Notes in 7. Dyspnea/ cough - respiratory

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New Card 06/02/2024 What is the purpose/ justification of inspecting for central or peripheral cyanosis?
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the purpose/ justification of inspecting for pursed lip breathing and accessory muscle use; barrel chest?
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the purpose/ justification of palpating for symmetrical chest expansion/ Hoover sign?
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the purpose/ justification auscultating for good air entry bilaterally?
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the purpose/ justification for observing subxiphoid impulse, forced expiration time, inspecting/ palpating for laryengeal height, and inspecti…
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the purpose/ justification of auscultating for bronchial breath sounds?
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the purpose/ justification of inspecting JVP?
New Card 06/02/2024 What is the purpose/ justification of inspecting for edema?
New Card 06/02/2024 A patient presenting with worsening dyspnea, productive cough, rhinorrhea, and red eyes for one week. What is a differential for most common?
New Card 06/02/2024 A patient presenting with worsening dyspnea, productive cough, rhinorrhea, and red eyes for one week. What is a differential for can't miss?
New Card 06/04/2024 How do you acutely manage severe but non-life threatening COPD exacerbations?
New Card 06/04/2024 How do you manage the underlying chronic condition of COPD?
New Card 06/04/2024 How is COPD diagnosed?
New Card 06/04/2024 What are the criteria for an acute exacerbation of COPD?
New Card 06/04/2024 In what situations should COVID-19 be treated? What medication are available?
New Card 06/04/2024 In what situations should influenza be treated? What medication are available?
New Card 06/04/2024 How do you determine what type of pleural effusion it is?
New Card 06/04/2024 Mr. Cardinal tells you he is worried about taking steroids because ‘he doesn’t want to be Arnold Schwarzenegger’. How do you counsel him about the ris…
New Card 06/04/2024 How would you show Mr. Cardinal how to use an inhaler for his salbutamol? What steps are critical for proper delivery of the bronchodilator?
New Card 06/04/2024 What is the mechanism of action of salbutamol? What about prednisone? And spiriva?
New Card 06/04/2024 What are the most common viruses causing URTIs in Canada?
New Card 06/04/2024 How do you differentiate bacterial vs viral conjunctivitis?
New Card 06/04/2024 How do you obtain informed consent for a procedure? E.g. an IM Injection
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