Notes in PHYSIOLOGY::exam one

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exam one
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Published 01/29/2025 what are the building blocks of DNA?
Published 01/29/2025 what are the DNA base pairings?
Published 01/29/2025 how is DNA converted to RNA?
Published 01/29/2025 how does transcription work?
Published 01/29/2025 what are the three forms of RNA?
Published 01/28/2025 what is the membrane time constant, T (tau)?
Published 01/28/2025 what does this image represent?
Published 01/28/2025 what does this image represent?
Published 01/28/2025 Why is the time constant important?
Published 01/28/2025 what does below threshold correspond to?
Published 01/28/2025 what does above threshold mean?
Published 01/28/2025 what is the definition of an action potential?
Published 01/28/2025 What are the four parts of an action potential?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the voltage clamp technique?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the purpose of measuring the amount of current injected?
Published 01/28/2025 What happens when you increase the conductance of an ion?
Published 01/28/2025 How does conductance relate to the Goldman equation?
Published 01/29/2025 {{c1::Ik::Ik or INa}} activates more slowly than {{c1::INa::Ik or INa}}
Published 01/29/2025 {{c1::INa}} inactivates with time
Published 01/28/2025 Describe what this figure is showing
Published 01/28/2025 What are the molecular gates that the sodium channel has?
Published 01/28/2025 What is an activation gate?
Published 01/28/2025 what is an inactivation gate?
Published 01/28/2025 How many gates does the potassium channel have?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the conductance of sodium?
Published 01/28/2025 what is the conductance of potassium?
Published 01/28/2025 What is a refractory period?
Published 01/28/2025 What is voltage gating?
Published 01/28/2025 What is ligand or chemical gating?
Published 01/28/2025 What keeps the action potential from traveling back and forth along the axon?
Published 01/28/2025 What are Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the conduction of an action potential?
Published 01/28/2025 What does the refractory membrane downstream do?
Published 01/28/2025 What contributes to the axon conduction rate?
Published 01/28/2025 What is an example of a disease that results from the lost of myelin or demyelination?
Published 01/28/2025 What happens when there is a loss of myelin?
Published 01/28/2025 What is saltatory conduction?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the relative speed of conduction of myelinated and unmyelinated axons?
Published 01/28/2025 What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?
Published 01/28/2025 What results in the loss of myelin sheath surround the axons?
Published 01/28/2025 What does a loss of myelin produce?
Published 01/28/2025 Since demylination produces high capacitance and low membrane resistance, what does this result in?
Published 01/28/2025 What are the screening and diagnosis techniques for MS?
Published 01/28/2025 How are the signs and symptoms of MS determined?
Published 01/28/2025 What are the common examples of signs/symptoms of MS?
Published 01/28/2025 What does this image represent?
Published 01/28/2025 What does this image represent?
Published 01/28/2025 Demyelination diseases such as multiple sclerosis exposes more mebrane than would normally be exposed. This slows down membrane charging (tau) and con…
Published 01/28/2025 How are membrane potentials produced?
Published 01/28/2025 What do voltage gated ion channels allow for?
Published 01/28/2025 What does myelination do?
Published 01/28/2025 What does demyelination do?
Published 01/28/2025 What are muscles?
Published 01/28/2025 What are muscle fibers?
Published 01/28/2025 What are myofibrils?
Published 01/28/2025 What are sarcomeres?
Published 01/28/2025 Anatomy of Skeletal Muscles?
Published 01/28/2025 What are the functional units of muscles?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the I band?
Published 01/28/2025 What is within the I band?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the A band?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the H zone?
Published 01/28/2025 What does fasciculus mean?
Published 01/28/2025 How is muscle contraction achieved?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the sliding filament mechanism?
Published 01/28/2025 Describe the actin/myosin interaction for muscle contraction?
Published 01/28/2025 What are Titin molecules?
Published 01/28/2025 How do actin and myosin interact? (check this is from slide 5 - lecture 4)
Published 01/28/2025 What is the structure of actin?
Published 01/28/2025 What surrounds the myofibrils?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the process of the sarcoplasmic reticulum system for muscle action potentials?
Published 01/28/2025 Do myosin and actin interact in the relaxed state?
Published 01/28/2025 Explain how contraction can occur?
Published 01/28/2025 What controls the attraction of the cross bridge to actin?
Published 01/28/2025 What occurs at low Ca2+?
Published 01/28/2025 What occurs under elevated Ca2+?
Published 01/28/2025 What is Cross-Bridge Cycling for muscle contraction?
Published 01/28/2025 Where does the Ca come from and how is it controlled?
Published 01/28/2025 What is a physiological example of the action of no actin-myosin overlap, no contraction occurring, and no tension being generated? (D)
Published 01/28/2025 What does isotonic refer to?
Published 01/28/2025 What does isometric refer to?
Published 01/28/2025 What does this represent?
