Notes in 05 Small Bowel and Colon

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Published 02/22/2024 The function of the {{c1::small}} intestine is digestion and absorption of nutrients
Published 02/22/2024 Duodenal ulcers are almost always due to {{c1::H. pylori}} (~ 90%)
Published 02/22/2024 {{c2::Duodenal}} ulcers present with epigastric pain that {{c1::improves}} with meals
Published 02/22/2024 Duodenal ulcers usually arise in the {{c1::anterior::anterior or posterior}} duodenum 
Published 02/22/2024 Duodenal ulcers located in the {{c1::posterior}} duodenum may rupture, leading to bleeding from the {{c2::gastroduodenal}} artery
Published 02/22/2024 What is the most common ulcer complication (both gastric and duodenal)?{{c1::Hemorrhage}}
Published 02/22/2024 Which type of duodenal ulcer is more commonly associated with hemorrhage? {{c1::Posterior::anterior or posterior}}
Published 02/22/2024 Which type of duodenal ulcer is more commonly associated with perforation? {{c1::Anterior::anterior or posterior}}
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Perforation}} of an anterior duodenal ulcer is characterized by free air under the diaphragm (pneumoperitoneum)
Published 02/22/2024 Perforation of an anterior duodenal ulcer may present with referred pain to the {{c1::shoulder}} via the phrenic nerve
Published 02/22/2024 Meckel diverticulum is two times more likely to occur in {{c1::males::gender}}
Published 02/22/2024 Meckel diverticulum is typically two {{c1::inches}} long
Published 02/22/2024 Meckel diverticulum is typically located in the small bowel, two {{c1::feet}} from the ileocecal valve
Published 02/22/2024 Meckel diverticulum typically presents during the first two {{c1::years}} of life
Published 02/22/2024 Meckel diverticulum may contain ectopic acid-secreting {{c1::gastric mucosa}} and/or {{c2::pancreatic}} tissue
Published 02/22/2024 {{c2::Meckel}} diverticulum is diagnosed using a(n) {{c1::99mTc-pertechnetate}} study for uptake by heterotopic gastric mucosa
Published 02/22/2024 Meckel diverticulum is typically {{c1::asymptomatic}} but may present with volvulus, intussusception, melena/hematochezia, RLQ pain, or obstruction
Published 02/22/2024 Celiac disease is associated with HLA-{{c1::DQ2}} and HLA-{{c1::DQ8}}
Published 02/22/2024 Celiac disease in {{c1::adults::age group}} classically presents with chronic steatorrhea and bloating
Published 02/22/2024 {{c2::Celiac}} disease is associated with {{c1::dermatitis herpetiformis}}, which are small, herpes-like vesicles on the skin
Published 02/22/2024 {{c4::Celiac}} disease is classically associated with Ig{{c5::A}} antibodies against {{c1::endomysium}}, {{c2::tissue transglutaminase (tTG)}}, and/or…
Published 02/22/2024 Celiac disease is characterized histologically by {{c1::hyperplasia}} of {{c2::crypts}}
Published 02/22/2024 What is the treatment for celiac disease? {{c1::Gluten-free diet}}
Published 02/22/2024 Inflammatory bowel disease is subclassified as {{c1::ulcerative colitis}} or {{c2::Crohn disease}}
Published 02/22/2024 Which form of IBD involves only mucosal and submucosal ulcers?{{c1::Ulcerative colitis}}
Published 02/22/2024 Which form of IBD involves transmural inflammation with "knife-like" fissures? {{c1::Crohn disease}}
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Ulcerative colitis}} (IBD) is characterized by continuous colonic lesions that always involve the rectum
Published 02/22/2024 {{c2::Crohn disease}} (IBD) is characterized by {{c1::skip}} lesions, which can occur anywhere from the mouth to the anus
Published 02/22/2024 Crohn disease most commonly involves the {{c1::terminal ileum}}
Published 02/22/2024 Which form of IBD always causes bloody diarrhea? {{c1::Ulcerative colitis}}
Published 02/22/2024 Which form of IBD may cause bloody or non-bloody diarrhea? {{c1::Crohn disease}}
Published 02/22/2024 Ulcerative colitis is typically characterized by {{c1::left::left or right}} lower quadrant pain 
Published 02/22/2024 Crohn disease is typically characterized by {{c1::right::left or right}} lower quadrant pain 
Published 02/22/2024 {{c2::Ulcerative colitis::IBD}} is characterized histologically by {{c1::crypt abscesses}} with neutrophils, ulcers, and bleeding
