Notes in C. Peri-operative Considerations

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Published 08/30/2023 AUC Criteria for MMS scoring system defined as:
Published 08/30/2023 Describe Area H, M, L
Published 08/30/2023 Mohs criteria for Bowenoid AK,AK with focalSCCIS, SCCISAK type
Published 08/30/2023 When is MMS uncertain for melanoma?
Published 08/30/2023 What are Relaxed skin tension lines (RSTL)?
Published 08/30/2023 Anatomical landmarks for nerve blocks
Published 08/30/2023 Anterior border of which muscle is the landmark for the facial artery and Stenson's duct?
Published 08/30/2023 Anatomy/course of parotid gland
Published 08/30/2023 Motor innervation: Facial nerve CN7 does what?
Published 08/30/2023 Where does facial nerve exit? What is it covered by? Name the branches.
Published 08/30/2023 Temporal branch of facial nerve innervates? Danger zone?
Published 08/30/2023 Zygomatic branch innervates?
Published 08/30/2023 Buccal branch?
Published 08/30/2023 Marginal mandibular branch innervates?
Published 08/30/2023 Cervical branch of facial nerve innervates?
Published 08/30/2023 Motor Innervation: Spinal accessory nerve (CN11)
Published 08/30/2023 Erb's point is what?
Published 08/30/2023 SCALP layers include?
Published 08/30/2023 Facial Muscles arise from which branchial arch?
Published 08/30/2023 Muscle of forehead: Frontalis (part of the occiptofrontalis muscle overlyingscalp), what nerve innervates and what happens if nerve is cut?
Published 08/30/2023 what part of orbicularis oculi has both voluntary and involuntary actions?
Published 08/30/2023 Orbicularis oculi innervated by? What happens if injury to the nerve?
Published 08/30/2023 Procerus actions and innervated by?
Published 08/30/2023 Corrugator supercilii actions and innervated by?
Published 08/30/2023 Muscles of the globe, actions and innervation
Published 08/30/2023 Orbicularis oris name the elevators and depressors and innervated by?
Published 08/30/2023 Muscles of mastication innervated by? What muscles move jaw sideways/grind?
Published 08/30/2023 Name the 2 divisions of the SMAS (superior and inferior to zygoma)
Published 08/30/2023 Axial blood vessels and sensory nerves to upper face lay between?
Published 08/30/2023 Axial blood vessels and sensory nerves to lower face lay?
Published 08/30/2023 Motor nerves course along where on the face? (Relative to the SMAS)
Published 08/30/2023 Sensory innervation for posterior scalp and neck?
Published 08/30/2023 Sensory nerves course ? at subcutaenous fat and SMAS junction?
Published 08/30/2023 Sensory nerve damage, does it recover?
Published 08/30/2023 What is Frey’s syndrome?
Published 08/30/2023 What is Trigeminal trophic syndrome?
Published 08/30/2023 Sensory glands also distributes postganglionic secretory fibers to?
Published 08/30/2023 Which nerve is the largest of the 12 cranial nerves?
Published 08/30/2023 Describe V1 of CN5
Published 08/30/2023 Describe V2 of CN 5
Published 08/30/2023 Describe V3 of CN 5
Published 08/30/2023 Auriculotemporal nerve innervates which portions of the ear?
Published 08/30/2023 Lesser occipital nerve innervates?
Published 08/30/2023 Great auricular nerve innervates?
Published 08/30/2023 CN 7, 9, 10: innervate which parts of the ear?
Published 08/30/2023 Vascular supply of the face mainly derives from?
Published 08/30/2023 Facial artery arises from? anastamoses with?
Published 08/30/2023 Superficial temporal artery supplies? Branch of?
Published 08/30/2023 Occipital artery arises from and supplies?
Published 08/30/2023 Posterior auricular artery arises from and supplies?
Published 08/30/2023 Internal maxillary artery anastamose with? What are its branches?
Published 08/30/2023 Branches of internal carotid artery supply? What are the branches?
