Notes in Ecology Shared

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Published 09/29/2024 At what temperature is electromagnetic radiation emitted?
Published 09/29/2024 What speed does radiation travel?
Published 09/29/2024 What is infrared?
Published 09/29/2024 Visible wave length is between
Published 09/29/2024 Long wavelengths are considered
Published 09/29/2024 The high difference in wavelength absorption between atmosphere and earth's surface is due to 
Published 09/29/2024 CO2 mainly absorbs which type of radiation?
Published 09/29/2024 Why do different parts of the earth receive varying amounts of radiation?
Published 09/29/2024 Where does earth receive the most radiation?
Published 09/29/2024 How much is the earth tilted? (hint, where are the tropics)
Published 09/29/2024 Explain the process of what happens to air as it heats up.
Published 09/29/2024 Why is it hottest at the surface of the earth?
Published 09/29/2024 What is the troposphere?
Published 09/29/2024 Where is ozone located?
Published 09/29/2024 Where is the stratosphere the hottest? The coldest?
Published 09/29/2024 What is the tropopause?
Published 09/29/2024 dawdwadawdawdawd
Published 09/29/2024 dawdawdawdaw
Published 09/29/2024 Bop
Published 09/29/2024 BOP
Published 09/29/2024 new bop card
Published 09/29/2024 duieawhdiaw
Published 09/29/2024 general climate is...
Published 09/29/2024 what does the sun provide to earth?
Published 09/29/2024 how does radiation behave?
Published 09/29/2024 wavelength spectrum 
Published 09/29/2024 wien's law 
Published 09/29/2024 what type of radiation does earth take in vs. emit?
Published 09/29/2024 common greenhouse gases and their effect
Published 09/29/2024 use differentiality to explain why the poles are colder than the equator
Published 09/29/2024 explain the idea of adiabatic cooling
Published 09/29/2024 what absorbs most of sun radiation? what disrupts this?
Published 09/29/2024 what occurs in air in the troposphere, tropopause and stratosphere 
Published 09/29/2024 key characteristics of water
Published 09/29/2024 what contributions does water have to environment 
Published 09/29/2024 what is the equation for angular acceleration?
Published 09/29/2024 what part of the planet has the potential to hold the most amount of moisture within the atmosphere?
Published 09/29/2024 what part of the planet do deserts form?
Published 09/29/2024 how much energy does it take to evaporate vs. freeze H2O?
Published 09/29/2024 explain the rain gradient formed by the rocky mountains?
Published 09/29/2024 how to read heinrich walter climate diagrams 
Published 09/29/2024 how to calculate relative humidity
Published 09/29/2024 what is the primary cause of convergent evolution?
Published 09/29/2024 what are the 4 biomes directly affected by Hadely cells?
Published 09/29/2024 what are the key aspects of a tropical rain forest (btwn 0-10º N/S) (biome 1)
Published 09/29/2024 what are the key aspects of a subtropical desert (30º N/S) (biome 3)
Published 09/29/2024 what are the key aspects of a tropical seasonal forest and savannah (biome 2)
Published 09/29/2024 what are the key aspects of woodland/shrubland/mediterranean (biome 4)
Published 09/29/2024 what biomes are directly affected by hadly cells and the tilt of the earth (why?)
Published 09/29/2024 what are the key aspects of a temperate (evergreen) rain forest (biome 5)
Published 09/29/2024 what are the key aspects of a temperate seasonal (deciduous) forest (biome 6)
Published 09/29/2024 what are the key aspects of a temperate grassland/cold desert (biome 7)
Published 09/29/2024 what are the key aspects of a boreal or taiga (biome 8) 
Published 09/29/2024 what are the key aspects of a polar/tundra/alpine (biome 9)
Published 09/29/2024 what is physiological optima?
Published 09/29/2024 what is osmotic regulation?
Published 09/29/2024 how to terrestrial animals maintain osmotic potential 
Published 09/29/2024 Test card added Wednesday
Published 09/29/2024 why is cellular respiration highly ineffective?
Published 09/29/2024 how do endotherms make up for ineffective cellular respiration?
Published 09/29/2024 difference between high elevation and low elevation animals 
Published 09/29/2024 What determins organism distribution
Published 09/29/2024 How does radiation travel as?
Published 09/29/2024 Wavelength of peak radiation is dependent on 
Published 09/29/2024 short wave UV visible near IR 
Published 09/29/2024 How are the wavelengths from the sun different from those from the earth?
Published 09/29/2024 What does an alpha value of 1 mean in terms of absorption
Published 09/29/2024 Why do greenhouse gases cause an increase in Earth's temperature?