Published 02/22/2024 {{c2::Crohn disease}} (IBD) is characterized histologically by lymphoid aggregates with {{c1::noncaseating granulomas}}
Published 02/22/2024 {{c2::Hirschsprung}} disease occurs due to a congenital failure of {{c1::ganglion}} cells to descend into the myenteric and submucosal plexus
Published 02/22/2024 Hirschsprung disease is characterized by failure to {{c1::pass meconium}} within 48 hours and chronic constipation
Published 02/22/2024 Hirschsprung disease may present with abdominal distention and {{c1::bilious::bilious or nonbilious}} vomiting
Published 02/22/2024 Hirschsprung disease is characterized by massive dilation of the bowel {{c1::proximal::proximal or distal}} to the aganglionic segment, resulting in a…
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Diverticulosis}} is characterized by many false diverticula in the colon
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Diverticulitis}} is a complication of diverticulosis due to inflammation of diverticula
Published 02/22/2024 Diverticulitis classically presents with a triad of {{c1::LLQ}} pain, fever, and {{c2::leukocytosis}}
Published 02/22/2024 Diverticulitis may lead to a(n) {{c1::colovesical fistula}}, which presents with pneumaturia (e.g. air or stool in the urine)
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Ischemic colitis}} is caused by ischemic damage to the colon
Published 02/22/2024 Ischemic colitis usually occurs at the {{c1::splenic}} flexure (griffith's point), which is the watershed area of the {{c2::SMA}} and the {{c2::IMA}}
Published 02/22/2024 Ischemic colitis presents with {{c1::post}}-prandial abdominal pain followed by {{c2::hematochezia}}
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Irritable bowel}} syndrome is recurrent abdominal pain with > 2 of the following: - Pain {{c2::related}} to defecation - Change in stool {{c3…
Published 02/22/2024 What demographic is most commonly associated with irritable bowel syndrome? {{c1::Middle-aged women}}
Published 02/22/2024 The chronic symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome may be {{c1::diarrhea}}-predominant, {{c2::constipation}}-predominant, or mixed
Published 02/22/2024 The first line treatment for Irritable bowel syndrome is lifestyle modification and increased dietary {{c1::fiber}}
Published 02/22/2024 The adenoma-carcinoma sequence begins with {{c1::APC}} gene mutations
Published 02/22/2024 Following APC mutation (adenoma-carcinoma sequence), {{c1::KRAS}} mutations lead to {{c2::polyp formation (adenoma)}}
Published 02/22/2024 Progression of colonic adenoma to carcinoma occurs with mutations in the {{c1::p53}} or loss of heterozygosity in the region that encodes for {{c2::SM…
Published 02/22/2024 Screening for colorectal polyps/carcinoma is performed by {{c1::colonoscopy}} and testing for {{c2::fecal occult blood (stool guaiac test)}}
Published 02/22/2024 Risk factors for colorectal carcinoma include {{c1::tobacco}} use, alcohol, and type 2 diabetes
Published 02/22/2024 Risk factors for colorectal carcinoma include diets with processed {{c1::meat}} and low fiber
Published 02/22/2024 {{c2::Left}}-sided colorectal carcinoma presents with decreased stool {{c1::caliber}} due to partial obstruction
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Left}}-sided colorectal carcinoma presents with colicky pain and hematochezia (stool)
Published 02/22/2024 {{c2::Right}}-sided colorectal carcinoma presents with vague pain, weight loss, and {{c1::iron deficiency}} anemia
Published 02/22/2024 Colorectal carcinoma may be visualized as an "{{c1::apple core}}" lesion seen on barium enema X-ray
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Adhesions}} are fibrous bands of scar tissue that commonly form after GI {{c2::surgery}}
Published 02/22/2024 What is the most common cause of small bowel obstruction? {{c1::Adhesion}}
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Ileus}} is an intestinal hypomotility without obstruction that results in constipation and decreased flatus
Published 02/22/2024 Ileus is associated with a distended/tympanic abdomen and {{c1::decreased}} bowel sounds
Published 02/22/2024 Malrotation can lead to {{c1::volvulus}} and duodenal obstruction