Published 08/30/2023 Median nerve innervates
Published 08/30/2023 radial nerve innervates
Published 08/30/2023 ulnar nerve innervates?
Published 08/30/2023 Deep peroneal nerve aises from and innervates?
Published 08/30/2023 Posterior tibial nerve arises from and innervates?
Published 08/30/2023 Superficial peroneal nerve arises from and innervates?
Published 08/30/2023 Sural nerve arises from and innervates?
Published 08/30/2023 Saphenous nerve innervates?
Published 08/30/2023 What are the 3 components for anesthetics?
Published 08/30/2023 What component of anesthetic binds to sodium channel?
Published 08/30/2023 Which component determines if ester or amide?
Published 08/30/2023 Which is first to anesthetize? Then what sensation?
Published 08/30/2023 Describe ester anesthetic? Metabolized by? How excreted? What is the issue with PABA metabolite?
Published 08/30/2023 Describe amide anesthetic? Metabolized by? How excreted? Allergy to?
Published 08/30/2023 Pharmacokinetics of anesthetics... effect of pKa, alkalization effect?
Published 08/30/2023 Name pregnancy B category anesthetics? C?
Published 08/30/2023 What does adding Epinephrine 1:100,000 or less to anesthetics do? When do you have to be careful?
Published 08/30/2023 What does adding hyaluronidase to anesthetics do?
Published 08/30/2023 Adding sodium bicarb (8.5%) to anesthetic does what?
Published 08/30/2023 which anesthetic has fastest onset?
Published 08/30/2023 which anesthetic has shortest duration?
Published 08/30/2023 which anesthetic has longest duration with epi?
Published 08/30/2023 which anesthetic has longest duration?
Published 08/30/2023 Name some ophthalmic solutions (anesthetics)
Published 08/30/2023 EMLA is made up of? risks?
Published 08/30/2023 LMX is? How is it used? Risk?
Published 08/30/2023 Tumescent anesthesia dilution? Max dose? Add how much bicarb? Tips to decrease pain?
Published 08/30/2023 Local adverse events from anesthetics?
Published 08/30/2023 What to use to treat vasoconstriction from epinephrine?
Published 08/30/2023 Vasovagal response vitals, symptoms, tx?
Published 08/30/2023 Epinephrine toxicity vitals, symptoms, treatment?
Published 08/30/2023 Anaphylaxis vitals, symptoms, treatment?
Published 08/30/2023 Early anesthetic toxicity symptoms, usually around what dose, tx?
Published 08/30/2023 Intermediate anesthetic toxicity, symptoms, usually at what doses, tx?
Published 08/30/2023 Severe anesthetic toxicity, symptoms, usually at what dose, tx?
Published 08/30/2023 What medications can increase lidocaine levels?
Published 08/30/2023 Digital block with epi? Tips?
Published 08/30/2023 How to treat overdose of anxiolytic?
Published 08/30/2023 Pain is grreatest on which day?
Published 08/30/2023 what healing is less painful post operatively?
Published 08/30/2023 what flaps have highest post op pain scores?
Published 08/30/2023 sites with highest post op pain?
Published 08/30/2023 what combination of pain releif better than tylenol w codeine? What is the regimen?
Published 08/30/2023 What is max dose for acetaminophen and ibuprofen?
Published 08/30/2023 What is pregnancy category for acetaminophen and ibuprofen? Codeine? Aspirin?
Published 08/30/2023 Surgical site infections, clinical symptoms; does a positive culture confirm SSI?
Published 08/30/2023 Risk of SSI w skin surgery?
Published 08/30/2023 highest risk for SSI (areas on body)
Published 08/30/2023 most common culprit organism
Published 08/30/2023 Most rapid onset antiseptic?