Published 01/28/2025 What does this represent?
Published 01/28/2025 What does this represent?
Published 01/28/2025 How does an action potential start in a muscle?
Published 01/28/2025 What is neuron-muscle connection?
Published 01/28/2025 What is a motor unit?
Published 01/28/2025 What is a chemical synapse?
Published 01/28/2025 How does excitation of skeletal muscle -- neuromuscular transmission?
Published 01/28/2025 What does the muscle post-synaptic membrane form?
Published 01/28/2025 What do the vesicles contain?
Published 01/28/2025 What happens when ACh is released?
Published 01/28/2025 What are the receptors for neuromuscular junction?
Published 01/28/2025 What is a general principle of physiology?
Published 01/28/2025 What happens when acetylcholine binds to NMJ receptors?
Published 01/28/2025 What does activation of NMJ result in?
Published 01/28/2025 What is Myastenia Gravis (MG)?
Published 01/28/2025 What are fast-twitch muscle fibers (Type 2)?
Published 01/28/2025 What are slow-twitch muscle fibers (Type 1)?
Published 01/28/2025 What does motor unit refer to?
Published 01/28/2025 How can you increase force of contraction recruit more muscle units?
Published 01/29/2025 Slow muscle units recruited {{c1::first::first or later}}
Published 01/29/2025 Fast muscle units are recruited {{c1::later::first or later}}
Published 01/28/2025 What is spatial summation?
Published 01/28/2025 What is temporal summation?
Published 01/28/2025 What is isotonic contraction?
Published 01/28/2025 What is isometric contraction?
Published 01/28/2025 What is single-unit smooth muscle?
Published 01/28/2025 What is multi-unit smooth muscle?
Published 01/28/2025 What is contraction in smooth muscle?
Published 01/28/2025 What is smooth muscle?
Published 01/28/2025 What is slow cycling?
Published 01/28/2025 What is less energy for contraction?
Published 01/28/2025 Stress and relaxation in smooth muscle?
Published 01/28/2025 Describe the role of Ca2+ in contraction in smooth muscle?
Published 01/28/2025 Describe contraction in smooth muscle
Published 01/28/2025 Describe relaxation in smooth muscle
Published 01/28/2025 What are some of the mechanisms for increasing Ca2+ in the cytosol of smooth muscle?
Published 01/28/2025 What are the mechanisms for striated muscle for increasing Ca2+?
Published 01/28/2025 What are the transmitters for the smooth muscle system?
Published 01/28/2025 What is pharmacochemical coupling?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the mechanism for smooth muscle tone regulation?
Published 01/28/2025 What is an an example of an application for smooth muscle tone regulation?
Published 01/28/2025 Describe the second mechanism for smooth muscle tone regulation.
Published 01/28/2025 What is an example of a PDE inhibitor used for vasodilation?
Published 01/29/2025 While playing soccer, 14 yr old girl experiences difficulty breathing, exhibits intense anxiety, cyanosis, sweating, wheezing, heart rate is 120 bpm.&…
Published 01/29/2025 While playing soccer, 14 yr old girl experiences difficulty breathing, exhibits intense anxiety, cyanosis, sweating, wheezing, heart rate is 120 bpm.&…
Published 01/28/2025 What are the two pumps that compose the heart?
Published 01/28/2025 What is pulmonary circulation?
Published 01/28/2025 What is systemic circulation?
Published 01/28/2025 What is the structure of cardiac muscle (myocardia)?
Published 01/29/2025 Cardiac muscle makes an {{c1::electrical syncytium}}
Published 01/28/2025 What makes up cardiac muscle?
Published 01/28/2025 At the sarcomere level, what is the structure of cardiac muscle?
Published 01/28/2025 Importance of mitochondria in cardiac muscle?
Published 01/28/2025 Describe the phases
Published 01/28/2025 What influences cardiac muscle contraction?
Published 01/28/2025 What are the currents responsible for the plateau phase?
Published 01/28/2025 How does cardiac muscle relax?
Published 01/28/2025 What is important about a long refractory period in cardiac muscle?
Published 01/29/2025 What is the funciton of tricuspid and mitral (A-V valves)?
Published 01/29/2025 What is the funciton of aortic and pulmonary (semilunar valves)?
Published 01/29/2025 What is the function of papillary muscles/chordae tendineae?
Published 01/29/2025 What is a mnemonic for heart valves?
Published 01/29/2025 When do semilunar valves close?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is the purpose of the chordae tendineae?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is the first heart sound?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is the second heart sound?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is systole?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is diastole?
New Card 01/29/2025 Describe the atria in this image.
New Card 01/29/2025 Describe this image for atrial pressure.
New Card 01/29/2025 Describe this image for ventricles.
New Card 01/29/2025 Describe this image for isovolumic relaxation.
New Card 01/29/2025 Describe this image for end diastolic volume.