Published 09/29/2024 Solar radiation that strikes the earth head on at a 90 degree angle has to pass through less atmosphere than does radiation at a smaller angle. T…
Published 09/29/2024 Spectral emittance vs Spectral irradiance
Published 09/29/2024 4-7 degrees celsius of cooling for every 1 Km of altitude is named what rate term?
Published 09/29/2024 As you rise in the stratosphere, you approach the ozone layer. What happens to the temperature?
Published 09/29/2024 Hotter air holds (more/less) water vapor
Published 09/29/2024 Esat represents what?
Published 09/29/2024 what is the cause of the observed interannual variation in the growth rate of atmospheric CO2?
Published 09/29/2024 what biology is necessary to understand changes in growth rate of CO2?
Published 09/29/2024 equation for calculating terrestrial carbon abundance 
Published 09/29/2024 explain the effect of high water stress on a plant 
Published 09/29/2024 what does the ratio of Ci:Ca indicate?
Published 09/29/2024 what is the difference between annual and perenial plants?
Published 09/29/2024 what causes the seasonal shift of C3 to C4 from spring to summer?
Published 09/29/2024 how to calculate C3 carbon isotope 
Published 09/29/2024 how is the rainshadow formed by the Rocky Mountains?
Published 09/29/2024 What part of the planet has the potential to hold the most moisture?
Published 09/29/2024 Why don't deserts have any moisture while rainforests do?
Published 09/29/2024 What does subtropical refer to?
Published 09/29/2024 Which way does weather move across the U.S.
Published 09/29/2024 Which way do winds move as they approach the equator?
Published 09/29/2024 Explain directionality of winds relative to the equator
Published 09/29/2024 How do mountain ranges influence climate?
Published 09/29/2024 Walter Climate diagram KeyLeft Y axis - Right Y Axis - What do straight verticle lines vs dots mean in between the pricipation and temperatu…
Published 09/29/2024 What is a biome
Published 09/29/2024 What is convergent evolution
Published 09/29/2024 How does the ITCZ shift during the seasons?
Published 09/29/2024 How can you determine an organism's resting metabolism?
Published 09/29/2024 What is osmotic potential?
Published 09/29/2024 What does a more negative osmotic potential indicate?
Published 09/29/2024 Which direction does water flow based on osmotic potential?
Published 09/29/2024 Temperature is sensed by which part of the brain
Published 09/29/2024 The amount of energy expended at rest after the digestive system has been inactive for about 12 hours
Published 09/29/2024 What is metabolic scope 
Published 09/29/2024 What is the maximum metabolic scope that humans can sustain over long periods of time?
Published 09/29/2024 How does increased solutes in water (more negative osmotic potential) affect freezing point?
Published 09/29/2024 Is the degree in reduction of freezing point of a liquid based on the concentration of solute or type of solute?
Published 09/29/2024 How do fish resist freezing in antarctica?
Published 09/29/2024 Brachydonty
Published 09/29/2024 Hypsodonty 
Published 09/29/2024 Hypselodonty 
Published 09/29/2024 What do browsers eat? Grazers?
Published 09/29/2024 Why are long teeth an advantage?
Published 09/29/2024 What change to biomes promoted the evolution of grazing species and the extinction of browsing species?
Published 09/29/2024 Reaction for photosynthesis
Published 09/29/2024 What is the site of light dependent reactions inside of chloroplasts
Published 09/29/2024 What fluid surrounds the thylakoids? Which is inside of the thylakoid
Published 09/29/2024 What is the role of stomata. What is the side effect of its process?
Published 09/29/2024 Why do plants store energy as glucose instead of atp if it takes extra energy to produce ATP
Published 09/29/2024 explain the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis
Published 09/29/2024 What is rubisco's role
Published 09/29/2024 What are the two stages of photosynthesis
Published 09/29/2024 Photosynthesis reaction of Rubisco
Published 09/29/2024 Photorespiration of Rubisco
Published 09/29/2024 What needs to happen to PG after photorespiration?
Published 09/29/2024 What is the Y axis of A Ci curve
Published 09/29/2024 What is photosynthetic rate limited by initially
Published 09/29/2024 What limits photosynthesis at high concentrations of CO2 
Published 09/29/2024 What is CO2 compensation point?
Published 09/29/2024 What is Ca 
Published 09/29/2024 What is the effect of increasing nitrogen on plant photosynthesis
Published 09/29/2024 How much is photosynthetic rate reduced by photorespiration?
Published 09/29/2024 Why does photorespiration still exist if it's inefficient?
Published 09/29/2024 What are C4 plants
Published 09/29/2024 Why is growth slower in CAM plants?
Published 09/29/2024 Why are C4 plants the most abundant in aquatic environments?