Published 08/30/2023 Describe properties of 60-95% alcohol antiseptic
Published 08/30/2023 Describe properties of chlorhexidine antiseptic
Published 08/30/2023 Describe properties of iodine antiseptic
Published 08/30/2023 Describe properties of triclosan antiseptic
Published 08/30/2023 Describe properties of soap and water antiseptic
Published 08/30/2023 longest acting antiseptic agent
Published 08/30/2023 Shaving vs clipping surgical site context of SSI
Published 08/30/2023 Sterilization, steam under pressure (autoclave), describe
Published 08/30/2023 Describe heated chemical vapor sterilization
Published 08/30/2023 Describe dry heat sterilization
Published 08/30/2023 Describe gas sterilization, what chemicals are used
Published 08/30/2023 Describe chemical immersion
Published 08/30/2023 What needle to use for surgery (sutures)
Published 08/30/2023 What are the 3 types of needle tips?
Published 08/30/2023 Suture terms: what is configuration?
Published 08/30/2023 What is tensile strength?
Published 08/30/2023 What is elasticity?
Published 08/30/2023 What is plasticity?
Published 08/30/2023 What is memory
Published 08/30/2023 What is pliability?
Published 08/30/2023 What is coefficient of friction?
Published 08/30/2023 What is reactivity?
Published 08/30/2023 What is size and capillarity with regards to sutures?
Published 08/30/2023 How do natural vs synthetic sutures break down?
Published 08/30/2023 When is a suture considered absorbable?
Published 08/30/2023 Catgut is made from?
Published 08/30/2023 Silk suture properties?
Published 08/30/2023 Staples, describe...
Published 08/30/2023 catgut absorption (fast, plain, chromic)
Published 08/30/2023 which blade is sharper? which maintains sharpness longer?
Published 08/30/2023 Which blade to use in smaller challenging area, which for small delicate areas?
Published 08/30/2023 Risk of bactermia during derm surg vs healthy individuals performing normal activities?
Published 08/30/2023 What is the pathway for bacterial endocarditis and joint infection?
Published 08/30/2023 Risk of SSI?
Published 08/30/2023 Antibiotic ppx recommended for?
Published 08/30/2023 Name some high risk cardiac conditions where abx ppx indicated
Published 08/30/2023 When do you abx ppx in patients with orthopedic pins, plastes, screws and total joint prosthesis?
Published 08/30/2023 What is considered high risk for prosthetic joint infection?
Published 08/30/2023 surgical site ppx non oral: no pcn allegy/pcn allergy, cant take PO, cant take PO w pcn allergy
Published 08/30/2023 SSI ppx oral mucosa breach no pcn allegy/pcn allergy, cant take PO, cant take PO w pcn allergy
Published 08/30/2023 What class of wounds may need SSI ppx?
Published 08/30/2023 Oral cavity site, axilla perineum is considered what wound class?
Published 08/30/2023 Surgical procedures or sites with greater than 5% risk of surgical siteinfection
Published 08/30/2023 Abx ppx for wedge excision lip, ear, flaps on nose, grafts for pts w increased risk of SSI: no pcn allegy/pcn allergy, cant take PO, cant take PO w pc…
Published 08/30/2023 Abx ppx for groin , leg for pts w increased risk of SSI: no pcn allegy/pcn allergy, cant take PO, cant take PO w pcn allergy
Published 08/30/2023 Which has higher infection rate? Secondary intention vs sutured?
Published 08/30/2023 rate of infection is directly proportional to?
Published 08/30/2023 infection usually present at ?-? days post op, but SSI is defined by wound infection within ?? days of surgery? What is criteria?
Published 08/30/2023 Most common pathogen for derm procedures?
Published 08/30/2023 Pathogens by site: skin, mucosa, inguinal/perinemus/ear?
Published 08/30/2023 Most common resdient pathogens?
Published 08/30/2023 Have topical antibiotic creams proven to decrease infection?
Published 08/30/2023 C diff caused by?
Published 08/30/2023 What is risk of peri operative bleeding complications in derm surg?