Published 02/22/2024 Where are the stem cells of the small intestine located?{{c1::Crypts of Lieberkühn::specific name}}
Published 02/22/2024 The crypts of Lieberkühn contain {{c1::Paneth}} cells, which secrete defensins, lysozyme, and TNF
Published 02/22/2024 What histologic feature distinguishes the jejunum from other parts of the small intestine?{{c1::Plicae circulares}}
Published 02/22/2024 What histologic feature distinguishes the ileum from other parts of the small intestine?{{c1::Peyer patches}}
Published 02/22/2024 Which part of the small intestine contains the largest number of goblet cells? {{c1::Ileum}}
Published 02/22/2024 Does the large intestine contain crypts of Lieberkühn? {{c1::Yes}}
Published 02/22/2024 The large intestine is characterized histologically by abundant {{c1::goblet}} cells
Published 02/22/2024 A(n) {{c1::hernia}} is a protrusion of peritoneum through an opening, usually at a site of weakness
Published 02/22/2024 Which regions of the colon are most vulnerable to hypoxia/ischemia? {{c1::Splenic flexure}} and {{c2::rectosigmoid junction}}
Published 02/22/2024 Is small-bowel obstruction characterized by a clear transition point on abdominal X-ray?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 02/22/2024 What is the initial step in the management of an uncomplicated small-bowel obstruction?{{c1::Conservative (bowel rest; nasogastric…
Published 02/22/2024 What imaging modality is used to determine the need for urgent surgical intervention in patients with ischemic colitis (e.g. extensive bowel damage, p…
Published 02/22/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a young woman with alternating constipation/diarrhea and chronic abdominal pain that is relieved after a bowel movemen…
Published 02/22/2024 What does colonoscopy reveal in a patient with irritable bowel syndrome?{{c1::Normal colonic mucosa}}
Published 02/22/2024 What is tx of colon cancer?{{c1::Resection and chemotherapy}}
Published 02/22/2024 What type of surgery is performed in Ulcerative Colitis?{{c1::Proctocolectomy}}
Published 02/22/2024 What do you do to confirm dx of SBO?{{c1::CT scan w/oral contrast}}
Published 02/22/2024 How do you dx small bowel obstruction?{{c1::Xray (best initial test)CT (more accurate)::2}}
Published 02/22/2024 What is tx of Hirschsprung's?{{c1::Surgery (remove aganglionic segment)}}
Published 02/22/2024 Viral {{c3::gastroenteritis}} is most commonly caused by {{c1::norovirus}} and {{c2::rotavirus}}
Published 02/22/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in an adolescent with a history of T1DM that presents with weight loss, iron deficiency anemia and a pruritic, vesicular …
Published 02/22/2024 Rapid DiagnosisTight anal sphincter with explosive release of stools and air upon removal of finger{{c1::Hirschsprung Disease ("squirt sign")}}
Published 02/22/2024 The rectosigmoid junction (sudeck point) is a watershed region supplied by the last sigmoid arterial branch from the {{c1::IMA}} and the {{c2::superio…
Published 02/22/2024 What cause of viral gastroenteritis is more commonly seen in adults?{{c1::Norovirus}}
Published 02/22/2024 Bowel-sparing {{c1::surgical}} treatment of Crohn's disease is indicated after conservative medical therapy has failed
Published 02/22/2024 What imaging test can confirm the diagnosis of ischemic colitis after a CT scan has been obtained?{{c1::Colonoscopy}}
Published 02/22/2024 What is the initial step in the management of small-bowel obstruction that is complicated by fever, hypotension, and tachycardia?{{c1::Urgent surgical…
Published 02/22/2024 Which pathogen responsible for acute diarrhea presents with myalgias, malaise, and nausea/vomiting?{{c1::Viral gastroenteritis}}
Published 02/22/2024 Classical presentation of Crohn's vs. ulcerative colitis?{{c1::Crohn's → watery diarrhea and weight lossUC → bloody diarrhea}}
Published 02/22/2024 Suspected duodenal ulcer is managed with {{c1::PPI and antibiotics::treatment}}
Published 02/22/2024 Small bowel obstruction is characterized by {{c1::hyper}}-active bowel sounds initially
Published 02/22/2024 What test/imaging study is used for diagnosis of acute diverticulitis?{{c1::CT scan (oral and IV contrast)}}
