Notes in Exam 1

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Published 01/09/2025 What are the 6 main classes of nutrients?
Published 01/09/2025 List 2 reasons that water is important for a ration/diet?
Published 01/09/2025 What are the 3 sources of water in the body?
Published 01/09/2025 What are the 2 main things that carbohydrates provide to the animal?
Published 01/15/2025 How does too many carbohydrates in the diet cause diarrhea of monogastric animals?
Published 01/09/2025 What is a limiting amino acid?
Published 01/09/2025 What is the difference between an essential and non-essential amino acid?
Published 01/09/2025 During what life stages is protein especially important for?
Published 01/09/2025 What is a non-protein nitrogen?
Published 01/09/2025 What are the two main things that are taken into consideration when determining the biological value of a protein source?
Published 01/09/2025 Why are lipids important?
Published 01/09/2025 How much more energy does stored fat yield than stored carbohydrate?
Published 01/09/2025 What is a triglyceride? What is the difference between a saturated and unsaturated fatty acid?
Published 01/09/2025 What is needed to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins?
Published 01/09/2025 What is ketosis? How does a ketotic state differ between different species?
Published 01/09/2025 What are minerals?
Published 01/09/2025 What is the difference between a macro and a micro mineral?
Published 01/09/2025 What are the 4 trace minerals that are commonly deficient in the intermountain west?
Published 01/09/2025 What is the difference between a chelated an non-chelated mineral? How does absorption differ?
Published 01/09/2025 What is the best way to measure mineral status in an animal?
Published 01/09/2025 How do mineral interactions affect absorption? How does declining mineral status impact production of animals?
Published 01/09/2025 How does age impact mineral absorption?
Published 01/09/2025 What are the water soluble and fat soluble vitamins?
Published 01/15/2025 What nutrient is required in the highest amount in an animal’s diet?
Published 01/19/2025 What compounds does energy come from in the diet? How does this differ between species?
Published 01/15/2025 How does digestibility affect energy required to metabolize it?
Published 01/09/2025 List 3 places that energy is lost during metabolism
Published 01/15/2025 List 4 factors that affect energy requirements of an animal.
Published 01/09/2025 What happens to the body during a state of energy deficiency? How does this impact production animals?
Published 01/09/2025 Describe what is meant by the term maintenance energy?
Published 01/09/2025 Be able to draw and describe a growth curve
Published 01/09/2025 What is compensatory growth?
Published 01/15/2025 Do all tissues in the body grow at the same rate?
Published 01/15/2025 Describing energy requirements as they relate to a typical lactation curve of a dairy animal.
Published 01/09/2025 Which trimester of pregnancy requires the most energy?
Published 01/09/2025 What is the most common method to analyze feed samples?
Published 01/09/2025 Why is it important what we look at feeds of a DM basis?
Published 01/09/2025 How is CP determined? What is the main problem with this method?
Published 01/09/2025 What is NDF? ADF? eNDF?
Published 01/09/2025 Explain the importance of fiber in the diets of cattle, dogs/cats and horses.
Published 01/09/2025 What is NFE
Published 01/09/2025 Be able to do dry matter calculations, such as those in the examples at the end of this lecture.
Published 01/09/2025 Placeholder for ankicollab. {{c1::Please ignore/suspend}}
Published 01/09/2025 {{c0::image-occlusion:text:left=.0346:top=.2727:fill=#000000:text=placeholder for ankicollab. Please ignore/suspend:scale=1.:fs=.0454:oi=1}}{{c1::imag…
Published 01/15/2025 Relatively speaking, how often are feed analyses conducted for production cattle? Horses? Cats/dogs?
Published 01/15/2025 Why is it important to have your feed analyzed?
Published 01/15/2025 Be able to describe and know the different things that you can have analyzed in your feed.
Published 01/15/2025 Be able to look at a feed analysis output and tell me what the different values represent
Published 01/15/2025 What organization determines the feeding standards for livestock?
Published 01/15/2025 What are 3 different factors associated with feeding standards?
Published 01/15/2025 What nutrient requirement tables do we use in the US for livestock species?
Published 01/15/2025 What do nutrient requirement tables tell us?
Published 01/15/2025 Be able to look at a sample ration analysis and determine whether an animal is meeting their nutrient requirements from looking at a nutrient requirem…
Published 01/24/2025 What are the three main VFAs produced by cattle?
Published 01/24/2025 What are each of the VFAs generally used for?
Published 01/24/2025 How does diet affect VFA proportions?
Published 01/24/2025 What are the roles of protozoa and fungi in the rumen environment?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the difference between amylolytic and cellulolytic bacteria? Do they both function at the same optimal pH? What is the doubling time of each?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the difference between starch and cellulose?
Published 01/24/2025 How do ruminants metabolize carbohydrates?
Published 01/27/2025 How are lipids altered in the rumen environment?
Published 01/24/2025 How much fat can we feed to cattle? What happens when we feed too much fat to a ruminant?
Published 01/24/2025 What is the difference between RDP and RUP?
Published 01/24/2025 What is microbial protein?
Published 01/24/2025 Be able to explain protein recycling in ruminants.
Published 01/24/2025 How can ruminants utilize a non-protein nitrogen source?
Published 01/24/2025 What happens in ammonia toxicity?
Published 01/24/2025 Know the different segments of the beef industry and how nutrition requirements change for each segment
Published 02/11/2025 Know the BCS scale for beef cattle and what the appropriate BCS is for cattle at different stages of production
Published 01/24/2025 Know the four different period to consider in beef cow nutrition .
Published 01/24/2025 When is a beef cow’s nutrient requirements the highest?
Published 01/24/2025 How much weight should a cow be gaining per day in the third trimester of pregnancy?