Published 09/29/2024 What is the CO2 equilibrium 
Published 09/29/2024 what is ATP used to yield in calvin benson cycle? what about NADPH2?
Published 09/29/2024 what are the costs of photorespiration?
Published 09/29/2024 what does the A/Ci curve show?
Published 09/29/2024 why does solubility of CO2 decrease as temp. increases?
Published 12/17/2024 what happens to the rate of photorespiration as temp increases?
Published 09/29/2024 why does photorespiration still exist if it leads to a clear inefficiency/interferes with photosynthesis?
Published 09/29/2024 where does C3 photosynthesis primarily occur? what about C4?
Published 09/29/2024 what part of C4 photosynthesis costs ATP?
Published 09/29/2024 what is the benefit and cost of C4 photosynthesis 
Published 09/29/2024 what is the benefit of using PEPc in C4 photosynthesis as opposed to rubisco in C3 photosynthesis?
Published 09/29/2024 amount of CO2 required in atmosphere for PEPc vs. Rubisco activity: 
Published 09/29/2024 what is a CAM plant?
Published 09/29/2024 what is the trend in representation of the different plants (C3, C4, and CAM) 
Published 09/29/2024 Bop
Published 09/29/2024 What is the water potential equation?
Published 09/29/2024 How does water move based on pressure potential
Published 09/29/2024 What is the pressure potential of dead xylem cells?
Published 09/29/2024 What is the water potential of pure water
Published 09/29/2024 What does a cell do when it's placed into a medium
Published 09/29/2024 How will a cell of negative osmotic potential reach a water potential of zero
Published 09/29/2024 What provides structure for plant cells
Published 09/29/2024 What is tensile strength?
Published 09/29/2024 Do dead cells have osmotic potential 
Published 09/29/2024 What are the pressure potentials as you move up the plant
Published 09/29/2024 what direction does water move in terms of osmotic potential and pressure potential?
Published 09/29/2024 What do the roots of a plant do as moisutre in the soil decreases to maintain water uptake?
Published 09/29/2024 What happens if water potential in xylem gets too high and there isn't enough water
Published 09/29/2024 what are the costs and benefits of a smaller xylem vs. a larger xylem?
Published 09/29/2024 How do you prevent embolism in times of low water
Published 09/29/2024 What is water use efficiency
Published 09/29/2024 Which type of plant has the best WUE
Published 09/29/2024 How do C3 and C4 photosynthetic rates very with temperature?
Published 09/29/2024 What is the difference in carbon 13 concentrations between C3 and C4 plants
Published 09/29/2024 Why do c4 plants need more light than C3 plants?
Published 09/29/2024 How did C4 plants determine which teeth type prevailed in horses?
Published 09/29/2024 Ways to lose energy
Published 09/29/2024 What is an ecosystem?
Published 09/29/2024 Rnet (net radiation absorbed by an ecosystem) equation
Published 09/29/2024 besides decreased solubility of CO2, why do C4 plants dominate in high temperature?
Published 09/29/2024 In sensible heat loss, what are the primary drivers of heat transfer?
Published 09/29/2024 What is Kh in heat loss?
Published 09/29/2024 What are the primary pathways for energy dissipation?
Published 09/29/2024 Bowen ratio
Published 09/29/2024 what are the primary pathways for energy dissipation?
Published 09/29/2024 Specific heat of water
Published 09/29/2024 Why is bowen ratio smaller in wetter systems 
Published 09/29/2024 What LH do systems with a lot of leaves have?
Published 09/29/2024 why doesn't a lake have a low bohen ratio?
Published 09/29/2024 what is the primary input that controls LH in an ecosystem?
Published 09/29/2024 What input controls LH in an ecosystem?
Published 09/29/2024 Precipitation equation
Published 09/29/2024 What happens to SH as vegetation decreases and why
Published 09/29/2024 what is the relationship between runoff and precipitation? what about evaporation and precipitation?
Published 09/29/2024 Why is precipation downwind of cities greater than upwind of cities
Published 09/29/2024 What is NPP and its equation?
Published 09/29/2024 What is NEP and its equation
Published 09/29/2024 why does the air heat up as it rises in the stratosphere?
Published 09/30/2024 Where does most carbon go towards from NPP
Published 09/30/2024 How else is carbon used up by plants?
Published 09/30/2024 Why does precipitation decrease NPP past a point?
Published 09/30/2024 How is NPP affected by temperature?
Published 09/30/2024 What controls NEP?
Published 09/30/2024 What does NEP tell you about a system?
Published 09/30/2024 What does it mean if a system is a carbon sink?
Published 09/30/2024 What is the major avenue of carbon loss from an ecosystem?
Published 09/30/2024 What are the producs of decomposition?
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