Published 02/22/2024 Diverticulitis and abscess > 3 cm is managed with {{c1::CT-guided percutaneous drainage::next step}}Diverticulitis and abscess < 3 cm is managed…
Published 02/22/2024 Uncomplicated diverticulitis = {{c1::PO::PO/IV}} antibiotics
Published 02/22/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in an elderly patient with chronic constipation, LLQ abdominal pain, fever, and leukocytosis? {{c1::Acute diverticulitis}…
Published 02/22/2024 What is the initial steps in the management of irritable bowel syndrome? (2){{c1::LoperamideLow FODMAP}}
Published 02/22/2024 Surgery, diabetes, drugs and sepsis are common causes of {{c1::ileus::what small bowel disorder?}}
Published 02/22/2024 Air-fluid levels, "transition point", and epigastric distension are x-ray findings that may be seen in {{c1::small bowel obst…
Published 02/22/2024 Lynch syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Crohn's disease, and FAP are risk factors for small bowel {{c1::adenocarcinoma}}
Published 02/22/2024 Cardiogenic shock, septic shock, and hypovolemia may cause {{c1::acute colonic ischemia (Ischemic colitis)}} due to to poor perfus…
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Incisional hernia}} is a post-operative complication that presents with small bowel obstruction and a tender, palpable mass in the area of the i…
Published 02/22/2024 What is the management for small bowel obstruction due to herniation and signs of bowel ischemia?{{c1::Emergency laparotomy}}
Published 02/22/2024 Small bowel obstruction may present with {{c1::colicky::description}} abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, and *constipation
Published 02/22/2024 What is this?
Published 02/22/2024 {{c1::Peyer's patches}} contain unique {{c2::M}} cells which have {{c2::microfolds}} through which antigens enter
Published 02/22/2024 What structure is this slide from?
Published 02/22/2024 The serosa layer of the GI tract is continuous with the {{c1::mesentery}}
Published 03/12/2024 Enterocytes absorb nutrients, but they also secrete {{c1::bilirubin and cholesterol}}
Published 03/12/2024 The serous fluid of the peritoneum is secreted by {{c1::serosa (outermost layer of GI wall)}}
Published 02/22/2024 A persistent vitelline duct is called {{c1::Meckel's diverticulum}}
Published 02/22/2024 The most common cause of painless GI bleeding in children is {{c1::Meckel's diverticulum}}
Published 02/22/2024 Brush border enzymes are anchored to the membrane of {{c1::enterocytes::cell type}}
Published 02/22/2024 The dilated small intestines in this KUB are indicative of {{c1::small bowel obstruction::condition}}
Published 02/22/2024 The air-fluid levels in this image are indicative of {{c1::small bowel obstruction::condition}}
Published 03/12/2024 This is a cross section of the {{c1::duodenum::be specific}}
Published 03/12/2024 Of the 4 usual layers of the GI tract, the small and large intestine have {{c1::all of them}}
Published 03/12/2024 The villi wave around in order to increase absorption efficiency. This is made possible by {{c1::smooth muscle}} in the {{c1::lamina propria::lay…
Published 03/12/2024 The two most common cell types in the simple columnar epithelium of the small intestine are {{c1::enterocytes}} and {{c1::goblet cells}}. Th…
Published 03/12/2024 In H&E stain, enteroendocrine cells can be identified based on their {{c1::clear}} cytoplasm and {{c1::dark granules}}
Published 03/12/2024 The arrow is pointing to a {{c1::enteroendocrine cell::cell type}} in this image from the small intestine
Published 03/12/2024 In the small intestine, the villi cells have a {{c1::3-5 day::duration}} turnover and the crypt cells have a {{c1::much longer::duration}} t…
Published 02/22/2024 48b3007fa30a4cdca4e4cdbad003b99a-oa-1
Published 02/22/2024 The flask-shaped cells with the eosinophilic secretory granules below are {{c1::Paneth cells}}
Published 02/22/2024 The base of the intestinal crypt contains {{c1::stem cells::cell type}} and {{c1::Paneth cells::cell type}}
Published 03/12/2024 In the intestinal epithelium, {{c1::tuft cells::cell type}} have taste receptors
Published 02/22/2024 Tuft cells look similar to enterocytes but with {{c1::fewer microvilli}} and {{c1::no glycocalyx}}
Published 03/12/2024 In the intestinal epithelium, {{c1::Paneth cells::cell type}} have a(n) {{c2::innate immune}} function