Published 01/24/2025 How do nutrient requirements change as the size of the cow increases?
Published 01/24/2025 How much protein in a cow comes from microbial protein synthesis?
Published 01/24/2025 How much CP is required to maintain a healthy rumen microbial population?
Published 01/24/2025 When are mineral requirements greatest in a beef cow?
Published 01/24/2025 Understand the reality of nutrition for cow/calf producers.
Published 01/24/2025 Why do heifers have increase nutrient requirements compared to cows?
Published 01/24/2025 Why is it bad for heifers to grow too slowly? Too fast?
Published 01/24/2025 Why should we manage heifers separate from cows?
Published 01/24/2025 Why does an animal growth curve plateau?
Published 01/24/2025 How does a growth curve change between animals that have different frame sizes?
Published 01/24/2025 Is it energetically more expensive to deposit fat or protein? Is it energetically more expensive to maintain protein or fat?
Published 01/24/2025 What is backgrounding for cattle? Why is this done?
Published 01/24/2025 Why do we see lower intakes in receiving calves?
Published 01/24/2025 What are ionophores?
Published 01/24/2025 How do you step-up a ration?
Published 01/24/2025 Why is it important to include forage in the ration of a feedlot animal?
Published 01/24/2025 Are all concentrates fermented at the same rate?
Published 01/24/2025 What are the typical protein requirements of feedlot beef?
Published 02/11/2025 How does vitamin A affect marbling of beef cattle?
Published 02/05/2025 What are implants? What are beta-agonists?
Published 02/05/2025 Be able to describe the physiology, prevention, symptoms, and treatments of each of the different conditions discussed in lecture.
Published 02/11/2025 How has milk production changed over time?
Published 02/11/2025 How do nutrient requirements of dairy cattle vary during the production cycle?
Published 02/11/2025 Understand the lactation and gestation cycle of dairy cattleKnow the five different phases of nutrition for dairy cattleUnderstand how the five phases…
Published 02/11/2025 What is the dry period for dairy cattle?
Published 02/11/2025 What is the optimum dry period for dairy cattle? Why?
Published 02/11/2025  How do you dry a cow off?
Published 02/11/2025 What is the purpose of the dry period?
Published 02/11/2025 Is it more efficient to put weight on a cow in late lactation or the dry period? Why?
Published 02/11/2025 What BCS do you want in dairy cattle at calving?
Published 02/11/2025 Where does most of the weight gain in the dry period come from in a dairy cow?
Published 02/11/2025 Why should you feed heifers separately from cows?
Published 02/11/2025 How do the requirements of heifers differ from cows?
Published 02/11/2025 Describe the general nutrition of dairy cows during the dry period?
Published 02/11/2025 What is the transition period?
Published 02/11/2025 Why do you want to transition your cows during the transition period?
Published 02/11/2025 How does DMI change during the transition period?
Published 02/11/2025 When do you increase concentrates prior to calving?
Published 02/11/2025 How do grains affect cows during the transition period?
Published 02/11/2025 What is a DCAD diet? How is this done? What is it used for?
Published 02/11/2025 Explain the pathophysiology of milk fever.
Published 02/11/2025 What is the traditional mechanism to decrease milk fever?
Published 02/11/2025 Be able to describe ketosis in dairy cattle.
Published 02/11/2025 What is happening physiologically to dairy cattle during peak milk production?
Published 02/11/2025 How much forage do you want to feed during peak milk production?
Published 02/11/2025 How much protein do you want in peak milk production? Why?
Published 02/11/2025 How do you feed dairy cattle during peak milk?
Published 02/11/2025 How much grain can you give to dairy cattle during peak milk?
Published 02/11/2025 When do you want to achieve max DMI in dairy cattle?
Published 02/11/2025 How much forage should be fed during maximum dry matter intake period?
Published 02/11/2025 Is RUP more or less effective in maximum dry matter intake when compared to peak lactation?
Published 02/11/2025 Describe the management of nutrition during late lactation.
Published 02/11/2025 How much NPN can be fed during late lactation?
Published 02/11/2025 When is the easiest time to add condition back on after peak lactation?
Published 02/11/2025 What is the main limiting factor for dairy rations in this area?
Published 02/11/2025 How do we increase energy density in a ration?
Published 02/11/2025 How much fat do we want in the diet of a dairy cow?
Published 02/11/2025 What affects does feeding fat have on milk fat and milk protein?
Published 02/11/2025 What are some sources of supplemental fat?
Published 02/11/2025 What is the acceptable level of eNDF in a dairy ration?
Published 02/11/2025 What should %ADF be in a dairy ration?
Published 02/11/2025 What happens if ADF is too low?
Published 02/11/2025 How do protein requirements change during lactation?
Published 02/11/2025 What is MUN?
Published 02/21/2025 Do you always want to feed RUP to dairy cattle? Why or why not?
Published 02/11/2025 Explain how limiting amino acids work relative to the diet.
Published 02/11/2025 Why is vitamin D important to supplement to dairy cattle?
Published 02/11/2025 Why is vitamin E supplementation important in dairy cattle?
Published 02/21/2025 Do we typically supplement B vitamins in dairy cattle? Why or why not?
Published 02/11/2025 Do most dairy rations require supplemental Ca, P and salt?
Published 02/11/2025 What microminerals do we need to supplement in this area?
Published 02/11/2025 Why is K important to consider in a dairy ration?
Published 02/11/2025 What are some of the challenges of grazing dairy cattle?
Published 02/11/2025 How can you increase DMI during early lactation?
Published 02/11/2025 Describe Ketosis:
Published 02/11/2025 Describe Hypocalcemia (milk fever):
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