New Card 01/29/2025 What is pulse pressure?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is mean arterial pressure?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is work output of the heart: stroke-work output?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is work output of the heart: minute-work output?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is the purpose of work output from the heart?
New Card 01/29/2025 Which area in this graph demonstrates work output of the ventricle?
New Card 01/29/2025 Describe the phases of the volume-pressure diagram of the cardiac cycle in the left ventricle from this image.
New Card 01/29/2025 How is the diastolic pressure curve determined?
New Card 01/29/2025 How is the systolic pressure curve determined?
New Card 01/29/2025 Note that up to @150ml, the diastolic pressure doesn’t rise much, meaning up to this point it is easy for blood to flow from atrium to ventricle- abov…
New Card 01/29/2025 Label the phases of ventricular pressure.
New Card 01/29/2025 Which portion(s) of loop corresponds to diastole? Systole?
New Card 01/29/2025 At which numbered point is the first heart sound heart? Second heart sound heard?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is the approximate stroke volume?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is the effect on loop with an increase in end-diastolic volume (pre-load)? What is the effect on stroke volume?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is the effect on increased aortic pressure (afterload)? On end-systolic volume?
New Card 01/29/2025 What is the effect of increased contractility?
New Card 01/29/2025 When would this happen (increased contractility)
New Card 01/29/2025 As atrial pressure {{c1::increases}}, ventricular stroke work {{c1::increases}} in response
New Card 01/29/2025 As atrial pressure {{c1::increases}}, ventricular volume also {{c1::increases}}
New Card 01/29/2025 What is Frank-Startling?
New Card 01/29/2025 Describe Frank-Startling in the heart muscle.
New Card 01/29/2025 Marvin Zimmerman is a 52 manager, significantly overweight, eats rich diet (red meats, desserts), several beers each evening.  Experiences occasi…
New Card 01/29/2025 Marvin Zimmerman is a 52 manager, significantly overweight, eats rich diet (red meats, desserts), several beers each evening.  Experiences occasi…
New Card 01/29/2025 Marvin Zimmerman is a 52 manager, significantly overweight, eats rich diet (red meats, desserts), several beers each evening.  Experiences occasi…
New Card 01/29/2025 Marvin Zimmerman is a 52 manager, significantly overweight, eats rich diet (red meats, desserts), several beers each evening.  Experiences occasi…
Published 01/29/2025 Normal rhythmical impulses are generated in the {{c1::sinoatrial node}}
Published 01/29/2025 Impulses are conveyed via the {{c1::internodal pathways}}, taking the rhythmic signal to the {{c1::atrioventricualr node (or A-V node)}}.  
Published 01/29/2025 The impulses conveyed via the intranodal pathways pass along the {{c1::A-V bundle}}, then down the left and right branches of the {{c1::Purkinje fiber…
Published 01/29/2025 {{c1::‘Bachmann’s bundle’}} conducts  SA impulse to left atrium.
Published 01/29/2025 {{c1::AV node}} carries excitation into ventricles.  
Published 01/29/2025 {{c1::SA node}} sets cardiac rhythm.  
Published 01/29/2025 Timing of {{c1::spread of excitation of heart muscle fibers}} is critical for efficient heart functioning
Published 01/29/2025 {{c1::Delay}} at A-V node allows atrial pumping
Published 01/29/2025 The signal is delayed at the A-V node to allow the atrium time for {{c1::ejecting blood}}
Published 01/29/2025 {{c1::S-A node}} is pacemaker becuase it has a faster rhythmic discharge than {{c1::A-V node}} and {{c1::Purkinje fibers}}
Published 01/29/2025 If {{c1::A-V block}} occurs, then {{c1::V-A node}} takes over in 5 to 20 sec.  This will keep a person alive, but they will be uncomfortable and …
Published 01/29/2025 Parasympathetic stimulation comes through the {{c1::Vagus nerves}}. 
Published 01/29/2025 Parasympathetic system is distributed primarily to {{c1::S-A and V-A nodes, some atrial muscle, little ventricle muscle}}
Published 01/29/2025 Parasympathetic stimulation releases {{c1::Acetylcholine}}, binds to {{c1::muscarinic (M2)}} receptors
Published 01/29/2025 Sympathetic Stimulation is {{c1::distributed throughout  heart}}.  Stimulation releases {{c1::norepinephrine}}, binds to {{c1::beta receptor…
Published 01/29/2025 Cardiac output can {{c1::increase}} from strong sympathetic stimulation and can {{c1::decrease}} from strong parasympathetic stimulation
Published 01/29/2025 In EKG, {{c1::P wave}} is beginning of contraction of the atria
Published 01/29/2025 In EKG, {{c1::QRS complex}} is the beginning of contraction of the ventricles
Published 01/29/2025 In EKG, Atrium relaxes during QRS complex, makes an atrial {{c1::T wave}} but is typically obscured by QRS
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