Published 02/22/2024 In the intestinal epithelium, {{c1::goblet cells::cell type}} have a mucus-producing function
Published 02/22/2024 48b3007fa30a4cdca4e4cdbad003b99a-oa-2
Published 03/12/2024 The small intestine epithelium can be divided into:{{c1::villi}}, which have{{c2::enterocytes}}{{c2::goblet cells}}{{c2::enteroendocrine cells}}{{c2::…
Published 03/12/2024 In the small and large intestine, the muscularis externa can be subdivided into {{c1::inner circular and outer longitudinal::layers}}
Published 03/12/2024 The outermost layer of the duodenum is mostly {{c1::adventitia}}, while the outermost layer of the jejunum and ileum is {{c1::serosa}}
Published 03/12/2024 The {{c1::proximal duodenum::part of small intestine}} has specialized {{c2::Brunner's glands}} in the {{c3::submucosa::layer of wall}}. Their functio…
Published 03/12/2024 Peyer's patches are found in the {{c1::submucosa or lamina propria::layer of wall}}
Published 03/12/2024 Atrophy of the villi accompanied by increased crypt mitotic cells is characteristic of {{c1::celiac disease::condition}}
Published 02/22/2024 Compared to the normal ileum on the left, the cobblestone mucosa, inflammation, and villus blunting on the right are indicative of {{c1::Crohn's …
Published 03/12/2024 The main function of the large intestine is to absorb {{c1::water}} and {{c1::electrolytes}} from the food
Published 03/12/2024 Intraepithelial lymphocytes are more common in the {{c1::large}} intestine
Published 02/22/2024 There are 5 cell types in the large intestine epithelium, from most common to least common:{{c1::Colonocytes}}{{c1::Goblet cells}}{{c1::Stem cells}}{{…
Published 03/12/2024 As you go from proximal colon to distal colon, the proportion of goblet cells to colonocytes {{c1::increases}}
Published 03/12/2024 The absorptive cells in the epithelium of the large intestine are called {{c1::colonocytes}}
Published 02/22/2024 The dilated intracellular spaces in the colonocyte EM below are used for {{c1::active transport of electrolytes}}
Published 03/12/2024 A small growth of tissue within the colon is called a {{c1::polyp}}
Published 02/23/2024 The absence of neurons in the Meissner and Myenteric plexuses means this picture shows {{c1::Hirschprung's disease::condition}}
Published 02/22/2024 The circled structure is a {{c1::Auerbach's myenteric plexus}}
Published 03/12/2024 This image is taken from the {{c1::duodenum::part of small intestine}}
Published 03/12/2024 This image is taken from the {{c1::jejunum::part of small intestine}}
Published 03/12/2024 This image is taken from the {{c1::ileum::part of small intestine}}
Published 03/12/2024 The villi are typically tall and slender in the {{c1::duodenum and jejunum}} and short and broad in the {{c1::ileum}}
Published 03/12/2024 The white-purple, foamy structures on the left side of this image are {{c1::Brunner's glands}}
Published 03/12/2024 This axial CT pelvis is consistent with {{c1::colorectal cancer::condition}}
Published 02/22/2024 E = {{c1::enteroendocrine cell::cell type}}
Published 02/22/2024 An intestinal biopsy is collected for evaluation of suspected celiac disease. Which of the following best describes the indicated cell type?
Published 02/22/2024 An antigen that enters the body through contaminated food will be intercepted by lymphocytes in the {{c1::Peyer's patches::secondary lymphoid organ}}
Published 03/12/2024 T cells and B cells enter Peyer's patches through {{c1::HEVs}}
Published 03/12/2024 What is the likely etiology of GI bleeding in a patient with cardiovascular disease, arrhythmia, and painful hematochezia?{{c1::Ischemic colitis}…
Published 03/12/2024 "Colonic single stripe sign" is suggestive of {{c1::ischemic colitis}}
Published 03/12/2024 This colon specimen shows {{c1::Crohn's disease}}
Published 03/12/2024 This colon biopsy shows {{c1::inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)}}
Published 03/12/2024 This colon specimen shows {{c1::ulcerative colitis}}
Published 03/12/2024 What test can differentiate between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis?{{c1::Colonoscopy}}
Published 02/22/2024 This specimen shows {{c1::Meckel diverticulum::condition}}
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