Published 08/30/2023 Name antiplatelets. MOA aspirin? How long are platelets affected? Which are reverisble vs irreverisble inhibitors of cyclooxygenase? What role does Et…
Published 08/30/2023 Name some anticoagulants. MOA of warfarin? Antidoes? INR in which bleeding risks increase with warfarin? What fold does warfarin increase bleeding vs …
Published 08/30/2023 How to reverse newer anticoagulants?
Published 08/30/2023 What supplements decrease or inhibit platelet aggregation and adhesion?
Published 08/30/2023 What % of general population does von Willebrand disease affect? What needs to be done prior to surgery?
Published 08/30/2023 What class of anticoagulant is unfractionated heparin and LMWH? MOA? How to reverse?
Published 08/30/2023 What class is Dabigatran(Pradaxa)Bivalirudin(Angiomax)Argatroban (Acova)Desirudin (Iprivask)? MOA? Reversal?
Published 08/30/2023 What class is fondaparinux (Arixtra)? MOA? Reversal?
Published 08/30/2023 What class is Rivaroxaban(Xarelto)Apixaban (Eliquis)Edoxaban (Savaysa)Betrixaban(Bevyxxa)? MOA? Reversal?
Published 08/30/2023 How to reverse antiplatelet meds
Published 08/30/2023 If on multiple anticoag or non oral what is recommended?
Published 08/30/2023 Ultrasound can assess which nodes?
Published 08/30/2023 CT scan uses what kind of radiation? imaging improved with? useful for evaluating? Advantages, disadvantages?
Published 08/30/2023 MRI good for? What type of contrast? Advantages? Disadvantages? Contrindication?
Published 08/30/2023 PET-CT used for? what is injceted? limited in? False positives?
Published 08/30/2023 Indications for imaging? Which imaging is best for what?
Published 08/30/2023 Which imaging is best to assess regional lymph nodes?
Published 08/30/2023 Which is imaging of choice for Merkel Cell Carcinoma?
Published 08/30/2023 When is imaging indicated to look for PNI?
Published 08/30/2023 What are the most commonly affected nerves for PNI?
Published 08/30/2023 What are findings for perineural spread on imaging?
Published 08/30/2023 What % of patients with clinically symptomatic PNS had radiologically detectable disease?
Published 08/30/2023 What is electrosurgery?
Published 08/30/2023 Electrosurgery using direct current is called?
Published 08/30/2023 Monopolar or bipolar describe
Published 08/30/2023 Monoterminal vs biterminal describe
Published 08/30/2023 What electro___ is considered monoterminal?
Published 08/30/2023 Cause and treatment of vasovagal syncope
Published 08/30/2023 Describe lidocaine toxicity, what is max dose? Symptoms, treatment?
Published 08/30/2023 Describe hypertensive crisis
Published 08/30/2023 Blood pressure indicating hypertensive urgency
Published 08/30/2023 Hypertensive emergency definition? Management?
Published 08/30/2023 What type of hypersensitivity is anaphylaxis? Presentation? Blood pressure, heart rate? Causative agents in dermatology? How to distinguish from epi s…
Published 08/30/2023 Myocardial infarction risk factors and treatment?
Published 08/30/2023 Air embolism caused by? Who is susceptible? Etiology? How to prevent?
Published 08/30/2023 Review HR & BP of the followng: vasovagal, lido toxicity, epi hypertensive crisis, anaphylaxis
Published 08/30/2023 Review management of the followng: vasovagal, lido toxicity, epi hypertensive crisis, anaphylaxis
Published 08/30/2023 What type of hypersensitivity is contact dermatitis? Timing? Cause?
Published 08/30/2023 Hemorrhage complication, risk highes when? ideal to have what platelet count for surgery?
Published 08/30/2023 Dabigatran (Pradaxa) MOA abd revered by?
Published 08/30/2023 Direct Factor Xa inhibitors?
Published 08/30/2023 Which anticoagulant has no reversal agent?
Published 08/30/2023 treatment for early active bleeding
Published 08/30/2023 treatment for early hematoma?
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