact on fetus infected with parvovirus B19 from TORCH? What preventive measures are available during pregnancy? What treatment…
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the potential impact on fetus infected with rubella from TORCH? What preventive measures are available during pregnancy? What treatments are a…
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the potential impact on fetus infected with cytomegalovirus from TORCH? What preventive measures are available during pregnancy? What treatmen…
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the potential impact on fetus infected with HSV from TORCH? What preventive measures are available during pregnancy? What treatments are avail…
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the potential impact on fetus infected with GBS? What preventive measures are available during pregnancy? What treatments are available during…
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the potential impact on fetus infected with viral hepatitis? What preventive measures are available during pregnancy? What treatments are avai…
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the potential impact on fetus infected with HIV? What preventive measures are available during pregnancy? What treatments are available during…
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the potential impact on fetus infected with HPV? What preventive measures are available during pregnancy? What treatments are available during…
New Card 06/02/2024 How do substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs impact fetal development and pregnancy outcomes?
New Card 06/02/2024 What interventions can be offered to pregnant women to reduce or eliminate the use of harmful substances during pregnancy?
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